⚜️4 ⚜️

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Answering the call, hoping it to be Alessia asking me which latte I wanted , I didn't expect to hear my fathers voice.

" We'll be going to the Larsen office at 2. Don't take a lunch break ,we'll be gone for a while" and the phone line cut before I could even utter a word.

It had been almost a month since my father had mentioned about my so called marriage. I was so engrossed in work that I had forgotten all about it  and neither my father had mentioned it. But I'm sure more than I, he was bothered by the fact that we could not meet my so called fiancé.

I saw the clock on the wall as it read 12:25 and I grunted.  I had only an hour to complete reading the reports. The Larsen company was fifteen minutes from our office and if my father said 2 , that means at 2 on the dot, we should be entering the office.

I increased my working pace until I was disturbed by Alessia informing me of my father waiting downstairs. I grabbed my phone in my hand and walked into the elevator quickly. I entered my fathers car and quickly took out my pumps as I sat in the car.

My father had a strict policy of not wearing any shoes in his car. No matter how clean they were or no matter how sick you were, if you sat in any of his car, you had to take your shoes out and sit.
He was very weary about dirt.

I glanced in his direction to see him dressed in his navy suit. He always wore one whenever an important occasion was going on. He caught my eyes and noticed my outfit,

"What are you wearing ?" he grunted , disgusted with my black pants, peach formal top and low bun. I looked decent and there were no pen marks on me , then why was he disgusted with me?

Ignoring him, I sat comfortably on the leather seat as I sat in his Audi after ages. Reaching the office, I took my black pumps and wore them before placing my feet on the gravel. I thanked Alzer as I walked to my fathers side and we both entered the 50 storey building.

Busy people walked in all directions with sleek phones and apple tabs in their hands. Women were dressed with branded skirts and silk shirts and men were dressed classy and decent.
No wonder my father looked down at me.

After greeting the blonde receptionist, I followed my father into a golden elevator as we were lead up to the 58th floor. We walked out to a well lit lobby which had a cosy looking lounge area and another pretty red head who was the secretory sitting in the corner of the wide room ,

" Hello , we have an appointment with Mr Larson" I told the red head whose name was Rose as I told her    our name. She asked us to have a seat as she went to inform the boss about our arrival.

Rose came back a bit flustered and asked us to go right in without any further information.We strode towards the glass door as a skimpy red dressed, tall model sauntered with clicking heels from the same direction with lipstick smeared and hair messed. I raised my eyebrow as I caught the woman's eye but instead of being embarrassed, the woman had the nerve to smirk.

Leaving my face blank, we entered the glass room where I saw a tall, a very tall man, with his muscular back facing us , busy fixing his buttons.
The first time I meet my fiancé and he's busy with sexual activities.
Wow ! Absolutely Perfect
I moved my eyes to look at my fathers reaction but his face ,like mine, was blank. I wondered what was running through his mind.

Finally the 6'5 muscular man turned around to greet us with a clenched jaw and his long fingers busy closing the cufflinks of his tailored Armani black shirt. He was gorgeous with words inadequate to describe him . His features were sharp and straight with eyes grey like a storm and brows perfectly shaped . His shoulders straight and his chest broad with a slim waist and thighs, muscular and thick.

" Good afternoon  Adam " my father greeted him as he shock his hands and as his grey eyes turned to greet me, I just nodded my head somehow too stunned to talk to such a good looking specimen. As tempted as I was , there was No way I was going to touch his hands
God knows what not he  had touched.
Now I was definitely disgusted with him.
But as he continued studying me with those intense grey eyes of his , I could not help but feel the power and dangerous aura he was radiating , spreading through my body like burning fire.

He narrowed his stormy eyes in my direction and in his deep voice he asked us to sit.  Sitting on the white couches, I marvelled at the large book wall on the side. It had well covered books  which shone in the afternoon light.
"I assume you were not informed of our arrival Adam" my father said sarcastically looking at the guy as he came to sit across us.
" I was Mr Delan,   " he said smirking,  before he continued talking, " we all know how busy we can be at lunch time" .
Cocky much.
My hatred levels for him were rising pretty quickly.

" I see you are well acquainted with Melanie Robert" my father said referring to the skimpy model who we saw. Ah so she was Melanie Robert. Finally I put a face to the name.

Melanie Robert was the most dirty woman ever in the business world. She  flattered every man to get what she wanted and no one could resist her charms.  she was very pretty and it looks like my fiancé has more than a friendly  relationship with her.  She was a successful slut in my opinion but for my father who always compared me to him, she was the perfect child.

Rolling me eyes to how dumb men are,  I kept quiet as Adam said , " we are not here for useless banter. I suggest we get straight to the point and start signing the papers" he said with finality in his voice.
Arrogant arse

He handed me a file and asked me to read it. Quickly skimming through it and reading every point super fast ,I made sure to count how long the file was as well. Exactly 5 pages.

Business Men were very sneaky. They took signatures from you regarding something different and after a while ,they added a clause of their own changes  and claim that you agreed to it.

" Are you satisfied with it Miss Delan?" Adam said staring intently at me. I looked up at his stormy eyes and nodded my head before pulling out a pen from my pocket and signing 5 years of my life to the cocky man in front of me.

Hope I have the strength to stay strong during the next 1827 days.


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