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Jennifer's POV

My tipsiness dissolve in a second as everything that's happening registered inside my head. I  didn't know she would seriously do it and make me feel so dirty in front a guy.. My rear is showing, and my eyes were closed waiting for that smack against my skin. One minute she's making me feel something then all of a sudden that can change in a snap. She's that bipolar. I didn't notice that a tear slipped down my cheek. But I can't feel a thing, I looked up and see her frozen up. She pulled my dress down, surprising me. But what she did next completely turned me sober. She gathered me in her arms and pressed her lips against my forehead. I was still dizzy for a bit but I'm completely aware of what's happening. I was crying silently in her arms, my face on her neck and I didn't know if I was dreaming or not. "I'm sorry.." she whispered and stroke my hair. It felt comfortable for some reasons and it was weird especially unusual for me. This is far from the Remini I know.

A few parts were blurry for me, but I remember someone carrying me down and laying me on the bed. I was falling asleep when I feel a warm wet cloth on my face, I blinked and open my eyes a few times until I can see a rare sight. She was cleaning me up, until now I was asking myself if this is her, it was so weird seeing her like this. The next thing I know I felt my dress be in pulled down my body replaced by a huge shirt. I pretended to be asleep for fear of what she might say or do. But I noticed I wasn't on my bed, I roam my eyes and she was me staring. "What am I doing here?" I asked, confused. "You're sleeping with me" she said simply and turned off the lamp, and then there was darkness. I try to take time to analyze everything but I was so tired that I end up sleeping, on her bed, with her.

The next morning I woke up completely confused. Until I try to recall what happened, I looked around see myself cuddling a pillow. But this isn't a familiar room, it's her room. I remembered completely everything. My mind is trying to gather a reason why she just changed like that so fast. Is it because she's bipolar? Probably. My thoughts were interrupted by the bathroom door opening, seeing her wrapped around a white towel with tiny droplets of water on her body. I bit my lip and tried avoiding eye contact, but too late, she caught mine. "You're awake" Stating the obvious, I see. "I am" I said. "How are you feeling?" Is she for real. "Fine, just a bit of a headache." I said, "I figured. Drink the Tylenol on the nightstand" she said and pointed it using her lips. But I can't stop staring at her body, I've never seen her half naked before. And damn, she is a full course meal.

During our sex, it's always been me. But I felt like I partly should be mad because of what she did to me the other day but every time I recall her arms around me, it felt really good, like...comfortable. "Just because you're in my room doesn't mean you have permission to gawk at me" I heard her say making my cheeks flushed. "I-I wasn't" I said and grabbed for the pills on the nightstand, drinking it up. "Why did you let me sleep here?" I couldn't help but ask. "Because I wanted to." She said simply. "Why you didn't do it?" I just had to. "Do what?" She narrowed her eyes, "Last night. At the car, what stopped you?" She let out a deep sigh and looked at me. "You don't question me, okay?" " Mmm, can I leave now?" I said that because I couldn't stay here without looking at her body. It's a torture. I wonder if her skin looks flawless like her soft thighs. "You may" she said. "Take a shower and dress up, we're going somewhere" I heard her say and I nodded in response.

Wow, she really is different today. But what happened? Maybe she's just in a good mood. I took a shower and dressed up into a fitted shirt tucked into a high waisted pants paired with my favorite sneakers. I wait for her downstairs but as always, she's ahead of me. She's wearing a nude dress and five inches stilettos. She saw me and shoot me a grin. We get inside the car without saying anything, I'm getting used to it now. At some point I know I'm gonna have to adjust with all of these. "Where are we going?" I asked. She looked at me for a second before saying anything. "That's up to you" she says and went back at starring at the window. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked, confused. "Where do you want to go today?" She repeated, and my face is painted with a frown. "Why? I mean, don't you have work?" , "My conference with a client got canceled last minute, so I don't have anything to do, we could stop by somewhere before we go back home. I will ask you again, where do you want to go?" She repeated, "Look, with all due respect. If you're only doing this because of the other night, it's fine. I'm fine, so you can stop being nice to me now" I said, not noticing a tone of attitude. Yeah, I just did that. But instead I heard her chuckling. "You're so funny. Well we could get back home if you'd rather." She says and stared at me. I don't there, it's quite a boring house. "Hmm,  we could go to food park or something" I shrugged and I wait for her to react, I hope she notice I was trying to annoy her in some way. "Fine" she said simply. Woah. "You're agreeing with this?" I narrowed my forehead. "Yes." She muttered, and looked at me. "Come closer to me" she says, I obeyed although I was a little bit confused. I'm kinda getting used to her though. She pulled my chin up and pressed her lips with mine. I closed my eyes and kissed her back, it goes on for a few seconds before she pulled away. She's confusing me. ..real bad,

I pulled away and went to go back to my seat but she grabbed my arm. "Stay here" she said and grabbed me by my waist. It made me smile inside. I wish she could be like this all the time, not the angry one I've always dealt with. I can smell her perfume and it's so relaxing, I didn't notice I was staring. "What?" She snapped out. "Nothing. I like your perfume" I smiled and she just shakes her head.

The car stopped in front of a huge food park where people filled the area. We get down and I immediately went searching for the corn dogs, it's my favorite. But I looked back and notice she looks so lost despite having Taylor beside her. I walked closer and chuckled a little. "You've never been to a food park before, haven't you?" I chuckled, holding my laugh. "Why does that matter?" She snapped. "Come, I'll show you around if you like" I shrugged. She reluctantly allowed me. We stopped by an ice cream truck, she notice my interest. "You want one?" She asked, "Only if you're having one too" I smiled, "Two please" she said and paid for it. The woman handed us two cones, I ordered vanilla and hers are green tea flavored. "You know you should smile often it suits you" I blurted out, "Excuse me?" She snapped. "I said smile, you look a lot beautiful when you do" I said. And she just gave me a frown. "I just did you a favor by taking you here so might as well stop with the bull" , "It's true." I shrugged.

"Can I taste yours?" I said, trying to mess with her. I'm taking advantage of her mood, yes. But I meant another thing beyond that sentence, if you know what I mean. "What?" She narrowed her eyes. "I wanna lick yours" I bit my lip. "I see what you're doing. Stop, it's not funny" she said, going back to her serious mode. "I just wanna see what it tastes like" I shrugged. And I can see the effect on her, how she's getting weak. "Please?" I begged. She didn't react so I made a move by stepping closer to her and grabbing her wrist, making sure she saw me licking her ice cream. "Mmm.." I mumbled. "It's good. I won't ask you to taste mine, I'm sure you already have" I said and giggled quietly. "We're going home" she said and pulled my waist. "Mmm..got you horny?" I giggled. "You don't tease me, Jennifer" she said and gave me a stern look.

We're about to go home when someone from behind calls out her name, driving both of our attention. I looked back and see a woman in a short white dress smiling, walking over her and giving her a hug. It took me by surprise but my mind already called her a bitch. I don't know why. "Hey! Leah! Good to see you" she said and kissed her cheek. I'm just standing there watching the both of them, wondering who might be this hoe could be. "Natalie. You look good" I frown even more. "So this is your new girl? God, I can still remember when we used to---" "Okay, Natalie. We're going now, nice seeing you again" Ms. Remini pulled my arm until we got inside the car. "Who is she?" I just had to ask.

"No one important" she answered shortly. "She was your slave. Wasn't she?" She looked at me for a few seconds and went back on looking at her phone. "Yes." She responded and it silenced me. I didn't know why it made me feel so low. Probably because it's making sense to me that I wasn't the only one who's been treated like this. Some girls also went through the same thing just like I do. It bothered me for some reasons and I didn't say another word after that before she breaks the ice. "What's wrong?" She asked, "Nothing" I said, chuckling. Trying to look not bothered but I really am.

We got back into the house and I immediately get out the car, proceeding into my room but I felt a hand pulled me. I looked up and see Ms. Remini looking down at me. Her fingertips on my chin, pushing it upwards. "Don't be jealous" she whispered and pressed those soft lips against mine. "I'm not" I chuckled. "Why would I be jealous? I'm just your slave" i shrugged, "You're definitely jealous, kitten" she smirked.

"Who is that bitch anyway?" I blurted out and I realized, I am jealous. It made her let out a laugh and rub her fingers across my jaw. "Oh, kitten." she muttered. And I felt my stomach turned upside down. She's always giving me mixed signals. What a bipolar minx. "Stop it, okay? It's unnecessary and I won't tolerate such act" Oh okay. 0-100 real quick.

"Didn't I said I hate it when you're frowning?" But you made me cry the other night, and the other one too. I faked a smile as we stepped inside her room. "What do you want? Just for me to see your sexy smile again?" She whispered, her hand running up and down my sides making me moan. "C'mom kitten, there's nothing I can do?" She continued to utter in her sexy husky voice. It's killing me.

"Maybe there's one thing," I looked up at her eyes and lick my lips slowly, eyeing her seductively.

"Mmm, what is it?"

"Let me touch you"

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