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{ Sophie's PoV}

I entered the dim lit hallway and walked back to the lounge. Reyah was nervously walking from side to side and stopped when I entered.

" Lets go in the balcony," I told her, heading towards the double glass doors. I wanted to watch the starry night to avoid the awkwardness.

I felt Reyah settle next to me and there was an odd silence between us. Once upon a time, we'd never cease our talking and now, we couldn't even start.

" How have you been all these years Soph?" Reyah asked, holding the banister. Her pale bony fingers looked weird wrapped around the black metal

" I've been fine." I shrugged my shoulder still watching the stars.

Tonight the moon was a whole round, illuminating the clouds nearby, just conveying what a horrifying night it was.

" You definitely aren't" Reyah said turning to look at me,
" talk to me Sophie." She stared at me but I didn't turn
" Please." She pleaded.

But I remained silent. Then out of nowhere, my father answered.

" She's fine Reyah. Can't you see? She's enjoying her life after ruining yours," My father spoke harshly, his words ringing in my ears but I didn't turn to look at him.
How Typical of him to put the blame on me.

" Papa!" Reyah screeched, "...Please do not interfere," she said talking angrily "... and she didn't ruin my life!"

" Oh don't lie now Reyah." My father retorted ,
" She didn't only make your life miserable, but also your mamma's and mine. And after seeing how Adam was tonight, I'm sure even his . "

" What are you indirectly implying by saying that Father?" I turned to look at Him . His words made me fucking furious.

" If I really did make mothers life miserable than why was I invited for dessert tonight?" I coldly spoke,not giving a shit when he narrowed his eyes. I hardly spoke back at him but now, I have had enough.

" ...and worse, why am I still working in your business?"

" Sophie!" Reyah angrily said but I cared not. It was time I let it all out.

" Don't 'Sophie' me Reyah." I looked at Reyah. Her eyes were pleading me not to say anything to worsen the situation, but I was furious .

" You want to know how I've been right?" I told her, my voice lowering as I spoke angrily ,

"well I've been fucking tired and depressed." I turned to face her as I spoke,

" For the past five years, I've been working my ass out from 8 to 6, only to come back home to a father who doesn't give a fuck on my opinion and only wants his way." I clenched my palm as I spoke.

" ....I meet my mother in 2 months because she's so fucking obsessed with clothes and gossip." Reyah gasped but I continued talking.

" I hardly have any friends cause the ones I had were cowards and foolish enough to run away." I spoke hinting at her and Ethan making her eyes filled with unshed tears.

" ... and you must be wondering about Adam. Even he is cause of your father only," I said gesturing to my father who looked at me with his jaw clenched,

"I go to work one morning and know I'm supposed to get married to a stranger." I took deep breaths controlling my anger

"....so tell me now Reyah who's ruined who's life? Have I ruined yours? or have you mine?". My nails were digging into my palms, drawing blood but I ignored the pain.

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