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{Adams PoV}

" Sir where should we place this." The headmen, Charles said. I looked at what was in his hands and sighed. Where would be the best place to put a small box?

" Why don't you just place it on the couch." I told Charles before getting back to my papers. Reading Clauses, rules and doing signatures was so monotonous for me, How does David even deal with all this shit?

And to make matters worse, David had done a campaign to ask people about how his services were and now, there were a thousand plus responses. How the fuck were we supposed to go through each and every feedback? More than Half the papers were notes from the female population who had a crush on him. And filtering through them was going to be a job and a half.

" Sir we're done here." Charles said and when I looked at the office I smirked. It had truly been transformed to my liking. It looked elegant and simple, not too extravagant yet still have that sophisticated look to it.

After thanking Charles and the men who helped him, I rushed to my car and drove towards the F&S department.
I had truly hurt Sophie with my reaction when she told me she wanted to wait until we had a child. With all the drama going on with her sister and David, I had been way too harsh with her. I was glad we were away from her family. I had let her think she was leaving her fathers company temporarily, but no, she was never going to return to that bastards business.
And I had Let her bastard father and sister know. At first they were shocked and refusing, but they had no other choice then to agree.

I think it was time to rectify my mistakes and make my preciosa feel like the Queen She was.

{ Sophie's PoV}

After Adam left, Elise explained everything to me. Her craziness disappeared and she acted like a professional as she talked about the activities of the firm. I was surprised with how serious she took her job, considering how she was acting a few hours ago.

At lunch time, Elise dragged me down to the cafeteria, telling me how I had to taste the incredible pasta. There were no lines or queues formed at the food table which I found surprising. However, I realised why when Elise handed me a plastic bag. The bag had a container of pasta, some boxed chocolate cake and a bottle of water.

We sat on a table which was on a corner overlooking the busy street. Apparently, every employee had a table reserved so we didn't have any trouble with finding a seat. Elise eagerly told me to taste the food. I was wary because I thought she was just exaggerating but when I had a bite, my taste buds went crazy.
The cheesy pasta just melted in my mouth.

" This is so good." I moaned to Elise as I took another forkful.

" Told ya it's incredible!" Elise said, " The food comes from Mr Faverly's restaurant. It's literally set up just for his employees meals." Elise said and my eyes widened. How many employees did the Faverly have that a whole restaurant was dedicated just for them?

I was having another mouthful of pasta when my phone rang. I saw the caller ID and answered, thankfully it was Adam and not my mother. My mother had reduced the number of times she called but nonetheless She called, she wanted to talk for hours.

" Hello Preciosa." I heard Adams deep voice but I hummed as I was still chewing my food.

Adam chuckled at me before he spoke,
"I'm waiting for you downstairs come quickly."

I muttered an okay and cut the phone. I looked at my half eaten pasta and frowned, I wasn't going to finish this goodness. Seeing my fallen face Elise asked what happened.

" Adams waiting for me downstairs." I told her giving her a tight lipped smile and just before I stood up, Elise closed the box hard and threw it in my direction. Luckily, I caught it. I shot her a glare but she just clicked her tongue and told me to go before Adam got angry.

And so I scurried downstairs to find Adam with his black aviators on and his phone by his ear. He was leaning against the hood of the car with his legs crossed on his ankles looking so fucking sexy.
He turned his gaze at me and I smiled embarrassed.
Why did he have to always catch me staring at him?

We settled in the car and Adam started driving somewhere. I couldn't ask Him where we were going as he was busy on the phone. He kept the phone on loudspeaker and kept talking in one of the foreign languages he spoke. Adam drove back to our apartment and I turned to look at him in confusion. Why had we come back home?

Adam talked for a few more seconds before cutting the line.

" Sorry about that Preciosa," Adam said, turning to look at me,
" It was one of the man I was going to meet back in New York and he was disappointed knowing I wasn't there." I gave Adam a pitied look and he shook his head. He had no choice.

" Well, why are we here?" I asked Adam turning to look at our apartment. Adam followed my gaze and answered,

" Oh preciosa, there's a brown file I need. Could you please take it from my office?" Adam asked and seeing how tired he was, I agreed to go.

" Sure no problem." I said unbuckling my seatbelt and that's when Adam noticed the container. He saw the pasta inside and he smirked,

" I see you couldn't even resist the Faverly Pasta." Adam said and I gave him a cheeky smile. He knew my love for food so I wasn't going to explain myself.
And just before I could get out of the car, Adam pulled my head towards his kissing my lips passionately. His tongue tracing over my lips before plunging in. After a few heated seconds he let go,

" Hmm still the same addictive taste I remember." Adam said and I blushed not knowing what he was talking about,
Me or the pasta?

I unlocked the apartment door and quickly rushed up the flight of stairs. I didn't want to waste more of Adams time. I pushed the door of the office open and felt something fall on me. I looked up and watched tiny little glittery stuff falling all around me. I squealed in surprise and happiness as the little flakes touched my skin.

I turned my gaze down and found the whole house office transformed. A soft romantic melody played from a radio and a beautifully decorated wooden table ,set for two, was placed in the centre. The curtains were wide opened letting the afternoon light stream in and the windows let a cool gentle breeze in. I raised an eyebrow, curios with what Adam was up to.

I walked further in the room watching the smoke on the ground part to reveal a red carpet. When and how had Adam set all this up?

I felt his burning gaze on my back and I knew he was here. I turned to look at him with a raised brow, silently asking what was going on. Adam didn't respond but rather walked to me and guided me towards the couch.

I sat down and Adam settled in between my legs.

" Preciosa." He muttered and I looked at him giving him all my attention.

" I know you're confused about all this but I had to do all this before I gave you this box." Adam said handing me a black shoe-sized box. My brows scrunched in confusion as I held it,
What could possibly be in here?

.......to be continued.

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