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{Sophie's PoV}

"Father, I'd like to have a word with you." I told my father as I knocked on his office door. My father glanced up at me wth narrowed eyes and nodded at me to enter as he talked on the phone.

Today was a Monday afternoon and after sneaking, with a lot of hiding from the paparazzi , could I finally get out of the house. Adam and I were still not on good talking terms. This morning, he briefly just told me he was going to talk to my father about the shifting plans. I volunteered to do it myself as I didn't want to burden Adam more. He was already busy running errands and I didn't want him to squeeze in some time to come and tell my father the news.

" So you finally decided to grace us with your presence." Came my fathers harsh voice as he cut the call and looked at me.

" Not like I wasn't coming on purpose father." I retorted back, narrowing my eyes, "...you know how the paparazzi are."

" Obviously if you do such a bold move, you're going to find yourself stuck." My father said, putting all the blame on me. For my father, I'm always going to be on the wrong so no point in ever trying to justifying myself.

" Just go straight to the point and don't waste my time," My father spoke rudely, "tell me why are you doing here, I have a meeting to attend in twenty minutes." He said looking at his wristwatch before looking at me impatiently.

I looked him straight in the eyes as I opened my mouth to talk,

" David Faverly is in Coma." I said and I watched as his eyes widened slightly in shock, ".....He's been in Coma for the past month."

" Why don't I know anything about it?" My father said as his fingers already starting working on his phone, no doubt calling the elder Faverly.

"They're keeping it discreet father." I said in a hurry, wanting him to cut the line, "....they don't want anyone to know." My fathers eyebrows scrunched as he cut the phone and kept it aside.

"Then How do you know?" My father asked curios.

" Adam told me." My father nodded in my direction, still looking suspicious,
" That's what I'm here to discuss about." I said, piquing his interest again.

" David had signed a deal which was supposed to have started two weeks ago. Due to the unfortunate incident, it's still in a halt. Thus Adam has to go and complete all the requirements in David's absence."

" And?" My father asked looking bored.

I cleared my throat before I broke the news to him, "I'm joining him too."

" Okay why are you telling me this?" My father asked, standing up from his seat and adjusting his suit.

" It's going to take more than 3 months." I said and my fathers movement halted. He looked up at me surprised.

" And what about the business Sophie?" My father asked, his eyes ablaze.

" Father now that Reyah is here, she can take her rightful place as owner." I said, staring him straight in the eyes as I spoke.

" She doesn't know how the firm works Sophie!" My father said as he threw his hands up, his voice raising with wary and anger.

" She can always learn Father," I said unsure of why my father was in such disbelief. "Reyah is a fast learner"

" Yes so stay back and teach her?" My father said and I felt my heart getting pierced. Obviously, my father would want that, he'd want me to stay back, not to spend quality time with me, but just so that I taught his little apple pie the correct ropes.

" I can't do that." I said as I stood up from my seat too, now standing right in front of him.

" Why can you not?" My father shot me a glare as he narrowed his eyes.

" Adam wants me to go together with him." I said, not caring whether I lied or not. I , myself wanted to accompany Adam the next day.
" We'll be leaving tomorrow." My father gave me a sour look filled with fury and shock.

" I just came to inform you that. I'll finish working on the current files I have and If Reyah has any queries she can always feel free to call me." I said checking my wrist watch.

" Your meeting will be starting in two minutes Father, I'll take your leave now." I said nodding in his direction and I turned to walk out the door.

It felt so good to see the shock on his face. I'm sure my grandfather would be ecstatic to know the news of me leaving the company. Although, it was just temporary. It was a major step close to me getting out of my fathers hair, once and for all.

I picked my phone and called the man who was the sole reason for my short resignation, my sexy husband.


"Hello." I said answering the hundredth call Of the day. I was so fucking tired and it was just 12 noon. The day David wakes up, I'm going to make sure I punch the hell out of that asshole.

" Hello Adam." Came the voice of my preciosa and I sighed. It felt good to hear her voice after long strenuous 5 hours
" What you doing?" She asked like the curios woman She was.

" hmm let's see." I assessed all the files in front of me before I spoke, "I'm signing all the documents that need my signature while reading all the details of the deal, Im giving advise to Kaden, my younger cousin, who'll be taking over the business for a while. And I'm talking to my preciosa and swearing at David." I said and Kaden chuckled at me.

" That's ...." My preciosa said as she thought of the perfect word to say. She always done that, she'd wait for a few seconds before she said a word. It was like her mind would go blank for a moment as she thought too deep just for a simple word.

"...sad I know." I said finishing the sentence for her.

" No, great multitasking skills you have." She said and I smirked.

" Oh is it?" I asked, pulling her leg.

" Yes! Now stop acting all cocky, get back to work and come home early. We need to have a good nights sleep before tomorrow" She said and I felt content. She was my home and I was so glad she was coming with me.

" Yes Mrs Larsen. I'll see you in a bit." I told her before cutting the line. I wanted to talk more with her but time wasn't in my grasp to waste, every minute was valuable.

I reached home at 11 pm. If Kaden wouldn't have complained about how tired he was and couldn't learn more, I'd still be at the office.

"Adam!" Sophie said as I walked in the room. She was lying on my bed with her hair all sprawled and a Novel in her hand . She looked so beautiful in her simplicity. I couldn't help but go collapse next to her and bury my face in her soft breasts, making myself comfortable.

I closed my eyes and just before I could relax, Sophie flicked my nose.

" Nah uh mister. Go have a shower and eat some food before you sleep. And move from me, you're so heavy!" She huffed as she tried to push me but instead I wrapped my arm tighter around her waist, adding more of my weight on her.

" I think I'm fine." I told her as I closed my eyes once again.

" No you're not, you're stinking." She said blocking her nose. I knew she wasn't joking and so with much reluctance, I got up and had a quick shower. I hurriedly joined my preciosa back in bed and pulled her in my arms, letting her soft body press tightly against mine, before I fell asleep for tomorrow was going to be another tiring day. or so I thought.


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