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Longggg chapter ahead.

{ Sophie's POV}

I hesitantly nodded in Adams direction as he made himself comfortable on the chair opposite me, staring me down with his stormy eyes . I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat, I had to tell him everything, How long was I going to hide the truth for?

" My mum and dad were high school sweethearts," I began, my voice coming out raspy. I cleared my throat before I continued,

" They got married straight after finishing University. After many trials of not conceiving children, my parents opted for IVF." I walked to the window and watched the leaves sway in the breeze before I continued talking ,

" and like many IVF cases, my mother gave birth to twins, My sister, Reyah and I." I turned to look at Adam as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion . His reaction just made me smile, it was no surprise. Hardly anyone knew about William Delans children.

"Smart, talented Reyah was the one born with my fathers dark green eyes ," I said jutting my chin in the direction of the pictures sprawled on the table ,"and I was born with my mothers brown ones ." Adam lifted a picture and surveyed it, realising that the eye colours were different.

He looked at me, tilting his head a little to the left, staring intently in my eyes before he nodded his head, telling me to continue.

" My father was ecstatic to have the intelligent daughter look like him ," I chuckled bitterly, " But still the both of us were musketeers. We pulled pranks on people, made my mother sob in helplessness and made teachers pull their hair in frustration." A smile lit my face as I remembered all the good old memories.

" However, things went downhill when we were thirteen years old. Both Reyah and I had competitions on who pulled the better prank . I wanted to win that year as the previous two years, Reyah had won. So I pulled a prank on the Principal, completely forgetting that my father and Him were good friends." I could feel Adams stare burn holes on my back as I talked but I wasn't going to face him, especially when I talked about my life.

" Princiapal Stevens directly approached my father and complained about all the pranks my sister and I done. My father was angry. He was embarrassed to know his thirteen year old daughters used words like Fuck, sex and bitch. He called the two of us in his office and lectured us on how wrong it was for the daughters from such a prestigious family use such vulgar language and carry out childish actions." I snorted loudly, even then all he cared about was his reputation .

Shaking my head I continued,
" Reyah was a Papas Little Princess and so she went and blabbered everything to my father. She put all the blame on me saying I forced her to do things and that she was innocent."

I looked at Adam and his jaw was clenched, wow even he was pissed,
"Bitch move I know, but what do you expect from thirteen year olds" I said, shrugging my shoulders. After all, it was half true, I'd encourage Reyah to do my pranks with me.

" My father told me to write an apology letter to Principal Stevens but I didn't listen. I was a stubborn teenager and I didn't write . Reyah, wanting to make it back in my good books, wrote the letter on my behalf and even went and gave it to Principal Stevens. My father got a copy of the letter and seeing the vocabulary used, my father knew straight away Reyah had written it. As a punishment to the both of us, my father sent us to two different boarding schools to teach us on how to behave. But I cared not. I was a stubborn girl and no one was going to tell me what to do " I smiled as I spoke,

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