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*WARNING- mature scene ahead (but not like you are going to listen so whateves proceed)

{ Sophie's PoV}

I was seething, my blood was boiling and my jaw was hurting from over clenching it. The obnoxious arsehole actually wanted to shower while I bathed, And even worse watch me bath?
What kind of options were those?
Annoying fucking arsehole!

At first ,When he was at the door, I had had a mini heart attack. I have never shown any man my naked body and nor did I ever intend to but the arsehole had to change everything. I sank in to the water until the bubbles reached my chin but to no avail, he still wanted to shower while I did!

The arsehole stood behind me fumbling with the door, why the fuck didn't I lock the door? Obviously it was no big deal for him, he must be bathing with his bimbos all the time, how was I any different ?
I was so lost in my thoughts that when Adam strode to the shower in just his black silk boxers, I felt my blood pump faster and all the blood rush to my cheeks.
Oh goodness, why was this happening?

I watched from the side of my eyes as he looked directly at my face watching my expression but I was not going to let him affect me, I gulped the lump that formed in my mouth and continued watching the sea waves, Ignorance shall be my bitter solution.
The arsehole had the nerve to chuckle before his hand moved to his boxers and started to lower them slowly, my breath hitched in my throat as he dragged it down and just before he exposed all his male glory, he thankfully turned. He entered the shower and I released the breath I was holding.
This man will surely give me a heart attack!

The shower was made of glass and steel that covered his lower region from me. I could just imagine how Adam would react if the shower was full glass, obnoxious, arrogant and obviously show off all his male assets. I sat for five minutes watching what he done. His back was faced towards me as he fumbled with some switches in the shower before water started streaming in from all corners of the shower. Adam turned around and smirked in my direction and I scrawled , I showed him the middle finger and his smirk just widened further as he mouthed "soon".

I raised an eyebrow in his direction before I decided to settle comfortably in the tub . I closed my eyes trying to enjoy the soak just as much as I would have without his intense stare but that was almost impossible. His smouldering gaze was heating my body and making me clench my thighs. I opened my eyes frustrated, how could he have an effect on me with just his eyes? I grabbed the towel that was on the side of the tub , I'll have to bath later when I no longer have his presence so close to me.

I kept my eyes on Adams back as I carefully wrapped the towel around me. I bent to unplug the water and cautiously walked to the door looking at Adam every now and then. Just as I placed my hand on the door handle, the beast opened his stormy eyes which clashed dangerously with my widened brown ones. I moved my hand slowly to push the handle down , I blinked my eyes and in that span of time, a strong palm fisted my arm and pulled me harshly to a wet chest and then pushed me against the door knocking the air out of my body.

I opened my eyes in shock as I stared at an angry Adam. His arm tightened around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest. My grip on my towel loosened and it dropped to my stomach. I gasped as I realised now my bare breasts pressed against his naked chest.

" What.." I stuttered as I stared at the brooding man, " What are you doing Adam?" I lifted my arms and pushed against his chest, adrenaline pumping through my body.
I was angry with his persistent brooding presence.
Having enough of my pushing, Adam pressed me closer to the door and raised my arms up, I breathed heavily and looked into his black eyes. Water from his wet locks dropped on my bare breasts and I shivered. Adam noticed my shudder and He moved extremely close to me before his soft lips met mine.

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