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I entered the bathroom that was connected to my office because I wanted to freshen up for a meeting. Today, we were going to announce about the new owners. I just hoped everything went as planned and we succeeded in this partnership .

After tightening my bun, I exited the wash room only to bump into a solid chest. Confused , I looked up to meet stormy grey eyes clashing with mine.

"Hello Miss Delan " spoke Adam in that low voice of his which was doing wonders to my body. My body heated up as I noticed how his muscular left arm was wrapped protectively, just below my breasts, causing them to be placed chest to chest with his.

" Did I hurt you?" He asked, this time whispering so close to my ear, making an involuntary shiver pass through my heated body.
What the hell was happening to me? and what was I doing?

Pushing away from his arms and ignoring his greeting,  I asked him what he was doing here. It had been only two days since I last saw him but It felt like ages since I was under the observation of those intense greys of his .

"Why? I can't come to see my fiancé?" He spoke mockingly as he smirked and looked around my office with ,was that disgust? Now my fury just skyrocketed. First, he came to MY office without any notice and then he's disgusted with MY work place .
The nerve of this arse.

" Who let you in?" I asked letting venom spit with every word I said.

"Oh that pretty brunette sitting outside, what's her name again, Al... Alessia " he said casually like as if he already forgot her name.
But a person like Adam , who has bees swarming around him 24/7 would definitely forget names. I'm  sure he doesn't even know my first name.
What a romantic fiancé no?

" Anything you wanted?" I asked talking in the most unaffected, professional way. I turned away from him and went to my desk as I placed my phone in my pocket.

" Make yourself comfortable" I spoke quietly as I continued ,"I have a meeting I have to go to and I see you don't have anything worthwhile to say, so... " I spoke sarcastically with an innocent  face to sound not so bitter as I motioned towards the couch in the corner.

I left him in the office as I walked to the door and headed towards the meeting room. It was overwhelming being in such a small space with him especially with that cologne of his.  Spicy with a hint of sandalwood, fully intoxicating and sexy.

My steps slowed down as I noticed people around me with mouths opened, eyes widened and eyebrows raised in awe.
Huh! What's up with everyone?
They were staring at me like as if seeing me for the first time. That's when I realised they weren't looking at me in but rather something behind me.

I turned around to see Adam as he strode confidently,  his left hand to his ear speaking fluently in a foreign language. His silky brown hair were perfectly styled and his black shirt sleeves were rolled to his elbows.  Today, he was dressed in a dark grey Armani suit, with his black vest buttoned up and a pale grey tie. He looked like a model walking down the runway and his eyes were set on me, burning me.

My breath hitched as he obviously caught me checking him out. I clenched my jaw and turned around as I reminded myself of the annoying fact of him being in my office.  I narrowed my eyes in warning to all those who caught my sight and watched as they turned to do they work embarrassed.

I entered the meeting room and told Alessia to call everyone. Unlike other CEO's , I liked being first for the meeting rather than last. It promoted coming to work on time and showed seriousness. I bent to switch the projector off as it was not needed. In so doing, I didn't hear the meeting room door open and a presence coming in. By the burning heat that spread from the intense stare of his, I knew who it was before even confirming with my eyes.

" What exactly are you doing here?" I said turning around showing him how annoyed I was. He was invading my thoughts more than I liked and I was not prepared for him. He had now moved to stand just in front of me and if it wasn't for the door to swing open, I'm  sure he'd even come closer. I moved away from him as I waited for everyone to enter.

I greeted everyone after they all settled down,
" Good Morning everyone. Hope you are all doing well. " I took a quick pause before I continued speaking, "Today we've all been gathered here as I want to tell all of you something important."  

I moved my head to look at everyone as I spoke,
"I'd like to introduce you all to the new owner, Mr Larsen " I introduced Adam as everyone, instead of paying attention to me, were busing ogling him. I didn't blame them though, he stood out uniquely amongst everyone in the room.

Shocked gasps and excited mummers soon filled the hall. I raised my hand and quietened the room as I finished speaking,
"Delan Steel makers and Larsen company have formed a partnership. To celebrate all of your hard work and efforts, we shall have a party on Saturday, Alessia will email you all the details . Now you can get back to work. Hope you have a great day."

Everyone stood up and started clapping as I dismissed them. Everyone was aware of how my father wanted the deal as he made them toil day and night, sweat and pant until they collapsed. They deserved a night of enjoyment and relaxation after working so hard for 5 months.

I waited till everyone was gone out and then I walked back to my office. I didn't realise Adam was behind me as well.
What was up with him and following me?
I looked at him with raised eyebrows. I was tired of asking the same question again and again but I was itching to know what he was doing here. 

Ignoring me and without asking like the arrogant man he was, he walked passed me and went and made himself comfortable on my couch.  Sighing and taking deep breaths to calm my raising temper, I turned and sat on my office chair. If he wants to ignore me, So can I. Two can play the game.

I completely forgot about him as I continued signing papers and reading reports. I was so engrossed in my work that I hadn't even looked up when Alessia knocked. Adam answered it for me and took a paper bag from her hand. I was confused and intrigued as I watched the two of them talk on the door like old best friends and Alessia giggling like a school girl.

Rolling my eyes at them, I turned my attention back to the papers in front of me and got back to work, shaking my head. How appropriate of him to flirt in front of me?

I listened to Adams footsteps as he came and placed the bag on my desk,
"that's for you" he said before he turned around and walked out of the door just like that.
What had I ever done to deserve a man like this?

Wow, just wow!


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