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{ Adams PoV}

I moved my hand over Sophie's palm, unclenching her small fist . I had never imagined her to have a twin sister but being in the business field I've learnt how sly and secretive people can be.
Who would've guess William's daughter ran away?

But as selfish as I may sound, I was somehow glad her sister ran away, if not I would've never met the seductress in my arms.

" Sophie" I whispered in her ear, making sure my lips teased her. I knew she was upset. I didn't want her foul mood to spoil our evening and so I was going to do what I was best at,
Seducing my seductress.

" Hmm" she mumbled after a while still lost in her thoughts.

I tightened my hold on her waist pulling her closer to me, her ass grinded against my dick and I groaned.

" Why are you dressed so provocative?" I asked slowly thrusting my hips against hers as my palms roamed over her front. Sophie moaned and arched her back, pushing her breasts out but I wasn't going to touch them, not until she answered,

" Why?" I asked again.

"Cause," She said like the stubborn woman she still was but I wasn't going to let her go. Not until she told me the real reason.

" Wrong answer" I tsked in her ear.I moved my hands to her thighs, roaming over her inner thighs, so close to her core and her delicious moans filled the room,

" Adam!" She keened in protest. My other hand moved to clasp against her covered breast and how I wished we were at my house. I moved my lips to Sophie's neck and I smirked . The sly woman tried to hide my marks but the red hickeys still showed, a little less dull but nonetheless still visible. I was going to darken them anyway. I sucked her sweet spot and Sophie gasped, grinding her ass against my dick.
Fuck, this woman was killling me.

I bit hard on her neck and she gasped,
" I'll ask for the last time Sophie, Why?"

" I," She moaned and I licked my bite, "....wanted to" another moan and another push against my erection, "...get back ahh!" She moaned as I sucked on her jaw. I hummed in her ear encouraging her to finish her sentence ".... for this morning" she said gasping.
Ah, the little vixen wanted revenge.

" Well you should be happy cause it really did work. I'm rock hard and all I want to do is fuck you here right now." I groaned in her ear and she gasped at my bluntness. I pushed her hips back and I thrust my hips forward making her feel the hardness of my dick. She moaned loudly, throwing her head back.

" Let's eat first," I moved away from her, instantly missing her presence. I held her hand and guided her to the table. Her eyes were filled with desire as she stared back at me and I gave her back a promising look, I was going to fuck her, hard.

{ Sophie's PoV}

Instead of eating the food in front of us, Adam kept staring at me with lustful eyes making me more wet then I already was. My stomach was tightening and I wanted to just get out of this forsaken place but I knew Adam would stand up only when I finished eating.

I chewed slowly and I watched as Adams eyes watched my throat as I swallowed. His eyes lingered on my low lying blouse and my buds tightened, fuck I wanted his lips to be on them.

" Urm I don't think I'll eat dessert," I said trying to make small talk and get rid of the sexual tension.
For the first time in my life, I was refusing to eat something so delicious and I couldn't help but think about how I became so sex craved?

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