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{Sophie's PoV}

Today I had woken up late. The whole night I kept tossing and turning cause of the burning sensation on my lips. And when I finally fell asleep,  it was around 3 in the night,  super late in my books.  Now I had a dull throb at the back of my head.
Curse that stupid arrogant arse!

I groaned at my appearance in the mirror. I had dark bags under my eyes , making my pale skin look paler and since I went to sleep with my wet hair, they were all fizzy and not ready to set. I combed my hair anyhow and left my house without any breakfast. I was late and I had many things on my hands today.

After sweating for 5 hours; running to and from the venue since the prawns my father wanted to include in the menu were not available, I had to go and find another restaurant which served special Mexican spiced cheesy Prawns.  It was just causing my annoying headache to increase in size. I had to roam around many streets until I found a small restaurant that sold them. I was exhausted and I was for the first time in my life glad about the fact that tomorrow was going to be a Sunday.

I was currently standing in the hall room where around 800 people were going to come. I overlooked all the decorations, tables and chairs before I went to taste the dessert. I am a dessert person and which sane person can resist anything sweet.  I had to taste the dreamy chocolate cake.

I moaned at the softness of the chocolate cake as it melted in the heat of my mouth, spreading all the creaminess to all corners. Resisting from eating another piece,  I grabbed my purse and walked out of the hall. There was only 3 hours left for the party and i didn't want to look disastrous .

I quickly rushed home and went for a quick shower to get rid of all the sweat. I walked out of my room to notice the white bag which Adam gave me on the side table. I still hadn't opened it yet, I was contemplating what was going to be in there. Knowing Adam, he'd even put a fake snake in there and scare the shit out of me.

Putting aside my stupid fears, I warily held the bag as I took the black box out of it. I placed my hands on the sides of the box as I mentally prepared myself to get disappointed. Lifting the cover,  I put it on my bed and held the box properly before I opened it to see the most unexpected thing, there occupying most of the box was a silky gossamer red dress.

I took it out to have a better look at it, It was an elegant long floor length dress with a one shoulder and ruffles. I lifted it to my chest and noticed a slit that went all the way to the top of my thigh and the back of the dress having a diamond shape cut on it The dress was so soft and it screamed seductress. It was just Wow, but I couldn't wear it,  It was just too revealing for my liking.

Putting it back in its box I left it aside as I wore a nude strapless bra and my underwear. I sat on my dresser as I done my hair in an elegant Updo with a braid on the side of my head. Then, I dressed up in the black dress which I bought yesterday. The softness of my black dress was nothing compared to the gossamer one but I just couldn't get myself to wear the revealing red dress. The black dress pooled by my ankles and I wore my red strap heels and a thin silver wristwatch which resembled a bracelet.
Perfect!  I was good to go.

It was just a few a minutes to seven as I waited for Alzer to come pick me up, I decided to eat a few grapes to fill my empty stomach. Just as I put one grape in my mouth, the doorbell rang. Alzer was early today. Reluctantly, I left the green juicy grapes in the fridge and took my clutch and headed to the door, but who I didn't expect was Adam. A very good looking, panty dropping Adam to be standing there dressed in a tailor made Armani black suit from top to bottom,  well polished,  expensive shoes and a red handkerchief the only other colour on his body. What's up with him and what is he doing here?

" Why didn't you wear the dress I gave? " came his deep angry voice, no greeting whatsoever. How gentlemen like and what dress was he even talking about?
That's when the memory of what happened last night flooded back into my brain. I was so immersed in finding the prawns  the whole morning that I forgot all about going with him to the party and that burning kiss which was a mistake.

Looking at him surveying my body,  I remembered about the beautiful but revealing dress he gave, My eyes narrowed to slits as I thought of how he wanted me to expose all my skin and be like one of the fake bimbos he always goes out with.
The nerve of this disgusting man.

Not wanting to give him any explanation of my actions, I shrugged as I said,"it was a size larger". I didn't invite him in as I came out and locked the door. If he wanted to be rude with me I wasn't going to say anything to him. As I turned around to head to the car, Adam still stood on the same spot as he was before. I raised an eyebrow at him and he narrowed his eyes at me.
Oh, so we were playing opposite facial expressions with our eyes.

He moved closer to me until my back hit the  closed door. He lifted his hands to my head caging me in . He was such a giant that I had to lift my head to look at him and felt his short breaths on my face. He moved much closer to me and I held my breath.
What was he doing? we were going to be late.

He moved his lips to my ear and whispered  dangerously low,
"that's impossible" his lips moved slowly teasing my ear , making me shudder, "I know your a 36 and that's the dress size. Think of a better excuse next time" he said as he moved away from me and turned to his car. My eyes widened a fraction, how the hell did he know I was a 36. 

Composing myself, I moved from the door and walked behind him. Deep in thought of how he knew my bra size I didn't realise when I reached his sleek midnight black car. He stood like a model by the passenger side holding the door open waiting for me patiently.
What a perfect, picture pose!

I looked at him as his eyes trailed down my body once again lingering on my rising and falling chest,
And I couldn't help but wonder,
What exactly is your problem, Mr Adam Larsen? 


It's getting more juicy
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