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For all the little pervs who messaged me to update, this one is for you.
WARNING: you already know there's a Mature scene ahead .....

{Sophies PoV}

Adam slowly kissed my belly button spreading the wet trail he formed, my stomach tightened in anticipation wanting to know what he was going to do next. He moved his fingers to my pants and looked at my widened list filled ones, his dark grey eyes smouldering with desire heated my body with its intensity. My breath hitched in my throat when he hooked his fingers around my pants and skilfully took it out and threw it away. I hadn't worn any underwear and now I was all naked.I gasped loudly at the thought and Adam smirked sinfully before he looked down, and when he saw my fully naked state, he groaned out loud. I squirmed as that sexy sound of his went directly to my core. Adam looked me in the eyes as his large warm hand covered my thighs and parted them.

"What a naughty girl you are, not wearing underwear," he tsked as his hands caressed my skin slowly moving higher and higher, massaging gently but firmly, digging his fingers into my flesh until his hands were in level with my crotch. I stiffened and attempted to close my legs, embarrassed and ashamed with myself, no man had ever seen me there before, but Adam tightened his hold on my knees, stopping me,

"I'm not going to fuck you until you say !" His husky voice laced with anger spoke, " I just want to see you" his dark grey eyes conveying he was indeed telling the truth.
I shakily nodded at Adam and he pushed my legs wider apart, leaving my crotch open to his stormy greys, I turned my head to the side, pushing my face into the mattress, now regretting the decision of letting him see my most private part but when his thumb caressed the outer folds of my sex ,a ball of unexplainable heat sparked in my stomach making my hips rock forward and my juices gush out.

" Look at you," his husky whisper echoed in the room, " all wet and needy," he said looking at my sex in what must have been admiration but I couldn't see him in the eye,

" Adam," I moaned in frustration and pleasure, arching my back, seeking more from him

" the way you say my name," he groaned, " Tell me Sophie, do you want my fingers fucking your tight virgin hole?" He asked.

The pleasure coursing through my body was so intense that I couldn't even decipher what he was asking, the only thing I could utter was his name,

"Adam please!" I moaned, clutching his hair, pulling them, trying to get him to move.

He groaned lowly before his long fingers parted my folds, moving them extra slow ,torturing me. I pulled his hair desperate for more and that's when his fingers finally slipped in my wet opening. Pleasure shot through my body making me thrust my hips at the new sensations passing through my body.

" Your skin is so soft," Adams lust filled voice rumbled sounding almost animalistic, " and your hole is so tight," he pushed his finger in deeper, spreading more pleasure through my body in its course.

" Ohh" I moaned, parting my legs wider, wanting his finger to go further but his finger remained still and not moving , I thrust my hips up trying to get him to move but it wasn't enough, he wasn't moving!

" Adam please," I begged like a desperate woman,

" Do you want me to move?" He grumbled curling his finger a little, the slight movement was enough for me to moan loudly and grip his hair tightly .
Taking that as an answer, Adam moved his finger. At first, he moved it slowly but even that wasn't enough for the itch to go.

" Adam!" I protested, crying for something I didn't even know, but he knew, he increased the speed of his finger, thrusting into my hole hard , again and again stretching me deliciously , making ripples of pleasure spread throughout my body.

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