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{ Sophie's PoV}

" Adam you're back," I spoke almost breathless, not believing the 6'5 ft, handsome man was really standing in front of me,

" Yes, meine Verführerin," He said with his signature smirk, " I can kiss you again to show you how real I am," he said cockily, moving closer to me, placing his hands against the glass, caging me in.

I placed a hand on his hard chest, trying to push him away, because I know , If he kisses me again, then there is surely no going back and when I glanced at the time, I realised it was already ten to two.

I shook my head no as I spoke, "we have a meeting to attend," I said, still catching my breath and still trying to get him to move,

" So?" Adam said pushing his chest against mine, my aroused buds pressing shamelessly against him.

" Someone will see us!" I said, pushing against his chest but he held my wrists in his palms and he inched closer and closer, this time pushing his hips against mine and I gasped when I felt his aroused manhood press against my thigh.

" So," he replied and I wanted to scream, out of pleasure or frustration, I don't know. I gave Adam a frustrated look and he said, " I'll move only on one condition." Our faces were so close to each other that with every word he uttered, his lips touched mine teasingly. I stared into his dark stormy eyes and debated before I nodded my head.

A sinister smirk spread on his lips and his eyes lit up in mischief as he spoke, and I regretted my decision when I heard him say ,"You'll go out for dinner with me,"

I raised a brow and I looked at him, hoping he was joking but to prove his point, he moved a little closer, pressing his hard erection more on my thigh and I quickly nodded my head, not wanting him to get any closer than he already was. He finally budged and moved away from me , letting me calm my racing heart.

I fixed my hair and cursed, my fingers were actually shaking as Adam kept staring at me with that dark look of his, his eyes claustrophobic and expressionless and his lips set in a straight line,

" Let me" Adam said when I failed for the second time and without waiting for my consent, he just turned me around and untied my hair, letting them fall loosely on my back. His fingers slowly combed through my hair and my breath hitched in my throat when he gently massaged my sculpt. It felt so good and just as I was getting comfortable, the annoying man fisted my hair in his hand and done a low bun, muttering a low, "We'll be late," in my ear before he left me alone.

I turned to look at his retreating back and I cursed, how could a single, arrogant arse make me feel this way? I followed Adam towards the Conference hall and I rolled my eyes, almost all the male employees we passed, stared at him in awe and all the women stared at him with open lust, some even squealed as he walked by.

I shook my head and just increased my pace. When I entered the conference hall, I saw all the shareholders already seated, with pin-drop silence surrounding them, conveying no pleasant words were exchanged between them. My father shot me an icy glare and I just ignored him, being a minute late doesn't really matter.

" Hello honey!" Said a man and I turned to look at Mr. Leonine Larsen, Adams father, who had a megawatt grin on his face,
Well, at least someone was excited to be here today!

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