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*8 months passed*

Jennifer's POV

A lot of things happened in the past few months but not much have changed. In those times, I'm falling deeper in love with this woman. At first, when I heard what she said that night, I believed her. I was a fool to claim she was feeling something too, but I guess I was wrong. Days after that night, she changed utterly. Most of the time, it's like talking to a different person. She went back to ignoring me to fucking me senseless in a snap. She wears many faces. Every morning, I wonder what mood she'll be in. It's not the easiest thing to do, but I guess I'm crazy for sticking up with her. I can't help it, she got my heart in a choke hold.

All this time, I was counting the days and as it passed, I fell deeper into sadness.

In just a few weeks, it's all gone. The contract is done. I never thought I'd be sad about it but I am.

I guess, I'm not ready to let go.

This would happen to me a lot; staring into space. "Dear?..Jennifer" Mrs. Norris waved her hand in front of me, I winked and looked around me. "Oh, hey." I flashed her a smile as she places a tray filled with juice and cookies in the table. "Are you okay? You look pale." She said and felt my forehead with the back of her hand before handing me a glass of juice. "I'm good. Just a bit tired, I guess. " I said, flashing a smile and taking a sip, letting the citrus taste touch my tongue. She smiled as she walks into my room, dropping a few fresh towels in the bathroom. "She never smiled like that, not until you've been around here, child." She says, lowering her gaze. I frown and made a face. "What?" I chuckled and she shoot me a warm smile. "I've known Leah ever since she was born. She's like my daughter, and only certain people who knows her really well will notice that." She continues. I stayed silent before letting out a deep sigh. "I'm nothing but a woman she paid, Mrs. Norris. I think you're just confused. You and I both know she will never go far beyond that line." I shake my head
"Good point. But you do know, she's sick, right?" She said making me frown by the end of her sentence. "S-sick?" I raised my brow. "You mean, is she ill-" I paused. "Mentally." She mutters and that made me freeze, completely.

My mind couldn't grasp what I just heard. "N-no. That's impossible-", "Why else would Mr. Remini hired her a psychologist?" she says and I didnt know what to say or react. I'm dumbfounded if you can imagine. "Sick? What do you mean?"I asked.

"It's not serious. I didn't mean to frighten you but sometimes she has trouble with her temper, that's why she's like that. That explains the way she treats people around her. Look- all  I'm saying is, you make her better. She is getting better. You're changing her, dear. I don't know how you did it but.." she shrugged.

"When did this happen?" I frown.
She sighs and looked at me. "About six years ago..Stella. She met a girl named Stella when she came back from her trip to France." My knuckles turned white and everything is making sense to me.

"It was her girlfriend." I finished her sentence. "Yes. I didn't know much about what happened but I do know that she's married...a little late when Leah found out. Poor child, she loved her deeply. " I don't know why my heart is trembling with jelousy and anger at the same time. So many emotions.

"She left her out of the blue. She was broken for years, drinking, bringing home some girls. That goes on until you're here. That's why you're different. She's just afraid, difficult to trust someone."

After all she said. It's like finding the final piece of the puzzle. Everything became clear, all the questions in my mind were somehow answered. Now I understand why she's like that. And I feel sorry for her.

I want to hug her so tight that all of her broken pieces would stick back together. Take care of her and make her feel that she's not alone.

I want to stay and make this all real..but how?

Our conversation were cut off by doorbell echoing downstairs. Mrs. Norris came downstairs. Turns out it was just the mail man dropping a file.


I woke up from my long nap and when I check outside, it was dark outside. I drank some water and remembered that i have something to tell Leah. Yes, I'm gonna confess everything. I would rather do this than to question what could happen.

If she gets mad or ignore me, I dont care. I'm willing to take every risk to be with her.

It's crazy to think that a few years ago, I was a completely different person. Working late shifts at some old rusty cafe, doing the same shit the next day then ended up with someone whom I never thought I will love so deeply.

Someone would change my life.

I walk towards her office knowing she stays there late at night. I knocked on the door and heard her voice. I step inside and she was busy reading paperwork on her desk with her glasses on. She's so beautiful.

"Hi.." I said and she looks up and shoots me a big smile. I guess, she's in a great mood which is perfect for what I'm about to say.

"Hey!" She smiled and put down the paper. I walk and sat in the chair. "I have something to tell you" I said and bit my lip. "What a coincidence, me too!" She grins and crossed her arms across her chest. I smile. "Well why don't you go first." I shrugged.

"The papers are finally here. Signed by my father and I. I will inherit everything on his part. It worked! ." She says happily but on the other side, the smile on my face vanished.

That only means one thing, my work here is done.

She looks happy.

I couldnt help but to get teary but I hold it in.

I was dreading for this day to come.

The day everything will come to an end.

She's no longer mine, she never was.

"That's...great!" I fake a smile and bit my lip.

But in reality, I was rotting in deep pain inside.

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