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{ Sophie's PoV}

Adam had woken me up with hot kisses littered all over my body, making me a moaning, writhing mess. Like the annoying tease he was, instead of satisfying my sexual desire, he left me to get showered alone. Though, I was glad he hadn't shower with me. Instead of a twenty minute shower, he'd make us be in the bath for more than two hours.
Satisfying the both of us

I came down to a whole table full of food and a sexy Adam in his boxers, showing off those pecs of his and a smirk on his face,

"Guten Appetit, meine Verführerin" He said, rounding the table and kissing the top of my knuckles. He pulled a barstool out for me and helped me settle down with his hands on my hips. The heat spreading from his large palms made me want to clench my thighs. He winked in my direction and I couldn't help the chuckle. He was acting all gentleman-like and I was liking it.

Like usual, he watched me eat. His dark grey eyes watching me from the moment my lips wrapped around the fork till I swallowed every morsel on my plate.

" Eat more." He said as he moved his eyes to the now empty plate. I raised a brow in confusion.

" You'll need the energy for tonight," Adam said whilst leaning back on his chair. He said it so casually that a blush spread to my cheeks and dirty thoughts filled my mind.
He truly was insatiable!

" It's fine, there's still a lot of time." I told Adam as I stood up from my seat, washing my hands and plate in the sink.

" Well, with the way your sauntering around with only my shirt on your body, It'll be much sooner," Adam said, his hand wrapping around my waist,pushing his erection into my ass. How the fuck is he so silent? I didn't even hear him moving.

I ground my ass against his dick making him groan.
"Who tells you to tear all my clothes?" I asked back playfully.

His mouth moved to my ear, nibbling on the shell, teasing me. I wrapped my hand around his neck as his lips moved down to my neck, playing a rhythm. Biting, sucking then licking and repeat. He was adding to the hickeys I already had.
Stupid caveman!

" I'll buy you more," Adam huskily whispered, moving his lips to my cheeks. Shivers travelled down my spine and I clutched on his neck tighter. His hand ventured under my shirt, up my inner thigh and just when he was going to touch me, his phone had to fucking ring. I unwrapped my hand from him and tried to make some distance between us but the prodigious arse, he let his hand continue the venture while he answered the phone with the other.

" Adam." I gasped as his hand touched my clit. He was talking on the phone normally like as if he wasn't pleasuring me and I didn't know whether to curse or salute at his sneakiness. His finger skilfully entered my wet cunt and my knees buckled. The pleasure coursing through my body was intense, just like the man causing it.

"Ahh," I moaned as another finger entered me. Adam gripped my hips tighter and I bucked back my ass against his dick harder. My stomach was tightening with each of his thrusts and moans spilled from my lips uncontrollably.

" Adaaamm" I cried in ecstasy, my nails sinking into his forearm. Fuck I was blinded with pleasure as the orgasm rocked my body. Adam continued thrusting his fingers into me making me almost sob. As much as I wanted him to fuck me I was still sore from last night. He had woken me up at random times before sinking into me, making me have orgasm after orgasm. And then now again. I was still basking in the pleasure of the orgasm as I slouched against Adam, closing my eyes. I was so fucking tired.

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