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Coffee in my hand, jacket draped on the other and black rimmed glasses firm on my nose, I walked with confusion as I saw strange men walking all around the lobby . They were dressed in orange jumpsuits and were busy taking measurements around the lobby.

I walked to the elevator to see it occupied with 3 strange men busy talking jargon. They also ignored me as I asked them what was going on. I was clueless and I hated it. My father must've called them to fix the elevator.

Taking the stairs two at a time, I walked quickly to my office to see no sign of Alessia as well. It was 8:05 and everyone in the office arrived at 8, five minutes had passed yet there was no sign of any employee of mine.

Deciding to dump my now cold coffee and my suit jacket on my desk, I walked towards my office. Seems like I'd just have to call Alessia and ask her what was happening.

Upon entering my office, my jaw dropped down, my eyes widened to their maximum , my lips parted and I was in partial shock as I saw the scene in front of me.

More  people with hammers and wood pieces worked about destroying my office, picking my floral vases and dumping them like waste.
Oh my precious cosy office.

What the hell was happening and who the hell was in charge? I looked from one end of the room to the other before my eyes zeroed on my target, none other
than my freaking fiancé,

With steam coming out from my ears and eyes narrowed to slits, I walked with fury towards him. I stabbed him with my index finger as I  spoke with clenched teeth ,
"What the hell is going on? ".

The arrogant arse done his signature smirk before he spoke,
"Oh love, I was waiting just for you," he said love with such sweetness that I felt sick to my stomach.

Wrapping his arm around me, he bent and kissed my cheek .Pushing away from his fake embrace and rubbing out any trace of him from my check , I fisted my left hand at his relaxed posture.

After seeing my clenched jaw, the arrogant arse spoke with humour,
"As you can see, renovations are going on love" he winked.

This guy has got to be kidding me,
" renovations for what?" I spoke in the most deadliest voice I had,

"Well your office had paint which was scraping off, the elevators were old and slow and the worst, your office was nasty, especially the cream walls. They resembled a paint job ruined" he spoke of my office with not even once considering my feelings , "...and it doesn't match the Larsen standards  " he said nonchalantly.
This annoying piece of shit!

"Who gave you the right to come and renovate without my approval " I moved closer to him as my temper skyrocketed. I was pissed with the man.
Who the hell does he think he is to barge in my life for not even a week and make changes so drastic like this. How could he already invade my office space? I poked his chest once again, trying to move his stupid muscular body but he didn't even move an inch.

He gripped my arm and pulled me harshly until I was under his nose as he whispered menacingly,
" Let's not forget who is owner as well" his grip tightened making me wince, as he continued,
"and if you want to know about approval, go ask your dad" he said bitterly.

His words were a slap to the face. Every single word pierced my heart bit by bit. My father agreed to him. He gave more importance to a man then his own daughter.

The cream walls Adam spoke so ill of was  my grandfathers favourite colour. And he spoke of the elevators being old and noisy, yes, even I had wanted to fix them but my father had refused saying we could not afford it.
What had happened to the expenses now? Was impressing his new partners so important to him that he didn't care about the money anymore.

My heart squeezed in agony thinking of how once again my dear father ignored me and done things to his likings . I felt so useless and low right now .

Still feeling the iron grip of Adam, I scratched and peeled off his fingers . I looked him in the eyes before I pushed my glasses back in place and moved far from him. I quickly surveyed the room before turning around and heading off to the my house.

If he wanted to really renovate my office he should continue all he wants, the egoistic arrogant, fed with a golden spoon fool was free to do what he wants and I wasn't going to waste my time with him.



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