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{ Sophie's PoV}

Adam didn't even wait for me before he walked out of his black Mercedes and strolled into a building I didn't even know existed before. He was still brooding and the whole plane ride back to New York , he didn't even utter a word to me. Heck, he didn't even spare me a glance, It was like as if I was non-existent and not sitting on the seat opposite him, he was full on ignoring me and I don't know whether I'm supposed to be happy or sad with the fact that he was no longer staring at me with those intense greys.

I hurried behind Adam as quickly as I could with my work shoes. I had dressed in the clothes which I wore when I left from work on Monday morning, my black pants with my black button up shirt and my work shoes because obviously, these clothes were better then the ones my mother packed.

I walked in the marble floored lobby of the classy building to see the receptionist busy on the phone and no sign of Adam anywhere close by. I looked around the hall searching for his tall muscular back before my orbs clashed with his, obviously, his Majesty was already settled in an elevator. And what colour elevator was it?
A fucking gold one!
Great! another building that he owns which I have absolutely no idea of.

I walked to the elevator slowly, not caring whether or not I pissed His majesty more.I was tired of seeing those darn elevators everywhere and anywhere I go, like was it seriously necessary to put them in every building of theirs!

I settled next to Adam, putting enough distance between us and Adam ,angry as ever, he punched the 12th floor button bitterly. The whole elevator ride was tensed, full of anger and I was dull . I was going to take such an important step in my life and I was feeling empty and emotionless. Wasn't I meant to feel happy and excited, after all I was getting married, but obviously no, it was a court marriage that was arranged by Force.

" Let's go," Adams voice broke the silence when we reached. We walked in a deserted, brown carpeted lobby with no one in view. My heels clicked against the wooden flooring and we could hear the echo loud and clear. We reached a steel door and just as Adam raised a palm to knock on the door, the door pulled open and a short, slender woman threw herself on Adam, shocking me with her blatant behaviour,

" Hermano!" She screeched and I mentally cringed at her ecstasy. She looked so tiny hugging Adam and soon she peppered kisses on his cheeks, oh god! I looked at Adam to assess his reaction and I saw his lips curled a little, ah so he finally shows another emotion other than anger. Who was this special woman who actually got His Majesty to smile?

" I have been waiting for you since 20 minutes, the cinnamon buns have gotten cold, now, come on." She said dragging Adam without even looking at me or even introducing herself to me.
Wow, what a way to treat a guest!

Ignoring her rudeness, I entered her office and cringed, the whole office was full of different bright green colours, reflecting the sunlight.Potted plants were placed everywhere, looking more like a greenhouse than an office.

Adam was well settled on a couch and the crazy woman was no where to be seen, I stood like a sore thumb by the door, lost and confused, not knowing whether I should make myself comfortable or not? What were we even doing here in the first place ?

I watched as the woman emerged from a room holding a baking tray, talking animatedly,
" the coffee cookies are sweet this time so don't complain," she spoke looking at Adam with so much love and respect,

" We're not here for tea Roxy," Adam spoke to the woman, " I'm in a hurry, bring the papers," the Roxy woman just frowned and walked to get said papers. Oh so she was the lawyer who was going to conduct our marriage. Soon Adam stood up and walked to the opposite door, leaving me all alone on the office. I walked closer to the couch as the cookies lured me towards them. Who can ignore cookies and with the smell they were emitting, I couldn't help but glance at them. I smirked as I recognised the brown goodies, she had made coconut coffee cookies, no wonder she was telling Adam they'd be sweet.

" Why are you dressed like a widow?" A feminine voice startled me, breaking my cookie thoughts

" Excuse me!" I looked at the short woman. She reached my chest and looked like a midget standing next to me. she was assessing me from top to bottom and I rolled my eyes.
Typical rich woman behaviour!

" Your getting married and you came dressed in all black! Ridiculous!" Roxy spoke looking at me incredulously, before her expression soon turned to disgust.

"So," I raised an eyebrow as I spoke, " you want me to wear a 10 metre gown dress trailing behind me with flowers in my hand and sign a paper in this office ," I told her sarcastically, looking at her before I made myself comfortable on the seat, my legs were still sore from the plane ride and I wasn't going to wait for her to tell me to sit

" Anyone can tell your going to be the bitch in the wedding," Roxy said shaking her head at me.

I gave her a deadly look before i spoke,
" I rather be a bitch than a fucking obedient slave!" The moment I said that, she shut up and I felt my blood pressure rise, I hated people who judged others especially when they didn't know any thing about them. This woman, she didn't even know my name and was already calling me a bitch!
Insolent brat!

Adam came out of the room to meet my angry face, he looked at me than at a vexed Roxy before he plucked the papers out of Roxy's hand,

" Here sign them," he said handing me the marriage contract. I read through the papers and rolled my eyes, one of the clauses actually included me not having another partner while I was in this marriage.
I gave Adam an annoyed look and signed my life away to him.
May the lord have mercy on me and protect me from this arrogant man!

He grabbed the pen from my hand and even signed the paper. I stood up and looked at Roxy who gave me a crazed smirk , " I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Adam Larsen," her smirk just spread wider as she spoke, "You May kiss your bride Hermano,".

I gave her a killer look, she was getting on my nerves and rubbing salt on my wounds, " there's no need," I told her giving her a fake smile," we have other things to be doing rather then spend our time kissing in here," I said giving her office a disgusted look. Adam looked at me with narrowed eyes before he wrapped his arm around me and he nodded in her direction.

We walked to the door and Roxy's voice stopped Adam just as we reached the door ,
"ella se ve muy familiar hermano," Adam stiffened as he heard those words, "ten cuidado y deja tus ojos abiertos".

He turned towards her and the both of them exchanged looks with their eyes and before I could even decipher the meaning of that short eye contact, we walked out of the office. Adam rushed us towards the elevator and I nearly tripped as my heel got stuck to the carpet, I looked up to tell Adam to slow down, when I saw him m lost in his thoughts, not even realising I had nearly fallen.

What did the bitch tell him that got him so worked up?

It was definitely about me, but What exactly?
Now I really wanted to know....


Hermano - brother

ella se ve muy familiar hermano - She looks oddly familiar brother.

ten cuidado y deja tus ojos abiertos - be careful and leave your eyes open.

Ohhhhhh dramas on its way...

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