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Jennifer's POV

"Pamela, replace the Versace with Vera Wang collection next to Ellie Saab. I need to get a new perspective." I said, letting out a sigh as I was focused choosing the fabric needed for my new client. "Yes ma'am." My right hand, Pamela, replied. "Are you sure you can handle this? I'd be gone for a week and this...this is a lot." I asked. "I'll handle everything and keep you posted with updates. Don't worry ma'am, we got this." She smiled.

"Alright, well. In that case, I'm going. My grumpy boyfriend is waiting in the lobby." I giggled and shake my head, picking up my purse. "Have a nice trip, ma'am." Pam said as I step outside my office. I looked around until I spotted, Dylan playing with his phone, with his chin resting on his palm. Stepping closer until I got behind him. I leaned down and peck his cheek with my head upside down. "Boo" I muttered. I walked until I was standing in front of him. "Who is he?" He says, glancing behind me. I frowned and turn around. "Oh, that's my intern...Mike." I said and sat beside him. "I don't like him." He says coldly.

I shake my head. "You say that at every guy that I work with." I huffed. "I just don't trust them. Okay?" He says, ignoring me.

See, this is what I'm talking about. Dylan gets so insanely jealous to that point you'd find it unreasonable. Some think it's cute, but not me. It really starting to annoy me. It's ridiculous.

"I'm not firing him. I did that the last time and nothing good has come out. As long as they're doing well with their job. I don't see cutting them off is an option." I sighed. We stayed like that for a while until I felt his hand slipping on my waist. "I'm sorry. I was being a douche." He whispered in my ear, kissing my earlobe afterwards. I shake my head and cupped his cheek with my hand. "Don't you trust me?" I mutter. "I do. I just- I just hate when they stare at you when you're walking. I saw him gawking at your ass." He says grumpily.

"Baby.You get to have it every night!" I joked, chuckling. "No. I'm still annoyed." He says, standing up and pulling my hand.

We got inside the car and he started driving. He was speaking with someone on the phone while his hand was resting on my thighs, rubbing it. I put mine over his and wait for him to finish and when he does, my mood changed.

"I don't think going back to New York is the best idea." He says casually like its no big deal. I frowned, totally confused of what's happening. "What? Why?!" I asked, obviously bothered. "I mean, you're busy at work. I'm busy. And besides, dad launch a new business at least every other year whether it's in Europe or States. We can go next time right?" He says.

My mood went 0-100 real quick. I thought we're leaving tomorrow.  Our bags our packed. I was looking forward to see my mom. This was his gift and it's like he forgot how much this means to me by blowing it off last minute.

What the hell.

"I thought you wanted me to see my mom." I whispered, pushing his hand away from my thigh, crossing my arms above my chest, shifting my eyes at the window. I heard him taking a deep breath. "I know babe, but we can do still do it next year. You're busy with your new high profile client. I just don't want you to miss this opportunity." He says.

Oh, here we go.

"We are handling it fine. I assigned everyone to do their part while I'm gone. Don't tell me how to do my job. This has nothing to do with my work, Dylan. What's wrong with you today?" I groaned in annoyance. "Nothing's wrong. I just don't think it's the best time." He responded.

"And you're telling me this now? Our bags are packed. So don't tell me everything's fine because obviously, it's not" I exclaimed. "Jennifer.." He groans. I didn't say anything rather stay silent the whole ride. Just as we got home, I immediately get myself out of the car.

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