Chapter 1: To Kanto

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A\N: Happy New Year! I'm glad to be starting this sequel in the beginning of this year. Enjoy!

Also, I'm going to make it that you lived in Alola your whole life and never been to Kanto. I think it makes it more fun that way. Pokemon LeafGreen is my childhood, so I'm so stoked to write a chapter or two in the Kanto region. The music brings back memories.

"Everybody got their things?" the professor asked. The four of us nodded. You were so excited to go to see the Kanto region. It made it even better that Gladion, Hau and Lillie were coming along too. The professor got everything situated and we all boarded the plane. You sat next to the window with Gladion next to you. In the seat behind you were Hau and Lillie. This would be the first time you ever ridden on a plane, you were a bit nervous. Gladion was calm like always, "It's nothing you should worry about" he told you. Well as long as he was right here next to you, you should be fine. After ten minutes of waiting, the piolet told everyone to put on their seatbelts. "Alright we're about to take off", Hau said buckling himself in. Hau finds everything fun and exciting. "How long will it take us to get to Kanto, Professor?", you heard Lillie asked. "Not that long. About close to 2 hours", he replies. Two hours on a plane, oh man. The engine on the plane started and soon the plane was moving. You looked outside the window nervously. The plane was driven to a clear long area. After a quick stop, the plane started to gain speed. You held on to Gladion's hand tightly. As soon as the plane started to leave the ground, you couldn't help but close your eyes. The feeling of taking off left Butterfrees in your stomach. After a bit, your ears started to pop, adjusting to the air pressure. Gladion was looking out the window, "You can open your eyes now" he said. The plane became steady in its flight pattern, making you comfortable enough to open your eyes. Outside the window was a sea of clouds that went on for miles. The clouds looked fluffy like pillows, it was so amazing. "Do you think bird Pokemon fly this high Professor?", Lillie asked. The professor chuckled, "I'm sure they do" he said.

You could've stared out the window the whole time lost in your thoughts, but you couldn't help but be reminded of how high in the sky you were. "Hey do you guys want to play the ABC game?", Hau asked. "What's that?", Lillie asked. Gladion shook his head. You knew he had no interest in playing. "It's where you list items or Pokemon that start with each letter", Hau explained. Lillie wanted to try to play, you joined in. "Let's do Pokemon first. A", Hau started.

"Abra", you said.

"Absol", Hau replied.

Lillie though for a moment, "Araquanid" she said.

"Ok now B. Bruxish", Hau said.

"Brionne", you followed.

"Bounsweet", Lillie chimed it.

The game went on for a while, passing the time. It was actually fun. Too bad it didn't last the whole flight.

"Gladion. What do you think the Kanto region is like?" you asked him. Gladion had his eyes closed, "I'm not sure, we'll see when we get there" he said. Couldn't he be more imaginative for once? You felt someone tap your shoulder, you turned around. "I got this book about Kanto from the library (Y\N) you can look at it if you want", Lillie said. You took the book from her, "Sure. Thanks Lillie" you said. The book contained a map of the Kanto region and listed all the sights to see. Reading about Pewter Town, the book mention something about Pokemon gyms. What were gyms? You skimmed for more information. Apparently, the Kanto region had a challenge of defeating all 8 gym leaders in order to challenge the elite four. It was similar to Alolan trials, but there was no totem involved. Interesting. Did the other regions do something similar or are they all different?

Before you knew it, it was time to land in the Kanto region. Landing was almost just of nerve wrecking as taking off. Looking out the window, you could see towns and forests. Totally different from Alola. Hau wanted to literally jump out of the plane he was so excited. We arrived at the airport in Viridian City. The professor showed us a huge map of the region and pointed to where we were, "We'll be heading to Pallet Town first. That where Professor Oak's lab is", Kukui said. You wondered what the other cities and towns would look like. After we gathered our stuff, one of Professor Oak's assistance came to give us a ride to the lab. As you followed the assistant outside, the fresh Kanto air hit you. "I can't wait to see what Pokemon live here", Hau said. Perhaps you'd be able to bring a Kanto Pokemon home with you.

From the airport, the car ride took about 30 mins. You arrived in Pallet town. It was a small town, surrounded by nature. Perfect for a professor to do his research on Pokemon. The assistant took us to the lab, where we met Professor Oak. "Kukui I'm glad to see you made it safely. How was the flight?" Professor Oak asked him. The two professor talked for a bit. Hau insisted on looking around the lab, but Gladion kept him from doing so. "Say if it's alright, I have an errand for your students to run. It'll give them a good chance to go exploring", Oak proposed. Kukui liked the idea. Professor Oak gave the four of you some sort of package, "I need the four of you to go to Pewter Town and give this to the Gym Leader" he said. Lillie took the package to hold. The four of you looked at Kukui. Was this ok? Kukui gave Hau a map, "Don't worry. It's on the other side Viridian City. You should be able to get there within the end of the day" he said. Looks like the professors are gonna just push us out of the nest into the Kanto region. Not that it concerned you. More adventures mean more fun. Besides there are four of you together. "When you get back, I'll have a gift for the four of you", Oak said. A gift? Ooooooo.

Oak's assistant handed over some potions and sent us on our way. "It should take us an hour to walk back to Viridian City. Afterwards, we'll have to go through the Viridian Forest. That will take a few hours", Lillie said. No wonder it will take us all day to get there. The way to Viridian City was pretty easy and clear of any trees. You mostly just followed the dirt road ahead of you. Along the way, you could see glimpses of Kanto Pokemon. Lillie kept tabs on any new Pokemon we saw. Pidgey, Caterpie, and Kanto Rattatta. "The Rattatta here are Normal Type instead of Dark", Lillie commented. Hau was easily astounded by anything fact Lillie said. You were interested too. Just how many more Kanto Pokemon are different from the Alolan ones?

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