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WARNING: This book contains detailed sex scenes with about 7/8 chapters full of smut. If you not comfortable with erotica, Do  Not continue reading and Do not Comment.


Dressed in loose black pants with a cream button up shirt tucked in, I walked with my coffee in my hands and my laptop in the other. I greeted everyone by nodding in their direction. Aside from waking up on the wrong side of the bed, a killer headache had accompanied me the whole way. I could already sense the shitty day I was going to have.

Reaching Alessia's desk, I watched as she stuttered and said a good morning.  
What had happened to her now?
Ignoring her nervousness, I entered my office door to notice the cold, stiff body of my father standing afore the window, overlooking the passerbys . 
Why wasn't I surprised? I knew he'd be here.

" Good morning" I said quickly composing my expression to alert.

"How was your flight? " I asked, trying to have a normal conversation with my father but to no avail, we did not do normal.
Not anymore.

Surely, after last nights conversation, he came with the first flight he caught.

"This is no time for useless questions..."Came his blatant reply," ...tell me whether you have contacted Simon yet" and that was my father  for you, he breathed and lived work,no common courtesy whatsoever.

Telling him a curt no back, I watched as he grunted. He shook his head in disappointment and I sighed.What was he expecting from me? To call Simon at 7:30 am in the morning? I had just entered the building ten minutes ago, how was I supposed to have already called him?

" I want to talk to you about something else as well" My father said without turning to look at me. Paying no head to my lack of response, he continued.

"I have been given a proposal which includes you..." he began and I raised my eyebrows as I waited for him to finish talking,
"...there seems to be a condition with the Larsen project" My father said.

I caught my breath as I thought of all the many scenarios of what the leeches had come up with.
The Larsens were insatiable with no matter how much they got. They were the masterminds of the business world. Regardless of what field they invested in, they always ended up with profits multiplied and stakeholders satisfied.

And That was what lead my money-driven father to seek them out. The Larsons were involved in everything, from making heavy machinery to buildings bricks to the lid found on your water bottle everything had a touch of their fingers and a few brain cells involved of theirs. Export was akin to breathing for them and seeing as how Our company had its roots extended to every continent except Africa, my father approached them.

The greedy leeches agreed to pair with us solely if we gave them 50% of the profits made in Africa. My father being the 'typical, hot-headed man, not going back from his decision' man decided to agree to their freaking demand without even consulting with me . Looking at him and waiting to hear another stupid command of theirs , I did not expect my father to say,

"They asked your hand in marriage and your mother and I have agreed" he said as he finally turned to look at me with darkened green orbs . Orbs the color of my horror stricken ones. I gasped silently to avoid him from hearing me as his crazy words rang in my ears.
What the fuck!

My eyes widened for a split second before I met his again. He held the don't-you-dare- deny-me expression on his face and my heart sunk in my chest. I looked at him hurt, this was my future we were talking about!
How could he be so selfish to me? And my mother, she agreed! Didn't she already know how I was a hopeless romantic. How I wanted to marry for love? But to no avail, my parents wouldn't let me be independent. All that mattered was their bloody company, I understood, it was his after all. Anything and everything for his company!

Ignoring the pain spreading through my chest, I stood straighter. I looked at him as he continued talking,

"You'll meet the guy next week if he's free and your mother wants you to come for dinner tomorrow" he said monotonous, like as if we were simply talking about the weather.
That's it! The guy, no name, no explanation, no how do you feel about it, absolutely nothing.

I gingerly nodded, too numb to feel and and watched as he strode out of my office. He just dropped a bomb and walked out,  without even saying anything further or even saying a small good bye. I closed my door and slumped on my office door as I thought of the devastating news.

I noticed a blue folder on my table and read the word Larsen written in bold atop it.
I picked the file up and read the terms and conditions of the agreement. But obviously the third point had to mock me, remind me of the future I hadn't signed for.

3) To continue with said agreement Mr William Delan must agree to give a 50 % share of his business and the hand of his daughter , Sophie Alice Delan , who is to marry son of Mr Ashton Larsen, Mr Adam Blake Larsen, CEO of Larsen companies.

Setting aside the file, I thought of all the benefits the company would get. If we didn't agree to the leeches, our reputation would definitely get tarnished in the market.  No  one would want to do business with us especially considering how powerful the Larsens were. We'd then have great losses and our employees would have a stained resumes as well . Thinking of all the negative things that were going to arise, my headache just got tenfold.

On one side was the lives of hundreds working under us and on the other hand was me. The decision was already made for me and I knew I'd rather have my life sacrificed then let others starve to death.
For surely, I wasn't an inconsiderate, spoilt rich brat. There was a reason why people respected me, for everyone knew, I'd do everything to get back on my fathers good books.


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