Volume 1.5/ Part 9

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(Bane's pov)

With the last obstacle out of my way I had immediately began to access the missile, eventually breaking it's link with the others after several minutes. As I unloaded the compartment holding the condensed fear toxin the floor under me began to quake. Looking up my eyes widened and my expression became grim as I saw a shadow slowly covering Vale, my eyes watching the Wyvern flying towards Beacon from Mount Glen, Grimm pools forming around the city as it eventually hovered over the academy. Letting out a deafening screech as the tidal wave of Grimm swarmed throughout Vale, laying waste to the city as they began to close in on the academy.

Knowing my time was limited I quickly drew out the fear toxin from the warhead. Readjusting the coordinates for the missiles target before I typed in the launch codes, as I entered in the last digit I heard a mechanical whirring from the screen before the light next to the keypad turned green.

Code agknowledged. Coordinates received. Missile launch in three minutes.

I nodded and drew out my scroll, looking up at the massive dragon landing down on top of the tower before I heard Ivy pick up the phone.

"The missile is handled, what's the situation on your end?"

"All the civilians have been evacuated and the skies are clear. It's all going according to plan."

As I was about to reply I heard a loud crash coming from the head master's office. Looking up my eyes widened as I saw Pyrrha in a heated fight with a cloaked figure, as flames spouted out from the person's hands my eyes widened and I held up the scroll.

".....Evacuate with the others now."


"You heard me. Get as far away from the blast radius as possible. When the missile hits Vale will be gone. And anyone else in it will be turned to ash."

I ended the call, moving onto the roof as I began to scale the tower. My fingers digging into whatever handholds I could find, pulling myself up the structure as the sounds of battle began to intensify. As I drew close to the top I distinctly heard Cinder's voice from the top of the tower. My eyes narrowed and I quickened my pace.

"A shame you were promised a power that was never truly yours."

I climbed over the edge and saw Pyrrha kneeling down in front of Cinder, looking up without fear as she stared into her amber eyes.

"Do you believe.....in destiny?"

She grinned maliciously and met her gaze. Cold and unfeeling.


(No one's pov)

Her eyes narrowing as she raised her bow. A arrow solidifying against the bowstring before she took aim, but before she could fire a shot rang out. The bullet whistling past her head and impacting with the bow, shattering not only the arrow but the weapon completely. The broken pieces of her bow falling onto the cold ground from her hands.

There was a moment of surprise before she let out a grunt as a heavy object slammed into her. Knocking her away from Pyrrha. With a snarl of rage she got back up to her feet with a furious expression, but her rage slowly faded as she saw the man in front of her. A slow grin forming on her face as she looked at Bane, holding Pyrrha by her shoulders before he suddenly passed her to Ruby who seemingly appeared out of nowhere. 

"Get her out of here."

Ruby looked at Cinder, confused before she turned back towards him.
"..Bane, wha-?"

"Go! Now!"

Startled by his outburst she nodded and quickly sped off, leaving a trail of rose petals as she and the potential Fall maiden disappeared. With a curse Cinder raised her hand as a fireball formed and shot out towards them, narrowly missing Ruby as she sped across the rooftops. Cinder raised her hand but as she was forming another flaming projectile she suddenly received a hard blow across her face.

She growled and turned to look at the source of the attack before spinning away from a second strike. Leaning back away from his fist before driving her heel into his chest. Putting some distance between them before she glared at him hatefully, her fists clenched tightly as he looked over her cloaked form, trembling with rage.

"Well here we are again. Just the two of us. Doesn't this seem familiar?"
He said mockingly before she raised her arms and let loose two large beams of fire towards him.

He ducked under the first one before spinning back, dodging the second blast as the flames melted the desk behind him. Moving quickly he sprinted towards her and lashed out with a wide haymaker, slamming his fist into her side. However she wasn't fazed in the least by the impact, simply grinning at his surprised expression before she raised her palm and blasted him away at point blank range.

As he skidded back across the ground from the blast she lunged forward, raising her hands as long black claws extended from her fingers. Swiping down towards his head only to let out a harsh grunt as he drove his heel into her chest, kicking her away from him before he quickly got back up to his feet.

Balancing lightly on his feet he leaned back as she whipped her hands forward. Claws narrowly missing his face before she spun and roundhouse kicked his side, ignoring the impact he caught her leg before she could withdraw it. Trapping it under my arm as he raised his fist, but before he could strike something suddenly latched onto his wrist, locking the hand in place.

(Bane's pov)

Looking up I saw a long black tendril coiled around my wrist, firmly grasping my arm as another one extended from under her cloak. This one ending in a sharp, slightly curved spike, much like a scorpion's stinger. With a flick of her wrist the tendril lashed out toward my head, I leaned back to avoid it but was only partially successful as I felt the tip cut a shallow gash across my shoulder. 

With a glare I released her leg, angling my arm as I shot off the tendril holding it in place, breaking free from her grasp before jumping up and drop kicking her away from me. Landing on my back and quickly rolling to my feet before I blocked another tendril with my gauntlet, shooting it away as it lashed out towards my chest before I leapt back, putting some distance between us as she took off her cloak. Holding it bundled up in her hands as she turned to face me.

My eyes widened as I looked at her. Fists tightening as she slowly drew closer. Her previous pale skin was now replaced with a dark black, leathery hide that was stretched tightly over her form. Small spikes protruded from her shoulders and plates of bone covered her chest, upper arms and legs, creating a makeshift armour. Her arms were long and thin, each one of her fingers ending in four inch long claws. But what really caught my eye were the four tendrils protruding from her lower back. Each about three meters in length, long and writhing. Covered in a black, oily substance that shined in the moonlight.

I raised my fists as her tendrils slowly drew close to her body. Prepared to both strike me at her command, and deflect any blows aimed at her at a moments notice.

Bring it on.

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