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{ Sophie's PoV}

It was 7 pm and I returned back to my apartment. I placed the key on the counter top in the kitchen and walked into the siting room to find none other than a sexy, Adam on my couch. His coat was draped on the sofa arm and the first two buttons of his shirt were undone. He looked so peacefully handsome.
Did I even want to know how he entered my apartment?

I shook my head at how he still had his shoes on and walked to my room, quietly taking my blanket. I placed it on Adam but the man was so huge that the blanket didn't even fit. After trying to adjust it a few times, I just gave up. I placed it anyhow on his body and decided to go have a quick shower. I was still in last night's clothes and that irked me.

I bent down to place a kiss on Adam's nose. And just as I turned, a palm wrapped around my wrist tugging me back. I squeaked as I was pulled against a hard chest.
What the hell!
how did he already wake up?

Arms tightened around my waist and Adam fisted my hair in his palm, pushing my head up,

" Where the fuck have you been?" He growled. His eyes a dangerous grey, almost black.

I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat before answering,
" Somewhere."

He was so angry. The fury was radiating off of him and my answer just pissed him off more.

" Obviously you were fucking somewhere," he tightened his hold on my waist, " but where exactly were you?" He narrowed his eyes and I gulped once again.

I knew it wasn't a good idea to chill with Pa for so long but the old persistent man just wasn't letting me go.

" I was at my grandpa's house," I told him nervously, trying to distant myself from him but he just narrowed his eyes and pushed my chest further against his.

" You've got a grandfather!" Adam retorted and I cringed.

" Yes," I gingerly nodded and watched Adam's face. I'm sure He must be thinking of what a fucked up family I belong to.

" Your father is one discreet bastard." Adam said and I couldn't help but agree with him.
My father definitely was.
Hardly anyone knew of the Delan family, all they knew were my mother and my father.

"Why couldn't you just come back home?" Adam asked with a brow raised.

I winced, shit, there was no escaping from the devils hold, not until I spilt all the beans.

" Can we please talk later," I told him and he narrowed his eyes, staring at me dangerously,
"I want to have a shower first." I told him, pleading silently with my eyes.

The familiar mischievous glint filled those intense eyes of his,
" We could shower together." Adam smirked, bending his nose to my neck, inhaling me.
His nose slowly trailed down in a teasing manner.

I pushed against his chest, halting his movements,
" No, we can not shower together,"I said and he gave me an Are you daring me look.

" and why will we not?" He questioned mockingly.
Both him and I knew he'd still shower with me, even though I said no, but there was no harm in trying.
And which sane woman could ever resist his charm?

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