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{Sophie's PoV}

I had arrived at 2pm and after calling Adam, I went straight to sleep. I missed lunch and the only food I had eaten was the toast. So I decided to make an early dinner. I couldn't wait to eat the Grilled chicken with baked potatoes, my mouth already watering.

I bent to check the chicken when Adam talked in my ear.
" Hello Preciosa." Adam whispered in my ear scaring the shit out of me. I turned to glare at him, anger reflecting in my eyes. I was fucking starving and Adam thought it was a good idea to scare me.
How the fuck does he be so silent? I hadn't even heard the door open or close.

" I missed you," Adam said ignoring my glare as he placed kisses on my face. His hands tightened around my hips as he moved his teasing lips to my neck. He went to his favourite junction, just by my jugular before he bite there.He sucked, licked and kissed there darkening the hickey.

I moaned in his arms arching my neck more. Heat travelled through my body, straight to my core as Adam moved his lips to the other side of my neck. No doubt leaving more hickeys than there already was. I heard the ting of the oven and I tried to move away from Adams hold but the insatiable man tightened his grip on me.

" Adaaam." I moaned as Adam's lips traveled down my shirt. His hand moved to my hair with his fingers massaging my scalp making me release moan after moan. I heard the ting of the oven again and I pushed Adam chest.

" The chicken..." I gasped as Adam bite the area above my breast "..... will burn Adaaammm." He moved his lips away from my chest yet still held my hips in a tight grip. I was breathless as I stared at his darkened orbs. I pushed his palms away from my hips and turned around to the oven. The edges of the chicken pieces had already turned black, any longer and the whole of it would have burnt.

" See!" I told Adam showing him the piece which was burnt the most.

" I'll eat it, don't worry." Adam said bending down to my neck again and I raised my shoulder, blocking him.

" Nah uh mister," I told him ," I'm giving you only ten minutes. If you don't shower by then, I'll eat without you." Adam looked at me with amused eyes and I shrugged. I was hungry and the chicken was tempting me.

But obviously punctually rules didn't apply in the house, Adam arrived after fifteen minutes dressed only in his sweats.
" I knew You wouldn't start eating." Adam said cockily as he sat opposite me. I rolled my eyes at him. Obviously I was going to wait for him. He flexed his arms gaining my attention and when I looked back up at him, he smirked as he dished his plate.

" How was your trip?" Adam asked as he cut the chicken.

" It was fucking weird." I told him honestly. He raised a brow at me, asking me to say more.

" My father tried to give me some stupid ass apology." Adam scoffed and I nodded at him,
"Exactly! You don't know how fucking awkward it was." I told Adam. I was still wondering why my father would apologise.

"For What was He apologising?" Adam asked.

" Apparently for all the time he has been an ass to me," I told him as I placed a potato in my mouth, "so that means more than 5 years."

" Why the fuck would you tolerate that bastard for so long?" Adam asked, the veins on his neck popping.

" I was still a teenager , I planned to live on my own at eighteen but then Reyah ran away so I had no choice but to." I told him as I stopped eating, "...and plus he's my father. I have a duty to bare with him no matter how he is."

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