⚜️Bonus. Pt.3

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Third POV

Sophie laid on the couch restlessly. She couldn't find a comfortable spot and kept fidgeting. There was a feeling of fullness she was experiencing.

"Are you okay my baby mama?" Adam asked her and she merely nodded. She knew something was going to happen today.

She smiled weakly at Adam to assure him and closed her eyes to let the feeling slide. But her eyes shot open when a burst of pain woke her up. A strong, crumping pain radiating from her womb all the way to her back made her scream.

Adam rushed towards Sophie and seeing the sight of her bent, clutching her womb made him alert.
Fuck, Sophie was going into labour!

He grabbed the hospital bag that Sophie had arranged prior and called the driver to start the car. He lifted a screaming Sophie and rushed to the car. Sophie was fidgeting way too much, making it difficult for Adam to hold her.

"Just a little bit more Preciosa. We're reaching the hospital soon." Adam tried to reassure Sophie.

Adam was grateful when he finally reached the car. Sophie was sweating, cursing and crying. He gently placed sophie on the back seat and sat besides her. He made her lie her head on his lap and kept wiping the sweat of off her face .

"Hurry and get us there!" Adam screamed as he tried to maintain his calm.

He was glad the hospital was close, he couldn't bear to see Sophie in such pain.
Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he rushed Sophie to the wheelchair as soon as they reached. Sophie screeched in pain and his heart beat even faster.

Where the hell were the doctors when you needed them? And where the fuck was that doctor Sophie liked very much?

Adam controlled his rising temper as his Preciosa cried once again. Finally nurses arrived and rushed her to the theatre. Another nurse guided Adam to get changed so he could enter the theatre room too.

Adam's fingers shock as he tied the strings of the medical gown he was given to wear. He could hear his Preciosa screams and each scream was piercing his heart. He had to quickly get to her side. As soon as he entered the theatre room, he went to Sophie and held her hand.

"Okay Sophie, on the count of three, push!"
The midwife said.

Adam felt his hand crushing as Sophie gripped it and pushed.

"Sophie you've got this. Just one more time." Dr.Clyn said. And Adam wanted to flick the man, he had said the very same statement 4 times already. But he knew Sophie had to try. If she didn't, they'd have to get a caesarean done. Sophie was clearly exhausted but nodded her head, the fear of getting a C-section getting the best of her.

Sophie took a few breaths and pushed. And finally amidst the heavy breathing, sweating and pounding heartbeat, there was a rush of energy. A cry that quietened every single noise and made a tear roll down Adam's cheek.

The baby was finally here.
The perfect mixture of Sophie and Adam.

A healthy baby boy.


I'm back!
And it's a boy!

Super grateful to all the love I've been receiving from all my readers. I've read almost all of your comments and laughed. Sometimes I've cringed at my words and I was truly grateful for your critique.

Thank you for all your support
I love and appreciate you.

Also I know a lot of you wanted it to be a girl but hear me out, there's a great story idea I have about this little gem.
So Stay tuned.

Peace :)

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