Volume 1 Finale

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(Salem's pov)

I watched Bane getting back up as the Minotaur moved to confront him, a smile formed on my face as I saw him grinning in anticipation. No fear or worry in his gaze, all I saw was excitement in his eyes as he raised his bladed gauntlets towards the Minotaur and got into a defensive stance.

A fearless man, one of the only ones in this world.

As they charged towards each other the others looked at the Seer's globe watching the scene unfold with mixed feelings.

Hazel looked on with a casual, almost bored expression on his face. But I knew better as his eyes watched the globe with a certain intensity that I haven't seen in years.

Tyrian gazed at the Seer with a glint of insanity, laughing every time the Minotaur landed a hit on Bane. The man rubbed his hands together gleefully at the display of violence and cackled maniacally with every strike.

Arthur watched the scene with a interested expression, although his focus was more on the Minotaur then the man fighting it. His eyes carefully watched the Grimm's responses to Bane's attacks, no doubt considering the possibilities of creating more of it's kind.

As Bane stabbed the Minotaur I heard a muffled curse from further down the table, I looked up from the Seer's globe and saw Cinder's hand clench into a fist as she watched Bane slowly begin to push his opponent back

I smirked as her amber eyes, the only visible part of her body, narrowed in anger under her dark hood. A cloak now covered most of her body and all that could be seen of her was her eyes and left arm, the rest was hidden under the heavy shroud she now wore.

Well understandable, even with me giving you a second chance you still failed and was beaten. Makes me desire him even more..

"This is Beacon's guardian? He's nothing but a brute."

My eyes narrowed at Arthur before turning to face him.

"Well this 'brute' is the reason why Cinder is in her current state Doctor Watts, so take that into consideration before you speak so lightly of him."

As I said that Tyrian snickered and looked at me with his crazy eyes.

"If my lady would permit it, I would be more than happy to bring his corpse back to you."

Before I could answer we all heard the doors open, I looked up and smiled as my latest two servants entered the room. My dark knight looked at the Seer and turned towards Tyrian before shaking his head.

"Go up against Bane, you'd be torn appart before you could land a single hit."

"And I suppose you'd be the expert on this particular case wouldn't you dark knight?" Watts said in his usual condescending manner.

My knight turned to face him and a dark cloud began to surround him. The Grimm outside began to get agitated and everyone except me began to feel more and more intimidated by him as the smoke began to thicken.

"You forget, I broke him as well. How many of you can say the same?"

By now the Grimm were shrieking outside, the feeling of fear lingered heavily on the doctor. As my knight walked closer to me he knelt down and held out his hand as I placed my own in his with a smile.

"Now now my champion, there is no need to fight amongst your allies. Besides, we all know of your trials, but let's not focus on the past now."

"As you wish my queen."

Slowly his semblance deactivated and all the others began panting heavily as if a large weight was lifted off their shoulders. He stood up and moved aside as the Cat moved forward.

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