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{ Sophie's PoV}

Adam was even tensed the whole car ride. He dropped me off to my house and didn't even wait for me to reach the door before he drove off. I looked at his disappearing car and shock my head, he knew something that I needed to know. However, I couldn't be more than relieved when I entered my house for definitely home is where the heart is. Heck I was even happy to see Mrs. Wilkins cat who meowed at me and wagged her tail. I chuckled in her direction and collapsed straight on my bed. It had been a long, yet exciting, crazy 4 days trip I had with Adam and now I just wanted to relax.

I woke up to the incessant knocking on my door. I groggily woke up and walked to the door, I looked through the peephole to see none other than my mother . Oh god! I was seriously not in the mood to deal with her.

" Sophie Alice Delans!" Her voice screamed amidst the knocks , "do not act childish and open the door this instant!" I mentally groaned listening to her voice.
Why did I have to be blessed with an over enthusiastic mother and a stone-hearted father? Couldn't I just have a typical American family?

I waited for 2 more annoying knocks before I finally opened the door,
" Mother, I was sleeping," I told her giving her a dead pan look,

" Oh god, I was imagining the worst things! I got a feeling of Deja Vu, " my mother told me looking all serious and scared, her worried eyes met mine and I regretted not opening the door earlier. I looked at my mother's grief stricken face and I cursed, shit, the topic had resurfaced after months, How was I even going to handle my mother's breakdown?

" Come on in," I told her trying to distract her thoughts but in reality, my thoughts them self were going down memory lane to that dreadful night, the night when many relationships ended, fights started and tears flowed non stop. My mother's eyes were all moistened up and I could foresee the waterworks that were on the verge of falling.

" I'm ordering pizza, would you like to eat something else?" I told her grabbing my phone checking the time, it was just 6:15 pm but I was starving and what distraction was the best other than food?

" Oh no honey, I didn't come here for eating" she said and I cringed at the endearment, " I just came to ask you how your trip was?" My mother looked at me, her eyes now twinkling in excitement.

"It was fine, how did you even know I was back?" I told her settling next to her on the only couch I had, turning to face her.

" Oh I was passing by Becca's store and I saw Adam walking past, goodness you had to see Becca's reaction when she saw him!" My Mother exclaimed looking at me with wide eyes, the eyes which conveyed of a annoying, boring story on its way.
Oh goodness, please save me,
I mentally groaned as my mother started her lame story,

" she was so flattered by Adams looks and she was like ohh I'm going to tell Mira to hit him up . I gave her the stink eye and told her straight on the face, too late my Sophie is already with him," my mother said rolling her eyes and straightening her lips.

" Interesting" I muttered, hoping I was anywhere other than here. Heck I wouldn't even mind being with Adam or worse in my fathers presence.

" Yes very interesting," my mother said sarcastically,
" now you young woman, tell me what happened on the trip because Adam was all tensed up, looking all deadly, " My mother narrowed her eyes at me as she talked, " imagine he didn't even turn to say A small Hi to me," and there goes the sulking, How does she even manage to have so many mood changes?

" Mother, you're concerned with a greeting," I told her with a straight face.

" Yeah so what? We always great each other and he always compliments me whenever we see each other,"
My mother said shrugging her shoulders.
Why do I have to deal with such?

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