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{Sophie's POV}

We reached the airport pretty quickly.My mother handed me a side bag which had all my passport and other things and an extra big, blue suitcase.I eyed the suitcase warily,

" Mother what's in here?" I asked her trying to not shout and control my frustration,

" Obviously clothes Sophie! Now go hurry, Adam's  waiting for you" She nudged me and frantically waved at a busy Adam.

I was so not prepared to see him especially after yesterday. Today his choice of attire was a dark grey suit with a black undershirt clinging to every muscle of his body. You could easily see the outline of his pecs. His brown hair were tousled as he ran his fingers through them and his catastrophic eyes were thankfully not in my direction, they were hidden behind black aviators . I purposely walked slowly to not reach him but the arse knew, he knew I wanted to annoy him and that signature smirk of his just said it all.

I nodded at him and was heading to the check in, when he roughly grabbed my wrist and dragged me in the opposite direction.I was so confused as to what he was doing, I read the time it was 11:56 am and we had only 4 minutes before the plane would take off.
what the hell was he doing?

"Mr Larsen!" I said trying to gain his attention but the arse ignored me.What was up with him and dragging me? Oh yeah, he doesn't have the courtesy to ask and he knows I will not follow him on my own.

I put all my weight on my feet as we passed through a metal walled corridor, guards stood in a line and nodded at us, more precisely Adam, as we passed them. Finally, we came to a stop in front of a big white jet that had the name Larsens written in big bold letters.
How could I forget my fake fiancé was a freaking billionaire? That also a Larsen? I sighed, how hard would it for him to just tell me we were not flying in economy but in his Majesty's plane.

I pulled my wrist from his loosened grip and tied my hair in a bun, all the dragging made my hair fall out. I climbed the ladder behind Adam and I watched  the way his suit pants were clinging to his derrière.
How interesting, even his ass cheeks had muscles. I wanted to laugh loudly but I controlled myself.

Adam introduced me to the Pilot, Benjamin who flushed pink when I shook hands with him and called him Ben.his ears turned red and in his British accent he said" Yes Ma'am" . It was so cute that I couldn't control the smile that spread on my cheeks. However, Adam did not find it amusing and he glared at our intertwined hands though his shades. I could feel the storm brewing in his eyes and I felt his muscular arm wrap tightly around my waist as he said,

" Meet my fiancé, Sophie Delans" the way he said Sophie made an involuntary shiver run down my body.

When Ben realised who I was, he quickly left my hand like as if I burnt him and apologised before he scurried away. Adam smirked in my direction.  I swear he purposely took me to meet the air hostess, Rebecca,  who blatantly flirted with Adam in front of me. I rolled my eyes at him,
Did he really think I was going to get jealous?

I ignored them and walked to the lounge area in his plane.  I tied my seat belt on, removed my work shoes and placed my laptop bag on the seat next to mine,

"Well if you two are done flirting, can we leave?" I told the two of them, that's when Adam realised I was not next to him and was already well settled in my seat. Rebecca blushed embarrassed and nodded her head before she went to tell Ben to take off.

Adam clenched his jaw before he settled on the seat opposite to mine.
" What's the WiFi password?" I asked Adam internally smirking, he thought I'd get affected but I wasn't. He was a walking, smoking, hot piece of steak who bitches couldn't help but get attracted to and I didn't blame them as well, he was every woman's wet dream.

" There's no password." he spoke lowly in that deep voice of his. I nodded at him before I started doing my own work. It was quite interesting, none of us talked and the both of us were busy clicking letters on our laptops.  I lifted my gaze to look at the MacBook he had, it was the latest and looked so sleek in its black colour just like its owner. I envied his laptop once more before I continued reading my file.

I cleared my throat, it had been three hours since we took off and my bum had gotten sore. I placed the laptop away and stood up to stretch. Adam watched me intensely ,without blinking his eyes once as I bent to touch my toes and twisted my back. I raised an eyebrow in his direction but instead of being ashamed, he smirked.
Stupid arse!

" So why are we going Maldives?" I finally asked the question that was itching me the whole time.

" Your father didn't tell you?" Adam asked me surprised.

" Nope now tell me," I told him before I walked to the small refrigerator in front of me.I was starving and I wasn't going to wait for Rebecca to come. I opened the fridge and saw heavenly goodies in front of me, different types of chocolate bars were arranged according to size. I grinned as I found my favourite Sneaker bar as well. However, I wasn't craving chocolate at the moment and so decided to grab the whole grape box and settled Indian style on the plush plane seat.

Adam shook his head at me,
" well we're going there to see a site.  I am planning to open a factory there where we can manufacture the steel parts so it can be a lot more easier to transport to Africa and also Asia, in the future." He spoke so effortlessly in that deep voice of his. I couldn't help but get drawn to the way his red lips were moving as he spoke.

" Well its a busy tourist attraction, don't you think the government will object to let a steel making company in. Especially , if we taking about all the emissions and pollution that's going to happen?" I asked him thinking about how tourism was the main foreign exchange factor for Maldives.

" Don't worry about that Miss delans" Adam told me as his smirk stretched and he continued doing his work completely ignoring me.
Wow just wow!

The rest of the plane ride I didn't know what to do. How I wished I had taken a book with me. I spent some time staring at the passing clouds but after a while it got boring so I just stared at Adam. I watched the way his eyebrows scrunched as he read something he didn't like or how his lips straightened when he read something irrelevant I guess, he soon lifted his grey eyes to question me but I was to embarrassed to even look at him. I just turned my head, reclined my seat and off I went to sleep in a deep slumber.

I woke up to Adam carrying me bridal style so close to his muscular chest and my head in the crook of his neck.
" We reached?" I asked dumbly trying to adjust my eyes to the bright light.

" Yes, now go back to sleep" He commanded me but all thought of sleeping flew out of my head when I realised how close we were to each other. My breasts were tightly pressed to his chest, his arms were holding me carefully to his chest like as if I was something fragile and his grey eyes were intensely staring at my brown eyes. I was so close to him that I could actually see the dark blue strands in his eyes. My breath hitched in my throat and I quickly turned my gaze away.

What was he doing to me?
And why was my heart beating so fast?


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