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{ Sophie's PoV}

I sighed loudly as I heard the ringtone of my phone. It was just the second day since Adam and I shifted to Washington and the calls from my family never stopped. It was just 9 a.m and my mother was calling already me.

" Mother." I replied curtly. I just wanted to get over with this conversation, I had so much unpacking to do.

"Sophie, I know I'm been calling you a lot lately," my mother said and I rolled my eyes. A lot was an understatement, my entire call log was just full of her calls.

"....but Sophie I'm worried." My mother said and I sighed again.
How many times had I heard that statement in the past 36 hours?

" Mother, there's nothing to worry about." I told her, putting the phone on loudspeaker and I returned back to unpacking.

" It's just, you went away so sudden without even telling me...." my mother spoke exasperated.

" Well I had come home." I said cutting my mother mid sentence.

After my meeting with my father, I had gone to my parents house. I wanted to inform my mother about my departure but she had yet again gone to another shopping spree of hers. Then I just went away back to my apartment and packed all my essentials.

" About that honey..." I cringed when I heard the word honey. My parents hardly used any endearments with me and when they did, it was weird.

".... I'm really sorry, but you know Jessica's daughter just came back from Paris...." my mother kept talking about a Jessica I didn't even give a shit about and I ignored her rants and kept doing my work.

" Yes so it was fun. Are you even listening to me Sophie?" My mother asked annoyed.
Why was she even annoyed?
I should be the one irritated with her, she just called to rant to me.

" Honestly speaking, No mother." I said and the sigh my mother gave could not be anymore dramatic.

" Sophie!" My mother sighed.

" Mother!" I said back sarcastically.

"Just tell me why you're there. Is it cause of Reyah?"

" No Mother. Father already knows the reason and I think it's best if you don't know yet." I said. My mother could not stomach anything. Telling her about David would be like broadcasting it to the whole world, so My father and I hadn't told the exact reason to her .

" It is because of her I know. Your father gave her the business and that's why you went away ..."

" Mother, I'm the one who told father to give it to Reyah." I once again cut her rambling.

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temple, I could feel the throb in my head increasing. When I opened my eyes back, Adam strolled in from the bathroom. He was dressed in just dark blue sweat pants and his right hand rubbed a towel against his brown hair, making all his muscles flex.
Why was he so drool worthy?

He winked in my direction and I rolled my eyes, I was so not in the mood for his teasing. His eyes lit up with a mischievous glint before he spoke,

" Baby! Why you still in my shirt? Get dressed Baby , we gotta go to work." He semi screamed. making it look like he was talking form far. I glared in his direction but my mother on the other side squealed,

" Ohhhh whats Adam saying?" She said in a teasing voice and I was grateful she didn't hear him.

" Nothing important. Listen, I need to go mother. I'll talk to you later." And I finally cut the call.
Goodness! I was going to cherish the minutes I had before my mother decided to call again.

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