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{ Sophie's PoV}

The gentle breeze caressed my skin and bright light streamed in the room. I groaned and snuggled against the hard warmness. I didn't want to wake up just yet.

" Preciosa," Adam whispered gently, his fingers tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I groaned once again and moved closer to him. His chest vibrated as he chuckled.

" You need to wake up preciosa," he rubbed his nose against mine in an Eskimo kiss, making mine scrunch in response.

" We have a flight to catch," Adam said whilst he done the complete opposite, he tucked my head under his chin and drew lazy circles on my back. I groaned in protest, making him chuckle more.

" Hmm Since when have you become so lazy?" Adam asked his nose trailing down my neck, making shudders travel down my body. But I still didn't reply, too tired and already on the brink of sleep.

I woke up again to see a boxer clad Adam standing by the window talking fluently in Arabic. How many languages did the guy even know? I personally only knew three namely Arabic, English and French but definitely Adam knew more.

I stood up from the bed and grabbed the shirt only to find it ripped. Adam seriously needed to learn how to be patient.

I walked towards him and hugged his muscular back. His arms covered mine and I relaxed against his back. It felt so right being here, next to him, waking up in his arms and having al my worries disappear. He was my relief, my pleasure and the source of my happiness.


We boarded Adams plane after having a heavy brunch. I moved the block of ice around my tongue and hissed making Adam look at me with an I told you so face . I had insisted on eating some Indonesian food and I ordered Mie Goreng. Adam asked me to try another dish but I was too stubborn, I wanted to try the noodled dish. . It was full of cheesy prawns and saucy, One of the most delicious food I've ever tasted but also the most spiciest. And now I was stuck with my mouth burning.

" How long is the flight?" I asked Adam whilst biting the ice. I wanted to eat chocolate but all of the ones in Adams fridge were dark chocolate, and as much as it was healthy, it was way too bitter for my liking.

" 16 hours." He replied briefly, still reading the mails on his phone. The guy was such a workaholic, no wonder he was one of the richest man in NYC.

I borrowed Adams laptop and logged into my email account. The both of us worked in silence, occasionally glancing at each other before returning to work. When my fingers hurt from all the typing, I put the laptop away but there was still 9 hours left.
Why was time going so slow?

A pretty air hostess bought in some snacks for us and we had a light conversation whilst we ate.
It was comfortable. I got to know more of Adam. He had nine freaking houses. 9! Whilst hundreds of children in the world don't have any roof over their heads, he had nine . I asked him what he done with so many and he told me he rented them out. At least, they were being put to use. Also, he told me he knew five other languages, Arabic, German, Spanish, French and Italian. I looked at him with widened eyes. How the hell didn't he get confused with what word belonged to what language?

The trip, although short, was fun. I had forgotten all about what had happened with my father. But the harsh reality slapped me when we were in Adams car, returning back home. He got a call and his relaxed, carefree self had stiffened.

" Preciosa," Adam's spoke, his voice controlled with a temper.

" Is everything okay Adam?" I asked. We had reached home and I was just unbuckling my seat when he called out to me. His face was blank with his eyes emotionless.

" There's an emergency. Don't Wait for me, go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow morning." I nodded in his direction, worried myself. What happened that he had to rush immediately?

I couldn't sleep no mater how comfortable the bed was. I kept tossing and turning. I hadn't gotten any call from Adam and my calls to him kept going to voicemail. I was curios and worried about Adam especially when he came back at 5 in the morning.

" Adam." I called out to him in the dark yet he didn't hear. He just kept striding towards our room and I rushed behind him.

" Adam.." I whispered as I entered the room. Adam was filling a glass with champagne and when he heard my voice, he looked up at me. His eyes were black and his jaw was tensed, a crazed look was on his face and for the first time, I felt scared, scared to talk to the beast who stood in front of me.

" What's wrong Adam? " I asked, trying not to stutter. I blinked my eyes and when I opened them, Adam was already in front of me, grasping my arms in a deathly grip, before he pulled me towards him. He bent his face down and attacked my lips in a passionate, punishing kiss. I tried to match his lips but after awhile I just gave up and enjoyed the taste of him. When we parted from each other, My heart was thumping in my chest and my brain was trying to process what actually happened.

After a few minutes, I mustered the courage to ask him and he growled in my ear, before answering me.

"My cousin brother is in coma." He growled in my ear and I gasped out loud. I tried to get out of his grip to see his face but he didn't let me. I felt a lump form in my throat as Adam continued talking,

" He got hit by a drunk driver and now chances of him surviving are 40%. The fucking accident happened three weeks ago and I only got to know today. The girlfriend is a desperate bitch and behind his back she's being a whore." I gasped as I heard his words,
" she called me telling me it was urgent and when I went to their house, I find her in a skimpy dress trying to seduce me. Fucking bitch."

The lump in my throat even got larger and I felt a strange emotion settle at the pit of my gut as I asked the next question,

" What did you do then?" Adam moved away from me as he removed his tie and shoes.

" I fucking threw money on her face. I had warned David that he deserved better than that slut but the fucker was blinded by her beauty and now look at what she's doing when he's in his death bed."

I felt sort of relieved when I heard his words. I knew he was angry and upset, and as much as I wanted to know more, I didn't ask any more questions.

Instead I walked towards Adams closet and gave Adam a pair of pants he could wear for the night. I waited for him to return back from the bathroom whilst I laid on the bed. He entered the covers and pull me towards his self. He bent his nose towards my neck and sleep too embraced me when I was safe, secured and content that Adam was here with me and was very much still loyal to me.


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