Chapter 9- Getting the Medicine

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A\N I can't wait til the end of the school semester so I can really continue writing this story. But sorry for the delays.

Looks like the three of you will be going back down the volcano. What a workout. You didn't even want to think about having to walk back up the volcano. Just take it a step at a time.

By the time you got back down to sea level, around noontime, you were making good progress. Now it was time for the long path down route 8. At least there was no inclination involved. "Want to drop by the Pokemon center for a break once we get there? I feel like my stomach is going to need a snack by then" Hau suggested. It certainly was going to be a little while before you got there, but the thought of resting sounded nice. "Sounds like a plan" you told him. Popping out of its pokeball, Sylveon appeared. "Looks like Sylveon wanted some fresh air" Hau commented. You smiled, but then it faded. You then remembered that the place you were going was where Eevee had its first battle and lost. Did Sylveon want to rewalk those steps? If it wanted to relive those memories, you weren't going to stop it. Sometimes facing things from the past is what you have to do to prove how strong you were now. Gladion saw the look on your face, "(Y\N)" was all he said. Did he remember too? "I'm all right Gladion. I was just remembering something. Right Sylveon?" you said. Your Pokemon looked back at you and nodded, telling you that it was thinking of the same thing too.

Finally arriving at the Pokemon center the three, four if you count Sylveon, of you sat down in a booth at the café. Sylveon made its self comfortable sitting next to Hau, giving you and Gladion the space you needed. Hau gave Sylveon some attention, "Want to give (Y\N) and Gladion some room I see" he told it. Sylveon cried happily. That Pokemon certainly knew how to arrange things when it came to you and Gladion. Not that you would mind Sylveon in between you and Gladion. But if it wanted to sit with Hau, that's fine too. The waiter came by and you all ordered some drinks. You ordered (favorite café beverage) and Sylveon some Pokebeans. Gladion ordered Tapu cocoa and Hau a Moomoo Milk. It wasn't long before the waiter came back with the beverages. Hau happily fed Sylveon some PokeBeans, while you all enjoyed your drinks. It was great to just sit and relax. Though it can't last forever. Well not for the champion at least. After everyone was refreshed, it was time to go see Mallow in the jungle.

Stepping foot on the old familiar trial site brought back memories. Last time you were here, Mallow send you on a crazy item search. Which led to several hilarious outcomes. Chasing Fomantis around. Gladion falling on his behind, due to Eevee. Back then you didn't really know Gladion. He had to have felt something for him to have joined you. Thinking about that day, you caught yourself giggling out loud. "What's so funny (Y\N)?", Hau asked. Oh that's right. Hau wasn't there. You cleared your throat, still with a smile on your face. "It's nothing" you told him. You felt Gladion's gaze on you. You turned to look at him, "What?", you grinned like you did nothing wrong. He broke eye contact and a smirk appeared on his face. He knew what you were thinking. And you knew, he found it just as funny. "Am I missing something?", Hau asked Sylveon a bit confused. Sylveon smiled, remembering the memory. "It's ok Hau. It's not important" you told him. "I beg to differ with you being all giggly about it", Gladion said. "It was a fun time. Especially when Sylveon ran you over when it was still an Eevee", you recalled. Hau looked at Gladion, "You let Eevee run you over" he began to laugh. You saw the embarrassment on Gladion's face. "It was an accident", Gladion tried to defend himself. You knew it was, but it was still funny. "Lighten up Gladion. It was still fun" you told him. Gladion shook his head. He just didn't want to admit it out loud.

"Welcome to my trial! Oh wait, its (Y\N) and Hau. Welcome back you guys. Did you need something?", Mallow stated. Think she'll say something about you and Gladion? Nah. "We need some medicine for Kiawe's Marowak. It's sick with fever", you told her. "Oh no. Kiawe can't have that or he can't take on any trial goers. Follow me, I know just the place to get the best medicine. Marowak will be better in no time" she told you. You all followed Mallow into the jungle. Mallow slowed her pace down so she was walking next to you. She leaned over and whispered, "Please tell me he's your boyfriend now" she said. Gladion and Hau stopped to look at you. "Everything ok?", Gladion asked. Mallow skipped over to Hau and pulled him with her, "Everything's okay. Come on Hau we gotta give them some alone time" she said. Hau just went along with her, "I get ya" he agreed. You were flustered, "W-what about the medicine?!" you asked. Mallow stopped, "Oh right. Medicine first. We're almost there. Don't worry I'm sure my pal can give you two something too to spark the love" she winked. What is she talking about!? Give us something!? What!? Gladion sighed and pushed you a bit forward to get you walking, "Just ignore it and keep going" he told you.

Mallow took us to a naturally built hut. Did she make this or did someone else? "I'm sure my friend will be happy to have visitors. Come on in" Mallow invited you in. Inside was a single counter table. What is this place? "Hey Oranguru are you here?", mallow questioned out loud (I love this episode from the sun and moon anime so I decided to put the bartender Oranguru in) Oranguru? You never seen one before. A huge Pokemon appeared from behind the counter. "Whoa an Oranguru!", Hau said excited. This Pokemon was a lot bigger than you thought. "Oranguru these are some of my friends", Mallow told it. The wise Pokemon nodded its head in acknowledgement. So what exactly was an Oranguru going to do to help? "This here is Oranguru, who runs a little....resting place I guess you can say. Oranguru makes drinks and jungle snacks. They're the best" Mallow said. Oranguru made a quick batch of this yellow beverage and gave each of us a coconut cup. Hau and Mallow didn't hesitate to drink some. You weren't so sure yourself, but it couldn't be so bad. The yellow liquid was sweet, very sweet. It was like all the best fruit was put into one. It made your tongue tingle. "Isn't it just the best?" Mallow asked. The sweet concoction made you forget why you came here in the first place. Thankful Gladion was on top of things. "It's pretty good, but you're forgetting why we're here" he responded. Mallow put her cup on the counter, "Right. Medicine" she said. Mallow turned her attention to Oranguru, "Listen Oranguru. Kiawe's Marowak is under the weather, do you think you can make some medicine for it?" she asked. The Oranguru took the cup and cleaned it, it nodded. Mallow smiled, "Thanks. You're the best" she told it. The Pokemon left the hut. "Where is Oranguru going?" you asked. "Don't worry. It'll be back. Oranguru makes everything natural from the forest. I'm sure it will be back with fresh ingredients to make the medicine. We just have to wait a bit" she explained. Nothing works better than something natural.

It wasn't long before the Oranguru returned. You watch as it walked behind the counter and put the medicine together from what it collected. It was interesting to watch. When it was done mixing and forming the medicine, the Pokemon put it in a pouch and gave it to Mallow. "Thank you Oranguru" she said "One more thing. Can you make those two your love potion? Thanks" she asked then skipping out the door. Not again. "Don't' listen to her Oranguru >< We're already together so no need" you said in a panic before running out.

Gladion POV

"Mallow sure likes teasing you two doesn't she?", Hau said. I sighed, "I don't see the point if (Y\N) and I are dating already. But it is funny how flustered she\he gets. I have to admit" I smiled. "Yea I guess the only one who can tease her is you Gladion. But even then she \he still gets flustered" Hau told me. (Y\N) certainly is something. Although I wouldn't have said no to the drink.

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