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{ Sophie's PoV}

" You can put me down you know" I told Adam trying to get him to let me go. I didn't like his body heat so close to mine and the weather wasn't even helping, I was sweating like crazy.

" How much do you weigh Miss Delans?" He asked me looking at me intensely . There you go, he asked me the question almost every guy asks, now I'll answer him and then he'll mock me about my weight , telling me how fat I was and how stupid I was for wearing black from top to bottom in this heat. I rolled my eyes as I replied to him,
" Why?"

" You do that quite often" Adam spoke saying the word often while pronouncing the " T". I really wanted to correct him but the way he said it melted my insides, " You answer a question with a question"
I felt my cheeks go red. It's definitely the heat Sophie and not cause of Adam staring down at you.

I turned my head away from him and saw him heading towards a helicopter, how didn't I notice it before.
" I'm sure you weight 56 Kgs Miss Delans. There's nothing to be embarrassed about and I wouldn't mock you" he said with that deep Italian accent of his before he placed me on the seat of the helicopter.
How did he know what I was thinking?

" I'm not embarrassed about my weight Mr. larsen" I told him stubbornly, "....and I weigh 58" I told him before wearing the ear plugs , ignoring him and tying my seat belt. We soon were many kilometres above. I was mesmerised as we flew over the clear blue waters, I could see tiny people walking around on the beach and some people even paragliding. It looked like so much fun and I was getting energised just by looking at them.

I smiled down at them and I could feel Adams eyes on me, " First time here?" He mouthed, I laughed as I nodded. It was so pretty from on top here and I was enjoying it. The air was blowing my hair all around and unfortunately my hair tie flew away. I watched open mouthed as my black hair tie was carried away by the winds. I huffed as I tried to get my hair to settle down but the wind was too strong. After attempting for the third time I left it.

After a few minutes, the helicopter finally came to a stop on a helipad, Adam untied his belt and came out of his seat and disappeared to god knows where. I looked around me to see no sign of living things except for me and Ben.

" Where are we Ben?" I asked Ben who was waiting for the blades of the helicopter to come to a stop,

" We are at Mr. Larsens Island Ma'am" He said taking off his ear muffs,

" He has an island!" I voiced out my thoughts.

" 3 actually Ma'am, but this one is his favourite" Ben told me smiling.

How freaking rich was Adam? 3 islands? Damn! No wonder he wasn't worried about the government.
Stupid arse, if he just told me what would go of his?

I nodded in Bens direction as I fumbled with my seatbelt. it was so easy to close but why wasn't it opening now. I groaned as I tried to read the instructions but guess what, they were written in a foreign language,
" Can I help you Ma'am?" Ben asked.
Oh thank goodness he was still in here with me otherwise I'd be stuck.
" Please do" I told him smiling.

Ben returned my smile as he unbuckled himself and was just coming to untie my seatbelt when instead an irritated Adam stood next to me.

" If you don't know how to use such things, why do you act over smart Miss Delans?" He spoke rudely in my ear before he pushed his body closer to mine and moved a muscular arm close to my breasts. I wanted to reply back to him but his arm rubbed against the side of my breast, it was so unexpected that I gasped. Adam pinned me with his grey eyes and I watched as they slowly darkened in colour until they turned fully black, I turned away from him. It was too much for me. No, he was too much for me.

After he untied the belt, I waited for him to move before I stood up. It felt great to stretch my legs and I just wanted to go and lie down on a bed. Adam guided me to another golden elevator which led us down to a lounge area,
"Welcome to the Seeblick house" Adam whispered in my ears and I was captivated by what was in front of me. Huge windows overlooked an infinity circular pool which had a background of the light blue water as they clashed against each other. Fresh salty air comforted us and huge palm trees were on the sides of the pool. All I wanted to do was go and dive into the water. It looked so magical.

This house was one of the many massive mansions that belonged to Adam. He led me upstairs to my room which had two glass walls with another epic view of the ocean and a balcony which had couches in it.
" Freshen up Miss. Delans we have to go somewhere," Adam told me as he pointed towards the bathroom and he walked out. A shower is just what I needed to get the grime out. I saw my blue suitcase in the corner of the room and I groaned, hopefully my mother put appropriate clothes in it.

Who was I kidding? My mother put the most skimpiest clothes and the most revealing bikinis for me, she knew very well that I don't wear bikinis but the sly lady.
Why the fuck did she have to pack?
I took all the clothes out of the suitcase just so that I would find something decent to wear but no, nothing to even covers my freaking knees. I groaned out loud.
What the hell was I supposed to wear?

I put all the clothes back in slowly when I saw a green and beige summer dress, I unfolded it and saw it reached a little above my ankles. Okay this would do. I took the dress and rummaged through my suitcase for at least one decent cardigan, I found a see through cream lace cardigan and paired them together. Perfect, I can wear this for today and hopefully buy something from the town for later.

I entered the tiled bathroom and was shocked to see the massive size, even in the freaking bathroom there was a tub which had a view of the beach. I couldn't wait to see the night view from the bath. I had a quick cool shower as I was too excited to explore more of the town. I quickly got dressed. I was wearing clothes which I don't usually wear but I guess I looked fine. I tied my hair in a pony and I grabbed my purse and put my credit card and phone.

I walked out of my room and stoped. Urgh I didn't even know the directions to go down. Should I go Left or right? Deciding to go right, I walked a few steps before I came to a big door, oh no I'm going to waste so much time finding a way out. I closed my eyes and shook my head. How stupid of me to not see the way when Adam was walking. After a few seconds, I opened my eyes and they landed on a muscled white chest.
Urgh what was up with me always bumping into him?

" Sorry" I murmured begrudgingly before I moved away from him. He was dressed in a white fitting cotton top and light grey sweats.
Why would he wear such thick pants in this heat? I rolled my eyes at his dumbness.

" Please lead the way Mr Larsen" I told him fake smiling and I moved a little at the back, I just hope he doesn't be an extra obnoxious arse during this week.


It's just the beginning of all the spicy, saucy, juicy drama that's going to happen.
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