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WARNING: This book contains detailed sex scenes with about 7/8 chapters full of smut. If you not comfortable with erotica, Do  Not continue reading and Do not Comment.


I sighed loudly as I entered my apartment. Today, had been a tiring Monday at the office with never ending files.  Plus complains from My secretary, Alessia Greene on how my dear mother kept calling to talk to me about something "exciting" and waste my precious office time.  Her exciting meant discussing about the latest fashion and mentioning the best, news breaking gossip which was on the top of the lists.

I decided to go and have a warm bath and soak my body before I talked with my father ,William Delan, to tell him a report on today's sales. My father had retired from work but that did not stop him from having an iron fist on the business. He traveled  to our other steel-making companies in California for personal satisfaction to ensure everything matched his standard.

He was very strict on how his company ran. If it wasn't for my mothers constant nagging on how he hardly took her for a holiday, then he'd still be sitting on his leather black chair. He'd stare down at all the employees with deadly eyes. Not that I was any less , but compared to him, I was much more approachable. After all, no one really knew me as William Delans daughter. I was in fact his businesses' temporary owner as he worded it in the Time magazine.

When the world got a whiff of how he was leaving the company , reporters and paparazzi had an annoying infatuation with him. They followed him everywhere! Having enough of their nagging one morning, he told them that he hadn't sold the business but rather asked , Sophie D Alice Aka me, to take care of it.
That was about 2  years ago.

After showering and eating dinner , I watched as the clock struck 9 and I picked the vibrating phone from the table. That was the exact time my father would call me everyday from Monday to Saturday and never, in the whole 2 years of me operating the business, had he ever been even a minute late.

Without wasting any time on compliments, I went straight to the main points,

"Today, Simon once again came to offer about investing in his petroleum exporting and offered 35% of his shares" and I continued as I told him the other offers we got.

"35 is still too less! Sophie, I see no hard work from your side. Make it 45 , no less and tell him if he does, we will deposit the money the very same day. " He lowly spoke through the phone just showing how angry he was with me.

If he would be here in New York, he'd have come to the office the next day, shout at me in front of all the other employees and would say how much of a mistake it was to hand me the business.

I still did not understand why he was not happy with a 35. I had increased it from 15 to 35 but still he wanted to get more.
What he wants, no one will  ever know.

Cutting the call after getting semi shouted, I exhaled loudly as I viewed the New York City from my balcony. I was beyond exhausted but the thought of my fathers disappointed face flashed in front of my eyes. It was always like this, No matter how hard I tried, he'd still find a reason to be angry with me.

I sighed and stared at the fast moving cars. I lived in a 2 roomed apartment that was a 5 minute walk from the office. I walked it to and fro daily to work. My father had very 'nicely' declined my request when I asked him for a car . He told me it was a waste of money and the better option was to rather get me even a sardine sized house closer to work.
Stingy man!

My lounge room had a lucky door that lead to the balcony I stood on. I watched the busy traffic for a few more minutes and called it a night . I tried to forget my fathers words  and I went to sleep with a deep slumber , for definitely,  I was not prepared for what was to come the next day.  Surely it was not going to be sunshine and rainbows in my life.


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