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Sorry for the late update guys Though Updates
will be slower now .
I'm busy with my exams and don't have much time for writing

{ Adams PoV}

Sophie stiffened in my arms as she took the sight of her family. Her coward sister and her useless boyfriend were sitting happily, chatting amongst themselves, whilst looking at their child.

The little boy was the first one to notice us. He looked at Sophie in confusion before turning back to look at his mother, than back to Sophie, than back to the bitch. He done that once again before he stuttered out,

" Momma?" In confusion whilst staring at Sophie.

Sophie tensed further in my arms and I clenched my jaw. I didn't like that she was uncomfortable.

There was silence in the room as Sophie's family finally realised we were here. Awkward glances passed amongst the seated people and I just got more angry, they were acting like Sophie and I were strangers.

" Sophie! Adam!" Blair, Sophies mother had to speak, the woman was always enthusiastic.

" Adam, I'd like you to meet my other daughter, Reyah and my son in law, Ethan," the short woman spoke joyfully, gesturing at them as she looked at me. Her eyes were filled with contentment and her lips curved to the max.

I nodded in her direction,
" I know, I've met them before." I briefly spoke , not caring whether or not I sounded rude . I didn't like them and I wasn't going to sugarcoat my actions for them.

" Oh you have!" Blair said, sounding confused but I didn't give a fuck. I just nodded in her direction not wanting to elaborate further.

" Adam, it's good to have you here. Please have a seat," William Delan spoke and I clenched my palm.
If only they weren't related to Sophie, they wouldn't even be worth wasting time on.

Feeling my clenched palm on her waist, Sophie clasped her own around mine and looked at me, it's fine, she nodded her head but it wasn't. I was fucking pissed ,
Only Adam.
No one had even fucking acknowledged Sophie.

I sat right next to Sophie, not caring whether I offended anyone. I wasn't leaving my woman alone with these useless people.

" Excuse me Miss but who are you?" The young boy said, scrunching his nose and furrowing his eyes. He looked exactly like the stiff older man in front of me. No wonder the old bastard liked him, the child had the same green eyes and black hair.

Sophie raised an eyebrow and I knew she was controlling herself from saying anything crude.

" Uh She's your aunty," Reyah said, clearing her throat.

I glared at her with my angry eyes. She was the complete opposite of My Sophie.
While my Sophie was confident and sophisticated, Reyah was a stuttering fool and a back-stabbing bitch.
I was so lucky that Sophie didn't get the green eyes like the bitch.

Sophie chuckled, a cold, unhumored chuckle,
"I'll rectify that Reyah," She said her voice distant, her eyes shielded,
"Hello Keyan, you can call me Sophie." She said gently, turning her gaze to the little boy.

The boy smiled back at Sophie and I could relate the mischievous smile so much to Sophie's. She returned his smile with a straight lipped one and I knew She was uncomfortable .
If only we hadn't have come.

"Let's have some dessert now, shall we?" Blair said walking in with a bowl and some side plates . The smell hit my nostrils and I almost cringed, Apple crusted pie.

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