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{ Sophie's PoV}

I had woken around 3am in the night, my stomach was grumbling, overwhelming heat was surrounding my body and I found myself naked like the day I was born. I had a heavy, bare leg crushing down on my own and a lazy arm resting on my waist. I looked at the sleeping form of Adam and I cursed at myself. How foolish could I be to fall for the ways of this obnoxious, arrogant man and once again, sleep with him on his bed?

I detached myself from his peacefully, sleeping warm body and groggily stood on my wobbly feet. Last night had been amazing, I had felt intense pleasure, pleasure like never before. I shook my head embarrassed as I remembered what had happened last night, Who knew orgasms could affect women like this? I stumbled in the darkness to the bathroom and switched the light on. I was greeted with the sight of hickeys and finger prints all over my body, even on my freaking breasts!
What the hell!

I entered the shower , swearing curses at myself. How could I let a manwhore get so close to my body? But what can I do, every time those desire filled eyes meet mine, I'm lured into them like a moth attracted to a flame although I know the fire can kill me with its heat but I never pay heed. I scrubbed and scratched my body, trying to get rid of the stupid marks, but instead my body just got redder. The next time Adam uses his mouth on me, I should make sure I flip him around and punch him in the gut. I scrawled at my thoughts, Next time! there shouldn't be any next time.

I tied my hair in a bun and draped a towel around my body. I closed the bathroom door slowly, I didn't want to wake the beast as I flee to my room and I definitely didn't wish to have a repeat of last time. I tiptoed to the door watching Adam extra cautiously. I bumped the coffee table in the dark and Adam moved a bit , fuck! He's going to wake up . I stood frozen, still on my tiptoes, breathing slowly to make sure I didn't make any noise. When I didn't hear any other movement from the bed, I relaxed and walked to the door. That was a close shave.

The dark skies lightened to a shade lighter helping my escape plan, although it was still dark, I could walk around the room better. I held the door knob between my two fingers and I turned to look at Adams fine, muscular chest, he was definitely a warm body to sleep with but I rather not, especially now that I didn't know how I was going to face him. I pushed the door knob down and tried to open the door as quietly as possible to not make any noise but when I pulled the door to open it , I realised , the fucking, conniving bastard had locked the fucking door!
The arsehole !
How on planet earth did that annoying ass know that the first thing I'd do when I'd wake up is run away from him?

Urgh I wanted to break the door open, but obviously I wasn't going to do that, I was dressed in a towel only and I wanted to wear something warm quickly. Deciding to look for the key, I walked back to the dresser, if the door was locked then definitely the key was bound to be somewhere close. I opened the drawers quietly, with great struggle even pushed the heavy vase and checked under it, and also the carpet but it was no fucking where.
Where has he kept it? I was sweating after doing all the searching and the sun was almost out. After searching even in the bathroom I gave up, the man was a pain and deserved to have a taste of his own medicine.

Deciding to at least cover my body with one of Adams shirt ,I walked towards his closet and pressed the button to open the sliding doors to a huge U-shaped walk-in closet filled with designer clothes screaming from all angles. Black, Navy Blue and Grey suits hung side to side next to expensive black and white cotton shirts . On the right, were elegantly rolled ties in black, navy blue and almost all shades of grey. Did this guy only know three colours? I sat on the centre couch and looked at the closet in amazement. One entire wall was made of shiny, black leather shoes and a glass rack of Classic Black Armani and Apple watches. Everything in here was branded and expensive, heck even a sophisticated smell was lingering in the air. Shaking my head at there not being even a speck of dirt, I carefully grabbed a black shirt. I buttoned up the shirt quickly all the time swearing profanities at Adam. If only I hadn't come to this trip then I'd be at home enjoying my sleep.

I walked out of the closet to see Adam sleeping comfortably.
Throwing him a glance, I looked at the inviting space next to him on the bed but I ignored the call of sleep and walked to watch the sky. It was so beautiful as it gradually changed colours to a dark purple than a beautiful pink and as the fiery ball emerged, it turned to a bright orange. I was so lost in nature's beauty that I didn't even know Adam was awake, not until an arm wrapped around my waist and a hot, moist tongue attacked my neck. I arched my back and nearly moaned at the unexpected pleasure when I remembered what the asshole had done. I nudged his head with my shoulder, not letting him continue with his assault but the annoying man, growled in my ear and tightened his hold on me.

I pushed on his fingers and untangled my body from his. I moved far away from him until we were standing opposite to each other. He was almost naked and was only dressed in his boxers, reminding me of what we had done yesterday and how wrong it was.

" Stop it Adam!" I told him angry. All the time instead of conversing like normal human beings, we either argued or he distracted me with his kisses but today, I was going to voice my thoughts.

" What is it Sophie?" Adam asked in a tone of anger but there was a small hint of worry as well.
Is he worried? Or am I just assuming it?

"We can't have a repeat of last night," I told him going straight to the point. I hated going around the bush and preferred being blunt at all times.

" Why?" He asked with an almost bored look. He and I both knew that if he advanced towards me right now and kissed me, I'd be putty in his arms within seconds, that was the effect he already had on me, but he must have noticed the serious, no nonsensical face of mine, so he just arched a brow.

" Because it's not good," I told him, almost raising my voice before I calmed down.

" Why?" He asked again and I nearly lost my temper,

" Why? Because we aren't married for fucks sake!" I told him not caring if I swore in front of him and didn't act like a proper lady,
" You're still like a stranger to me, I don't even know anything about you other than the fact that you're a rich bastard and own more than 3 islands. Heck! I didn't even know the hotel we were staying in was yours!" I told him seething with my palms clenched on my side.

" If the island is mine, wouldn't the hotel be mine too Sophie?" Adam asked in a low, calm voice. His calmness made me more angry, how was he still maintaining his cool?

" Did you ever, even once tell me the island is yours?" I told him glaring at him, " No! I knew only after Ben told me."

" Now You know, isn't it?" Adam asked me with his eyes narrowed , " and I shouldn't see you talk to Benjamin again!"

" No way am I going to stop talking to him! You have no right to tell me who to or not to talk to, especially if you are just my freaking fiancé!" I told Adam, our eyes staring intently at each other's, both filled with anger and changed to a shade darker. The tension in the room had risen so quickly that it could easily be cut with a knife. Adam remained silent for a few minutes, comprehending the words I just said before he filled the silence with his gruff voice,

" If that's the case," he said, his eyes turning blank and inexpressive, " then pack your bags." I looked at him narrowing my eyes, waiting intently for him to finish what he was saying, " We're getting married tomorrow" were his last parting words before he turned his back on me and walked out of the room.

I stood shocked on my spot,
What the fuck just happened?


Who was expecting that to happen?
Stay tuned to know what happens next

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