Chapter 24: Malie City Tournament Champion

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A\N I don't know about you guys, but these battles for the finals were pretty badass and full of twists

It was the final day of the tournament. Most likely Hau and Gladion would face each out. But you never know. The final battles took place at 11 instead of 1 this time. They must expect the final battles to be quick. As Hau and Gladion got settled in for the finals, you took a peek at the tournament board. This time names were written down. Gladion would be against some guy named Kayden. Hau was facing someone named Blue. You've seen so many battles, you had no idea who their opponents were. At least you could really pay attention now instead of zoning out half the time.

Gladion had finished his battle first. Him and Lucario overcame the opposing trainer and  Floatzel. Once Gladion had joined you again in the crowd, it was Hau's turn. Hau adored being the center of attention as he waited for the other trainer to arrive. The other guy confidently stepped foot into the battle field. He had spiked light brown hair, a black top and green shorts. He exchanged some words with Hau before the judged gave the okay to begin. "Let's go Vaporeon!" Hau called his Pokemon. Vaporeon was ready for battle, its blue skin shimmered in the sun. "Looks like I have a challenge. Let's do our best Alakazam!" Blue called out his Pokemon. The Alakazam bent its spoons with ease as a taunt to Vaporeon. The crowd was cheering as they waited for the first move.

"Vaporeon let's start off with Hydro Pump!" Hau started. Vaporeon skipped around a bit and released a large volume of water. The quickness of the move seemed hard to dodge. The trainer Blue, kept his cool. "Alakazam use Reflect" he ordered. Alakazam set up a barrier. The Hydro Pump collided with it and the Pokemon was spared. It was like Blue was almost expecting an attack first. Was his strategy to wear down Vaporeon? "I'm not going to give up that easy. Vaporeon use Quick Attack!" Hau continued. Vaporeon charged and got in close to Alakazam. "Psybeam!" Blue told his Pokemon. The moment Vaporeon was thought to land an attack, it was hit with an odd colorful ray. The attack stopped Vaporeon mid attack and it became confused. "Try to focus Vaporeon! Use Aurora Beam!" Hau had confidence in his Pokemon. Stumbling to keep it's balance, Vaporeon attack. But it missed by a mile. "Now Alakazam finish this with Psychic!" said Blue. Alakazma picked up Vaporeon with it's psychic powers and threw it all around the arena. By the time the attack was done. Vaporeon could no longer battle.

You were stunned. Blue's Alakazam must be powerful to defeat Hau so easily. Hau was not a easy trainer to get passed. Hau retired his Pokemon, sad to be defeated but happy to have battled. The two trainers shook hands as an announcement for an intermission was called. You, Gladion and Lillie left the stands to go meet up with Hau. He looked quite disappointed, but still as happy as usual. "I wasn't expecting Alakazam to defeat Vaporeon so easily" he sighed. "You still did good Hau. You got third place" Lillie tried to cheer him up. Lillie's words perked him right up, "You're right Lillie. 3rd place is awesome, especially in a big tournament like this" he said. Gladion was in deep thought at this time. You could only imagine what strategy he was trying to come up with. Especially since Lucario had a great disadvantage. "So Gladion what are you planning to do? You're up against Alakazam next?" Hau asked curious. Gladion didn't seem too worried but he was concerned. Although this tournament was just for sport, it did provide good training opportunities. Every battle had to be taken seriously. " The best shot I had is to leave Alakazam open long enough for Lucario to land a strong blow. I might have to combat his Alakazam with a Z move. Maybe Steelium Z" Gladion explained his thoughts. It was a good plan but may prove tricky to pull off for a fast Pokemon like Alakazam.

When intermission Gladion was about to leave to the arena, but you stopped him before hand to give him a word of encouragement. "You do your best with Lucario, that's all that matters" you reminded him. He smiled and nodded, "I'm sure we'll be alright. I'm not afraid of the type advantage" he replied. When the two of your were done, he went on his way. You returned to sit with everyone else in the crowd. "Hey (Y\N). I was doing some research on this Blue guy and he's one of the strongest trainer from Kanto. He was even champion at one time before some guy named Red beat him" Hau told you. Your mind went blank. "Kanto? What's he doing all the way out here" Lusamine seemed to read your mind. This was insane. No wonder why he beat Hau so easily. If he wins, you'd have to battle him next. Champion v Champion. Yikes.

The battle was soon on it's way. Gladion called out his Lucario. Blue called out his Alakazam. "Let's show him were not afraid of the type advantage Lucario" said Gladion. Lucario barked in agreement. The announcer gave the start. "I'll start off this battle. Alakazam use Psybeam" said Blue. His Pokemon used a spoon to fire a peculiar rainbow beam. Gladion remembered what happened to Vaporeon. "Don't let it touch you Lucario. Dodge it and retaliate with Extreme Speed!" Gladion told it. Lucario jumped over the ray and used it speed to go in for a hit. "Reflect!" Blue quickly shouted. Alakazam set up its Barrier just in time. Lucario crashed into it, the speed and force shattering it and taking the hit for Alakazam. "Counter!" commanded Gladion. "What!?" Blue question Gladion's strategy. Lucario used the power that it spent breaking the reflect barrier and countered it. Now that the Reflect was broken it allowed for an opening. Lucario counter its own attack and hit Alakazam for massive damage. "I got to say that was a good move on your part" Blue complemented "But now its time to show you what Alakazam and I can really do. Alakazam! Mega evolve!" shouted Blue. Alakazam revealed its mega stone and with the bond with Blue, it mega evolved into Mega Alakazam! The look on Gladion's face was pure surprise and shock. He never thought he get to see another mega evolution. Lucario took a difference stance from before, it was a look of determination Gladion saw before. When he tried to get Lucario to mega evolve. To do the same would be too risky. They'd have to show the same power in their own way. "Lucario let's use out Z move. We can use the same power as they can" Gladion voiced his idea. Lucario howled in anticipation. Gladion activated his Steelium Z. "Lucario use Corkscrew Crash" Gladion ordered as he filled himself with the aura of a Z move. Gladion passed on the power to Lucario. Blue looked interest and intrigued at this sudden turn of events. With new found Z power, Lucario put its paws together and jumped into the air to spin at rapid speed like a corkscrew. "Alakazam time your attack and use Focus Blast!" Blue told his Pokemon. Alakazam concentrated and formed a ball of energy between it's spoon, The light was bright, glowing and quickly growing in power. "Go Lucario!" Gladion ordered. Lucario dove and spun rapidly glowing with a steel, silver aura. Just as Lucario was almost there, Alakazam launched its Focus Blast. The ball of concentrated light flew at Lucario's corkscrew point. The two attacks met and exploded into a blast of light on impact. When the dust was finally settled, Lucario was left on the floor unconscious and unable to battle. "Lucario is unable to battle. Blue is the winner of the tournament!" (Poor Lucario. I feel bad for it)

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