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{ Sophie's PoV }

I gulped - a loud , visible audible gulp as I stared at his narrowed eyes. Why couldn't I just control my stupid mouth and remain quiet. I didn't know how I was going to explain it to him. I really didn't want to go down memory lane and remember all those awful moments again.

" Urm..." I began, " Well it's a" , I cleared the lump in my throat, but still involuntarily bits of the past flashed before my eyes.
I lowered my gaze as I spoke trying to ignore the harsh memory,

" it's a combination of my middle name, Alice and surname, so D-Alice ," I nodded in his direction and turned my attention back to my plate of food. I didn't want to look at him and answer the million questions that were about to follow.

I noticed Adam's jaw clench, he lifted a napkin to his mouth and wiped those sinister red lips of his as he spoke,

" Get used to saying Larsen." I lifted my eyes to look at his.

"Mrs Sophie Larsen" , he said and when I heard those words my eyes popped opened, my hand stopped midway and mouth stayed agape. I'm sure I looked pathetic staring at him , but was he really serious. It's just a business partnership which will end in 5 years , why do I have to change my surname?

" It's more realistic that way Miss. Delans" Adam spoke answering my thoughts. I just clenched my teeth and nodded in his direction, not like my protests would ever be heard, I continued chewing when I realised the arse still called me Delans .

After , me, really munching on almost all the delicious lunch and Adam just staring at me, Adam left me all alone to attend a meeting. He told me he was in one of the conference halls of the Hotel and I wasn't bothered to ask him more. He asked me if I wanted to go with him but I didn't want to spend more time with his judging self so I simply refused. He just clenched his jaw and walked out of the pool area without any other word, leaving me to fend for myself.
Whatever, not like I was a five year old toddler?

I walked to the reception area and sat in one of the comfortable lounge seats. Whoever's hotel this is , the person had really spent a fortune in making it. I was busy reading a few emails when Steven placed a lemonade on the coffee table for me. I thanked him and continued reading my mails while sipping the sweet juice.

After answering a few mails, I got tired of staring at my phone screen for so long. I placed it back in my purse and watched the large reception clock strike 6 pm and I felt my exhaustion deep in my bones. I had yawned for about the third time when Steven came,
" Good Evening Ma'am" He smiled at me and I didn't even have the strength to return his smile. I just nodded in his direction and shifted to get a little more comfortable in my seat.

It was almost 3 hours done but there was no sign of Adam. I really wanted to go home, why was the meeting taking so long?

" Ma'am, If your tired, you can go relax in Mr. Larsens Condo," Steven said looking at me with a worried expression on his face.

" Condo?" I looked at Steven incredulously.

" Yes Ma'am." Steven said fidgeting on his toes, "It is his hotel ma'am" and my eyes just widened.
How fucking rich is my fiancé ?

Nodding at him, I stood up from my seat and walked towards another golden elevator. Urgh, I was seriously getting tired of seeing these golden elevators everywhere, it was just another awful remainder of being apart of the Larsens. He lead me to the top most floor which was specifically reserved for his Majesty and obviously it had to have a password to unlock it.

" What about the code?" I said looking at the strange card, it was a thin sleek black card with the name Larsen written in gold across it.

" It'll unlock with the card ma'am" he said and the elevator door closed, I swiped the card on the door and I walked into one of the most beautiful suites I've ever seen in my life. I removed my sandals and set to explore .

Black, silver and grey were the dominant colours of the wide Condo. The door lead to an open spacious lounge area with a wall sized television and a balcony with a wooden set of sofas and a coffee table. On the left was the most beautiful glass kitchen I've ever seen. All the cabinets , table and barstools were made of spectacular designed glass pieces and , finally on the far right was the bedroom. The walls of the room were a navy blue colour with glass windows on the ceiling and also an entire glass wall letting the evening light in. I walked towards the most cosy looking, king sized bed with a black silky sheet and a toe sinking carpet surrounding it.

I removed my cardigan, placed it on the lounge which looked at the sea before I slowly slipped into the bed. I sighed at the touch of the silk sheets and the cool duvet. I placed my hand under my head and while watching the sun set through the glass wall , I fell in a deep slumber.

I woke up after a few hours, and still half unconscious, to Adam moving closer to me. He lifted the duvet and a rush of cool air caressed my skin making me shiver. I opened my mouth to protest but Adam shushed me and told me to fall asleep. He wrapped one of his arm tightly around me and with the other, he started to gently massage my hair. All thoughts of protest flew out of my mind and off I went to sleep again with Adam spooning me.

I woke up to bright light streaming into my eyes, I groaned out loud and tried to lift my arm to cover my eyes but I couldn't move. What the hell? I opened my eyes fully and tried moving my hand again but to no avail, a weight was holding my down. I pushed the duvet off my body to see what it was and my eyes landed on a muscular arm wrapped on my midsection. I followed the arm to the face of Adam and nearly had a stroke.
What the fuck was I doing sleeping with Adam?

I attempted to lift his bulky arm from my body and almost growled, What exactly did he eat to get such strength even while sleeping? I looked at his calm face and I narrowed my eyes, how peaceful he looked while sleeping but I wasn't going to let him enjoy his sleep. After wriggling a few times, I finally managed to get one of my hand out.

Thank goodness! I looked at the innocent looking devil before I smirked. What a big mistake you done by sleeping in the same bed as me Mr Larsen. I picked a thin strand of hair, twisted it a bit and tickled him in the ear. The first time I placed my hair in his ear, he twitched his eye. I controlled my laughter as I put it in the second time, he used his shoulder to get it out. I was still too persistent so he had no other choice than to lift his hand from my waist. He swat the area with his hand, furrowing his eyebrows when he only found empty air. I lost control and I giggled at him loudly.

My laughter must have woken him up because his grey eyes looked at me wondering what mischief I was up to. I just looked back at him still lying against the pillow with his perfect bed hair , I tsked in his direction before I scrambled out of the bed and entered the massive bathroom.

The bathroom was phenomenal and was made up of more glass walls. There was a hot tube which looked at the light blue sea water. I filled the tub with lukewarm water and picked a scented ,bubble forming soap and dropped it in the tub. I played with the water until the bubbles formed and then finally took my dress out. I felt gross wearing the sweaty thing.

Just as I settled fully in the relaxing tub, Adams voice rang in the room,

" Mind if I join?" He asked, looking at me with those darkened orbs and smirking his sinister smirk.

What the hell?
How had he come in?

What the hell? How had he come in?

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