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{ Sophie's PoV}

I sipped a cup of coffee as I watched the fiery ball set from one of the large windows in Adams lounge area.
It had been three days since I meet Reyah and I still hadn't gotten over my shock. I wanted to ask her so many questions but I didn't want to call her.
I still wasn't ready to meet her again.
With her returning back, I know something disastrous was going to happen.

" You still thinking about Saturday." Adams arms engulfed me, breaking my train of thoughts.

I relaxed against his suited chest, making shivers run down my body. During the past three days, Adam hadn't left me alone. He held me in his arms when I panicked and made me forget everything by giving me intense pleasure. He dint even let me go shower alone. Today, too, he didn't want to leave for work and I had to force him.

Teeth scraped across my neck and I arched my back. My entire body was full of hickeys, but the worst were my breasts. They were covered with red marks everywhere!

" Adam" I gasped as his teeth nibbled on my ear. Heat was pooling in my centre and his hard erection was pressing against my ass.
The insatiable Man!

" Hmm," he murmured against my ear. The words I missed you were on the tip of my tongue but I controlled myself before I blurted them out.
Was I getting too attached to him?
I hoped not.

If Reyah was back for good, surely my father would hand the business to her. I'll no longer be co-owner and I don't know if this agreement with Adam will still be viable or not.

" You've been blanking a lot Preciosa," Adam said his hold tightening around me.
If only he knew what I was thinking about.

" I was just going to ask you what you want to eat for dinner?" I asked Adam, turning around in his arms so now my chest pressed against his. I placed my palm on his jaw and looked at his stormy greys.
Goodness, his eyes were gorgeous.

" You," Adam murmured, returning back to placing hickeys on my neck and pulling me tighter against he chest.

" Adam" I groaned pushing his chest, "I'm being serious!" My voice came out muffled against his body.

" So am I." Adam lifted his head to give me a blank look before his face moved back down to my upper chest.
Stupid man!

I pushed myself away from his hold and raised an eyebrow at him,
" I'm starving, if you don't want to eat anything than I'm making chicken rolls" I told him stubbornly.

" I already told you what I wanted to eat ," Adam said coming closer to me but I was quick to move to the side, moving closer to the couch.

" Uh uh mister, I am not on the menu." I told him placing a hand out in front of me as Adam kept advancing towards me.

" Who said?" Adam asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

" I said," I narrowed my eyes at him and just as I went to take a step back, Adam launched forward.

I screeched as a handsome suited Adam ran after me. He was right behind me and I could feel his body heat so close to mine. In the last minute, I found a coffee table and pushed it behind, blocking his path. But that still didn't stop him. He still was right behind me and I sought protection behind the sofa.

Now a smirking Adam stood a few inches in front of me with the wall behind and the elevator on my right. But if I ran towards it, Adam would easily catch me.
Heck, I was already breathing heavy and he was fine.

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