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Jennifer's POV

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She shouted, ruining the moment, changing into her usual demeanor. "I don't allow slaves to touch me after-" I frown, trying to cope up with her mood. "Yeah, right. You're mad again" I whispered and looked down, not liking the way she is. "So what? You don't have permi-" I cut her off, bursting the bubble. "I know! I don't have permission- I know that, okay?" I let out in frustration. "I know where I stand, Ms. Remini. You don't have to yell at me all the time to make me look dumb in front of you." I said, lowering my voice. She gets quiet, and looks like she wasn't expecting me to speak up. I'm her slave not a prison who don't have a right to say. "I'll leave now" I said, faking a smile like nothing happened.

To be completely honest, I'm getting tired dealing with her bipolar attitude. I know what I got myself into, but she could at least not yell at me all the time like a fucking dog. Why can't she let me touch her? What's the big deal? I'm her slave, supposedly and hired to please her. And what I'm doing is the complete total opposite. The hell with the damn training, I just wanna feel her body and fuck her senseless. I have this hunger inside me for so long, when I first entered her car and stop to study her, even though it would be my first time, I would do it.


The next morning, I got up early and walk Spike inside the yard. It was big enough so it works. I was attempting to teach him some tricks and gladly he picks up pretty well and fast. "And down!" I said and he just stared at me. "Alright, we'll try that again next time" I laughed and carried him back in my arms. I hear my tummy growling in hunger so I put him back in his little crate outside and proceeded into the kitchen. Mrs. Norris saw me and shoot me a smile, immediately assisting me to the table. It took me a while to notice the devil isn't here. "Where is Ms. Remini?" , "She went to work but I overheard them talking earlier about the ball-" I cut her off, frowning. "Ball? As in-", "Yes, dear. I think Taylor will drive you to get your dress for tonight." I'm still puzzled. "What ball? I don't get it" , "It's a ball that Remini family runs every year. I figured that she will take you with her." She continues. I immediately felt nervous, hearing that sure confirms that it would be filled with rich ass people. "Does she really take slaves so her? Her parents know?" I asked. Oh my god, her parents. Now, I'm even more panicking. "No, darling." I frown at that thought. Why would she want me to come if she's annoyed by me pretty much all the time. Just after he conversation finished, I could see Taylor at the peripheral view of my eye. "Good morning, Ms. Lopez...Ms. Remini wanted me to drive you to her stylist today, we are living five o'clock this afternoon." He said simply and I'm still mortified about the other night.

God, I was completely wasted. I'm never going to drink that much again. I could remember how much of an embarrassment I am. "Alright. thank you, Taylor." I flashed him a small smile. I spent my morning dreading what will happen tonight. I just don't see a room for a slave at that ball.


Don't you just hate when time flies so fast when you're dreading about something? Yeah, because we're currently on our way to somewhere I don't know. Taylor parked the car and escorted me inside a mall. This place is familiar, I bet we will go to the same one we went before. And I wasn't wrong. We were assisted by the same woman, I kept thinking about her name. Ah, Allison. "Nice to see you again, Jennifer...Mmm, I could already picture you in a dress." She chuckled and offered her hand. "Taylor, I will handle her. You could wait in the lobby" She said. She guided me into a room with full of long dresses and gowns. It's too much for an eye sight. Everything seems so expensive and sparkly. I run my fingertips on the rack of clothes hanging on the wall. "See what you like?" I heard a voice behind me said. I turn around and see Allison. "Oh, no. I don't know nothing about all these." I chuckled, trying to seem cool. "That's no problem. You have a great body frame, the last time I styled you were easy. Everything could fit perfectly on you." She smiled, while shuffling through the dresses with a tape measurement hanging on her neck and a pencil stuck behind her hair and the back of her ear. "Alright, shall we?" She looked at me and smiles. "Please".

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