⚜️ 36 ⚜️

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{ Sophie's PoV}

I rolled my eyes impatiently as I waited in the golden walls of the elevator. I was starving and I couldn't wait to eat something. The gold metal rolled open and I stood facing a massive, white tiled kitchen. Every inch of steel in the kitchen shone in the afternoon light, glistening and glimmering like as if it was just newly bought.

" Hello," I lowly mumbled, but my voice echoed back making me cringe.

There was no sign of anyone around and not even a single sound could be heard except for the sound of my shallow breathing. I looked around the stainless kitchen before my eyes caught sight of the steam coming out of the freshly prepared food. My stomach grumbled in anticipation and I all but rushed to eat.

It was around 3 pm when I woke up and felt no warm body holding me down and no sign of Adam. I had thought I would wake up to Adam using one of his many sexual ways, kissing or cuddling me with his large palms on my body, but I was surely not expecting to find myself in the middle of his bed, all alone with cold covers.
How oddly strange!

Ignoring the slight pinch on my gut, I adjusted myself on the king sized bed, curling into a foetus position, enjoying the cold sheets on my body and wanting to fall asleep again when, out of nowhere, a voice filled the silence of the huge room,

" Good Afternoon Mrs Larsen. Hope you're finally awake. If you are then could you please press the green button next to the bed so I can prepare some food for you. If not then..." a feminine voice spoke kindly yet tiredly before mumbling something lowly.

The mention of food made me realise just how much I was starving and I cringed as I reluctantly pressed the green button,I still wanted to sleep but food was more important. I stood up from the bed, stretching my body and I sighed in contentment, the Epsom salt had really done some wonders to my body and it was a lot less sore. If I wouldn't have encouraged Adam for another endeavour in the bath, then definitely I'd be fine. Ignoring the slight throbbing of my core, I walked into the elevator wanting to devour food.

And now, I sat in front of a large bowl of homemade pasta made by someone who I didn't even know. I picked the fork up and inhaled the smell of the herbs before I dug in. I had a bite of the sweet, cheesy pasta and moaned, It was so freaking delicious!
Whoever made it, was definitely a master chief!

I was enjoying my second serving when the elevator opened and in strolled a handsome, suited Adam. I looked in his direction and gave him a small smile, but he completely ignored me and walked towards the fridge. I raised a brow in his direction, watching his muscular back flex before I picked my fork up and lifted some pasta to my mouth. I wanted to finish eating , but I could feel Adams eyes glaring straight at me. I couldn't help myself and I looked up at him again, What was up with him?

And voicing out my thoughts I asked him just that,
" What's up?" and I mentally cringed. What's up, seriously! where we some high school teenagers?

I curiously followed his motion as he walked calmly back but I could feel the thunder in his iris rise, the upcoming storm hanging low. He settled in the seat in front of me yet still didn't lift his face to look me in the eye, not until I said his name,

" Adam?"

He raised his thunderous eyes to mine and I nearly gasped at the intensity of them. They were dark, dangerous and pinned me to my seat.

" What?" He almost . and I scrunched my face in confusion. Wasn't I supposed to be the one angry with him? He had left me to wake up all alone, making me feel cheap and low . But no, the way his eyes were staring, no rather glaring at me, it looked like it was all my fault.

I stared back deep in his eyes, not blinking, his raging eyes were clashing fiercely against mine but I wasn't going to back down, If he wanted to be a mean arse so could I. I took in a deep breath and controlled my rising temper before I spoke in a calm voice,
" Where were you?"

He scoffed, moving his gaze away from mine,
" Wouldn't you want to know?" He said dangerously low.

" Excuse me!" I whispered shocked.
Why was he giving me the cold shoulder ?

I gave him an incredulous look and I watched as he breathed in deeply and closed his eyes, making the furrow in between his eyes disappear partially and after a few deep breaths he finally spoke,

"I had to attend an unexpected meeting okay " Adam spoke angrily. I looked in his direction expectantly and he groaned before he continued, " it wasn't successful and tomorrow, I have to meet him again."

I nodded in Adams direction in understanding before I picked my fork up. My pasta was getting cold and definitely it was more important than some stranger. And also, I wanted to finish eating quickly so I could watch some tv like a lazy potato for once, but just as I went to lift my fork to my mouth, long fingers wrapped around the bowl.

I raised a brow to Adam and he sinisterly smirked in my direction before he attempted to pull the bowl closer to him. I wasn't going to let him have my food and so I tightened my grip on the fork, adding more pressure to the centre of the bowl, pushing it further down on the table.

" Get your own," I told Adam narrowing my eyes at him, no one ate my food especially when said person was being a mean arsehole a few minutes ago.

" But I want this one. " Adam said, pulling the bowl closer to him and I pulled it back to me,

" But it's mine!" I stubbornly told him,

" And you're mine so it's even mine!" Adams lips stretched to a slight grin and his eyes twinkled in achievement and my breath caught in my throat, how the fuck was he so utterly handsome?

When I finally registered his words, a slight blush rose to my cheeks and my hold on the fork faltered making Adam pull the bowl toward him. I looked up at Adam in a surprise and he winked in my direction standing up from his seat with MY bowl of pasta.

" oh and tomorrow you'll accompany me to the meeting," Adam said caging me in just before he left the room, he placed a light kiss on my neck and I swore mentally,
What the fuck just happened? And why was my heart beating so fast but more importantly, I wished I had turned to look at the dangerous possessive look that Adam had in his eyes.

If only I had, I would have been slightly prepared of what was going to happen tomorrow.


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