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Dedicated to MalaKuna for voting, commenting and being an amazing friend .

{ Sophie's PoV}

I wore the bathrobe that was on the corner and emerged from the bath, a delicious aroma assaulted my senses urging me to have a quick shower and came out. I entered the room and saw a black suited confident Adam talking on the phone and a trolley with breakfast opposite him. I walked to the couch and mentally squealed, there were chocolate chip cookies and flapjacks with Nutella smeared on them, one of my favourite calorie intake.

I sat down and filled my plate with the flapjacks not caring how savage-like I looked. Although I came from a rich family I wasn't so conscious on how I ate, I preferred eating food with my fingers rather than forks and knife and I didn't really care whether I messed my chin or lap. I rolled a flap and quickly devoured it not even batting an eyelash at Adam who kept staring at me while talking on the phone,

" Will you join me or not?" I asked after swallowing a piece and instead of answering me, Adam just came and stood next to me. He gripped my wrist and turned the fork to his mouth feeding himself the piece I just cut. I looked at him annoyed, why does he have to always come in between me and my food?Adam just ignored me and continued listening to whoever was on the other side.

I watched his jaw transfixed as he chewed but I was again interrupted by him nudging my shoulder, I looked at him raising a brow and he just nodded at my plate. What? Did he want me to feed him again? Why was it feeling like I was a part of those romantic couples who have picnics outdoor in a garden with the girl feeding the guy, I mentally gagged at the thought, I'd never would want to be a cliche girl like that and never would I ever dream of feeding the arrogant arse. I pulled his hand towards me with his palm facing upwards and placed my plate on his hand, I fake smiled in his direction and picked my cup of milk. Time to attack these cookies.

Adam loudly dropped the plate back on the metal trolley, the sound resonating in the whole room and I looked up at his angry face, seriously, he was angry cause I gave him the plate so he should feed himself? His jaw was clenched and his eyes were darker, I just swallowed and turned back to dipping my cookie in the milk.

" Can you eat faster Miss.Delans?" Adam spoke rudely, " we don't have all day."

I turned back to him giving the most deadliest look, " if you hadn't caused all the shower fiasco I'd be done by now" I told him sarcastically clenching my teeth, I hated people who put the blame on others just to save their ass and to look good,

" Are you saying it was my fault Miss Delans?," Adam asked narrowing his eyes at me and moving closer to me, I just raised my chin , not backing down, he and I, we both very well knew whose fault it was, I stared him straight in his eyes, my brown eyes clashing against his catastrophic grey ones. We stared at each other for a few seconds before his voice cut the tension in the room,

" at least have the decency to dress modestly Miss Delans," Adam spoke menacingly, " you are not in your own room to be roaming around dressed like that," he said pointing at the white robe I was dressed in,

" Excuse me," I spoke my blood boiling and my pressure rising, " if it weren't for your so called lame excuse of a meeting then I'd be in my room with my clothes with me," I replied back angrily, " oh I'm sure you just lied about going for a meeting and instead went to fuck your sex buddy, what was her name again? oh yes Melanie" I said spitting venom with every word coming out of my mouth not caring whether I sounded absurd or not,

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