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{ Adams PoV}

I turned my back away from the seductress who stood behind me. She looked so fucking tempting with her lips swollen, eyes half hooded and her bra playing peekaboo. She was playing with my body in a very unhealthy way.

Yes, I had heard the first time she rang the bell,. I told Alfred to make her wait but I was definitely not expecting her to barge into the pool area looking all angry and red, trying to look intimidating.
Like a little tigress

I walked to the changing chambre, it pained me to leave her behind but I had to. It was too soon to do anything on her especially when she was just a virgin. I knew she hadn't gone home with a guy last night. But I was an asshole and I loved seeing her angry.

When she disappeared in thin air, I asked Roxy to sit down  and went to the security room. Roxy was my cousin sister. She was the only girl cousin we had and so all us cousins made sure leeches didn't get a chance with her. I danced with her while her brother Lorenzo wooed his wife.

But Fuck the way she was so responsive.  I knew it was wrong of me to accuse her, I loved listening to her sweet moans and how she gasped for air. I was the one to make her breathless and I was the only fucking one to make her feel like that. I was the only one to get her aroused and give her her release.

I quickly climbed into the shower, had an icy cold shower and wore my sweat pants. I grabbed a shirt to wear it when I remembered how Sophie's gaze was transfixed on my body. Her eyes feasting on me made me proud of all the hard work gone in making the perfect body. I chuckled lowly as I thought to trouble her more, I walked out to see her lost holding her phone to her still red ear talking to someone. Her hickey was a bright red and I was glad I had marked her. I couldn't wait to put more on her body.

I watched her talk on the phone. Her eyebrows would furrow every now and then and she'd even raise her left one before she rolled her eyes and spoke sarcastically. Her swollen red lips straightened before she cut the phone and when she looked at me, her eyebrow was still raised. Her eyes done a thorough check on me before she turned around and walked to the elevator swaying her hips seductively. I liked having those eyes of hers on me. I growled lowly as I followed her plump ass into the elevator.

The sexual tension in the elevator was so strong. I just wanted to push her on each and every wall and have my dirty way with her. Especially after seeing the way she was staring at my abbs through the mirrored elevator door. She thought I didn't know she was looking at me but I very well knew. I was enjoying seeing her squirm. I flexed my bicep and I watched her eyes dilate as she tried to see the tat on my arm. The elevator soon came to a stop which I was grateful for, if she continued staring at me, my control would break and then there was no coming back. I was already fucking hard even though I just showered.

I lowered my hand to the small of her back and bent down to her ear.
" Lets go have some breakfast Miss Delans" I spoke lowly and close to her ear, making sure my tongue teased the shell of her ear. I smirked as I felt her shiver against my body and her, unconsciously move closer to me. I tightened my hold on her and guided her to the kitchen.

I watched how her eyes made a quick assessment of the kitchen. Her eyes reflected the appreciation she had for it. Her lips nearly lifted to a smile when she saw the glass refrigerator which was full of chocolates. Ah I was so close in seeing that precious smile of hers.

"Please have a seat" I told her and watched her brown eyes blink at me before she settled on my favourite bar stool. It was the perfect picture.
Her sitting in my kitchen on my stool, waiting for breakfast to eat. I shook the thought away.
What the fuck! she was messing with my thoughts now.

I took out all the ingredients for making the thing I knew would impress her the most. I took the non-stick pan and switched on the oven before I washed a few ripe strawberries. I mixed the pancake batter and poured some on the pan. I could feel her gaze follow my every move. I turned hoping to catch her and make fun of the situation but then she was in some deep thought, still staring at the oven. Her eyes had glazed and the slight anger that she had earlier on was replaced with another emotion, sadness.

I quickly took the pancakes out before they turned cold and walked in front of her. She broke from her reverie and watched me as I cut some strawberries and poured a little of chocolate sauce for her. I know how woman were over conscious of their health and they were over concerned regarding even an ounce of fat.

" Put more!" Her irritated voice cut the silence of the kitchen. I poured a few more chocolate drops thinking she'd be satisfied but her eyebrows furrowed. The anger returned before she roughly pulled the bottle from my hand and covered the entire pancake with chocolate.
" That's more like it!" She smiled to herself as she placed a bite in her mouth. I watched intently as her eyes closed in Pleasure and a delicious moan came out from her mouth.
"This is" moan "... sooo" another moan," .....good".
She moaned more than thrice in just one sentence. I was getting more  fucking aroused just listening to her.

Adjusting my pants, I settled in front of her and continued watching her, she opened her eyes which were sparkling with pleasure.
" This is amazing" she said and I smirked in her direction before I dug in mine too.  We soon finished breakfast in a comfortable silence and I placed the dishes in the sink.

" Who's going to wash that Mister?" Sophie asked me with her eyebrows raised and a hand on her hip.

" The maid," I told her before wiping my hands with a towel and giving her a blank look.

"Are you kidding me? Just for two plates and a pan you're going to trouble someone!" She looked at me incredulously.

" Yes!" I told her but She shook her head at me and  stormed out of the kitchen.
She was angry again!

Why are Women so difficult to understand?

Why are Women so difficult to understand?

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Adam making those pancakes😍


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