Chapter 29 Bad to Worse

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Your POV

Walking back to town, Gladion received a call on his phone. "Lillie?" Gladion answered his phone. You heard someone yelling in a panic from the other side. Gladion took the phone away from his ear in surprise. You didn't like the sound of that. "Lillie. Lillie. Calm down. I can't understand you" Gladion managed to get through to her. The voice from the phone damped. You couldn't hear anything anymore. So you placed your head next to Gladion's to listen. "You're right. I need to be calm" you heard Lillie said as she took some panicked breathes to simmer down. "Now tell us what happened" said Gladion. It was quiet for a moment before Lillie spoke. "Hau has been injured really bad" she barely said. What! How!? You wanted to ask all sorts of questions and panic too. But Gladion didn't need two babbling Chatots to worry about, so you kept it inside. "I called Mother and she was able to send some help. We're on our way back home. I want you guys to come back....I really need you and (Y\N)" she said trying not to cry. Gladion held a straight face like usual. "Alright. We'll be there as fast as we can. Hang in there Lillie" Gladion assured her before hanging up. Luckily we were finished and able to answer Lillie's call. Just what happened while we were gone? "This must be the ultra beast's doing. Hau isn't that careless to hurt himself" Gladion concluded. Yea, UB weren't scared to injure humans or Pokemon and Hau went with Lillie to go look for one. Just what did they encounter?

You and Gladion made haste to the Aether Foundation. It did take a while but not too long. Gladion practically jumped off the boat onto the docks and started bolting towards the mansion. You followed in hot pursuit, trying not to trip over passing employees and Pokemon. You took the elevator to the second floor and walked the rest of the way to the mansion. "Lillie" Gladion called out her name, wonder which room she was in. "Down here" Lillie called from down the hall. The two ran to her. It was obvious she had been crying. She hugged her brother once he was close enough. "What happened Lillie?" Gladion asked her tenderly. "The UB...burned his back really badly" she almost whispered. "Is he awake?" he asked. She nods. Gladion took her hand and walked inside the room. Hau was lying on his stomach, his back covered in bandages. For once his hair wasn't up like it usually is. You almost didn't recognize him for a second. On one of the chairs was his shirt mostly damaged from whatever burnt him. Hau din't move very much. He, of course, had a smile on his face despite his pain. "Hi guys. How did it go?" he asked. How the froakie does this guy do it!? "It was a battle but we got through it. Although, I wanna know what kind of UB you were up against, especially since it injured you so bad" you told him. "I don't even know what it was. It was almost like a clown looking thing. It did have tricks up its sleeve though" Hau chuckled lightly. "I could only imagine. Our UB was practically a pile of bricks....really tough bricks with multiple eyes" you recalled how terrifying it was. "I hope you two brought a wrecking ball, it would've been super effective" Hau laughed at his joke. "Oh brother" Gladion rolled his eyes.

"In all seriousness Hau, what did the UB do to injure you so bad?" you asked. Hau settled down. "It kinda threw its head at us and it exploded. It oddly sounded like fireworks" he replied with little expression. Did you hear right? "It's head exploded!? Do you know what happened afterwards?" you asked in astonishment. He shook his head. "It was still alive...I saw it disappear into a wormhole" Lillie spoke. So all in all, they did what they had to do. Although it did end badly for Hau. After some more discussion of the UB, Ms Wicke stepped into the room. "I have some bad news" she said. What was it this time? "It's not about Hau is it?" Lillie panicked. Ms Wicke shook her head. "Hau will be fine.  The bad new is about the president. She's gone" she announced. "What do you she's gone?" asked Gladion alarmed. "We lost all contact with her and the assistants that went to the Altar on Poni Island. We've tried our best but nothing is working" Ms Wicke answered. hopefully it wasn't another repeat of what happened to Lusamine merging with an UB. No. It can't be. She was a changed person now. "Looks like we'll have to go see what went wrong" you volunteered. "I'll stay here to look after Hau. Let me know the moment you find mother. Tell me if she's alright" Lillie said. Something about this rubbed you the wrong way. The only thing at the altar was Solgaleo and Lunala. Unless there was something else. For some reason, your mind flashed to the Recon Squad. Could they be a key in this whole problem with the UB? They did say they came from 'somewhere else'. Maybe you'll be running into them soon.

You and Gladion set sail for Poni as soon as possible. What ever was going down with these UB sightings needed to stop. Traveling to the altar by foot would take forever. You didn't simply have any time to do that. You recalled Hapu knowing a short cut to the altar. Well you needed that now more than ever. You made haste to Hapu's house. "Well if it ain't the champion. What can I do for you?" Hapu greeted. "We need to get to the altar and fast" you said urgent. "Is something wrong eith Solgaleo or Lunala?" Hapu guessed. "We're not sure, but the UB are likely involved. My mother made a trip up there to investigate but they say she's gone missing" Gladion informed her. "I see. This is bad. We better make haste then. I'll show you the short cut. It won't take more than an hour on a good day" Hapu offered. The three of your way to the altar via Mudsdale. Like Hapu said, the trip wasn't very long. You and Gladion raced up the stairs to be greeted with nothing. It was quiet like usual. You looked around for clues, but there was nothing. How were you suppose to find out what happened to Luamine?

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