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It had been two days since I had had that stupid encounter with that annoying arse. For two whole days, I sat starring at the white walls of my house being too stubborn to go and see how the office was getting upgraded. If he wanted to  proceed without my consent and knowledge , then he should even finish it without me. No ways was I going to follow his ways like a love sick puppy.

The most shocking thing about these two days was the fact that my father didn't call me, not at all, not even to ask about the days report like usual. The first night he didn't call, I couldn't fall asleep. I don't know why but i was still in shock.  I couldn't believe he didn't call me!

When I had called Alessia , she very animatedly and with full on giggling when she told me that My Larsen gave all the employees a long weekend. He told them to relax and pamper themselves before the party which was tomorrow. The man was already ruling my employees, Wow!

I decided to go and shop for a dress today. Yes I know last minute things but when you are in charge of a business, having time for yourself is a luxury.  Dressed in another pair of black pants and a green shirt , I locked my door as I hurried out of my house. It was already 3 pm and I was hoping to lather my body in oil and soap when I came back at six.

I walked from shop to shop with my soles complaining. I knew I didn't have to wear my work pumps but I was too lazy to go look for another pair of comfortable shoes. In all the malls I went, I didn't find any nice dress. Some were too short while others were too flashy .

Finally deciding to check at Layla's, I entered the store exhausted. I checked rack and rack until my hand stopped on a soft fabric. Pulling it out, all my tiredness vanished as I looked at it. It was a floor length black dress with an A-line scoop neck. It had a beading sequinned bow that tightened at the waist and then flared out. It was soft, sexy and perfect for the evening.

Feeling content with my choice, I grabbed a pair of red strapped heels which would go perfect with the  dress and paid for them before heading home. I was so looking forward for the bubble bath now.

After spending a good hour in the tub waxing, cleansing and relaxing, I came out all ready for bed. I had to do all the pampering to my body today because tomorrow was going to be a hectic day. I had to oversee and make sure everything was decorated fine, the food was ready , the drinks were adequate and the accounts were settled with everyone. I was the person in charge and I had to make sure it was perfect to my fathers liking.

I walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before going to bed. It was still 8pm but I was planning to read a good novel  before sleeping. It had been quite a long time since I had last read a book. Walking back to my room, my doorbell rang.
Huh who could it be?

Thinking it was Mrs. Wilkins asking about her cat, I opened the door as I looked for the sly cat in the lounge room, 

" He's not here" I said sighing in relief before I turned to look at....  
Mr.Larsen, what was he doing here?

" Who's not here, Miss Delan?" An angry Adam asked as his serious grey eyes raked over my whole body before he self-invited himself. He strode closer to me, the whole time not losing eye contact with me. He stopped inches apart from me before he pulled the towel from my hair and as my wet hair tumbled down, did I finally realise what I was dressed in, a white bathrobe only!

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