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{ Sophie's PoV}

I walked with my head high as I passed through all the snobby rich people who stared at me like as if I was a different species because I had dressed in cropped sweatpants, a cream shirt and a navy blue blazer. It looked like I was going for a meeting than a dinner at a sophisticated, elegant restaurant but unfortunately for them as I wasn't going to get affected by their fake richness ,half bankrupt selves .

Adam hadn't yet finished his work and thus I had a chauffeur drop me here. I had entered all alone with the Maitre D' acting all enthusiastic and excited with me, causing heads to turn in my direction and multiple eyes scrutinising my outfit, neck and wrist in search of shining jewels . The urge to lift the middle finger to them was so high but I had to be professional.

The Maitre D' guided me to a secluded private area which had large windows overlooking the night sky.
A beautifully carved wooden table was set for two in the centre and a male violinist played a soft melody in the corner of the room.
Interesting !

The Maitre D' reluctantly left my side after much convincing from my side and I hadn't even placed my derrière on the seat, when a waiter was already standing in front of me,

" Would you like to have a beverage as you wait Madame?" The brown haired, teenage waiter asked me and I politely declined his offer.

" Oh no Madame! you need to order something. How are you going to enjoy Roberto without having any glass to act like a sophisticated, rich woman?" He asked looking shocked then embarrassed as he realised what he just said.

" Sorry for that comment Mrs. Larsen." The teenager said and I controlled the chuckle that was ready to spill out.

" well," I said looking at him amused, " since you do know who I am, it'll be fair enough if you tell me yours."

" The name is Ronald, Madame," he said, correcting his posture and I smiled,

" Ronald, as of now I'm not really thirsty, but maybe if you'd like, we could grab some coffee together when you're done," I said using a serious face and Ronald gaped in my direction, standing with his mouth open, shocked for a few seconds,

" Ronald?" I asked, my stoic face nearly slipping.

" Are you serious?" Ronald ask with widened eyes and when I nodded, a gigantic smile broke out on his face and a pink blush appeared on his cheeks. He looked absolutely adorable and I laughed.

" I'd love to Madame, but I'm only 17 and I don't want to be on the bad side of Mr Larsen." He said looking at me all guilty and I chuckled before I nodded a farewell in his direction. He was going to break the heart of many people when he's older.

I turned to look at Roberto play a sad tune and I sighed, how long before Adam came?

{ Adam's PoV}

I strolled through the back door of O Requintado and I nodded at all the employees who greeted me. I wanted to quickly reach Sophie. I was almost 25 minutes late and I was sure she'd be starving. However, while I was expecting to meet an angry, ready to explode woman, I found the exact opposite.

Sophie was standing next to a window and unlike other women who wore short revealing dresses, she was dressed in black sweatpants with a navy blue blazer. The cool breeze was playing with her tied hair and her gaze was transfixed on the night sky.
Fucking beautiful

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