Chapter 25 You vs Blue

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A\N I enjoyed writing this battle and I hope ya'll enjoy it too. Next chapter we'll be getting back to the main story.

Holy Miltank that was intense. In a way, you couldn't believe that Gladion lost. The crowd applauded for both contenders. After everything was finished, hau was called back up for the ceremony. Each person got a little metal of participation. "We have our winners here folks. In first place we got Blue. Second, Gladion. And in 3rd, Hau" said the announcer. This tournament was certainly a good one. But you weren't looking forward to battle Blue, even for fun. The mayor shook the winner's hands as the crowd went nuts. "The tournament may be over but we have one more battle. May I have the Alolan Champion come to the stage" the announcer requested. You wanted to slump wanted to slump down into your chair. That Mega Alakazam was going to be a big problem. Which Pokemon on your team was going to be able to handle it? You took a deep breathe. There was no avoiding tis battle now. You were as jittery as you were when facing the elite 4. But if you can beat them, you should be able to beat this guy. Hopefully. A champion vs a former champion from another region. This is like the battle of a lifetime. You should be honored to take part. As long as you do your best and trust in your partners, you can do anything.

You stepped on stage and came face to face with your opponent. Blue held out his hand, "A pleasure to meet you Champion of Alola. I will be honored to have a battle with you" he greeted. At least he was nice. You shook his hand. "Let's make it a battle for Alola to remember" you told him. Blue nodded and the two of you walked away from each other. You could see Hau and Gladion standing not too far on the sidelines. Hau waved, "Good Luck (Y\N)! This guy is tough stuff" he called. You nodded and gave them a look of reassurance. Gladion's face didn't look excited or depressed. It was mostly neutral and observant which was kinda surprising how passive he was. Wonder what he's thinking about?

Blue sent out his Alakazam, he was ready for another battle. You had to think carefully on who you would choose. You wanted Torracat to be in the spotlight today. Not only have you been with it your whole journey, but it was time to it to get in on the action. "I'm trusting in you Torracat!" you called it out. The fire cat growled. "Lucky for me that's not an Incineroar or I'd be in trouble" Blue commented. With a dark tying you would have an advantage but Torracat was just fire type. Oh well, might as well use what you got. "Don't let that get to your Torracat. Let's start off with Flame Charge!" you ordered. Torracat obeyed and charged at Alakazam while hot like a fire ball, its speed rose. "Alakazam use Psybeam!" said Blue. Alakazam shot an odd colorful ray at Torracat. "Jump over it and use Fire Fang!" you cried. With a boost in speed, Torracat dodged the attack and landed a Fire Fang. The attack got a burn on your opponent. "That certainly was unexpected. I shouldn't have expect no less from the champion. But let's see how you handle Mega Alakazam!" Blue activated his mega ring. Alakazam mega evolved and its power drastically grew. This new changed worried you, but you weren't gonna let it scare you. "Alakazam show them your true power. Use Psychic" Blue commanded. Mega Alakazam used Psychic and lifted Torracat off the ground. Your Pokemon started to panic. "Hang in there Torracat!" you urged it. Mega Alakazam threw your Pokemon across the field with nothing more than a blink of an eye. Torracat rolled across the ground rapidly. The attack did some damage. "Torracat get back up. I know you still got energy in you!" you called it. Torracat stood back up again and hissed at its opponent. "That's what I like to see. Now use your Flamethrower!" you ordered. Torracat unleashed its flames. "Alakazam counter with Focus Blast!" Blue told it. Mega Alakazam conjured up a Focus Blast that was enough to collide with the Flamethrower. You were surprised how quick Alakazam could make a good Focus Blast even with a burn. "Fury Swipes!" you called. Torracat tried swiping the opponent with its claws. "Deflect it with Reflect" Blue said. Mega Alakazam raised a shield that protected it. All five swipes missed. "Now Psybeam while it's off guard" Blue ordered.

Torracat was hit at close range by Mega Alakazam's Psybeam. The attack had inflicted confusion. You weren't expecting the tables to turn like this so quickly. "Follow it with Focus Blast" Blue didn't wait. "Torracat protect yourself by curling into a tight ball" you advised it. There was no chance it could land a hit confused, so you had to go on the defensive. Torracat managed to find its footing and did what you asked. "Nobody had ever made it through a full powered Focus Blast. Alakazam go!" Blue taunted. Mega Alakazam landed its attack and the force exploded on impact and sent Torracat rolling across the dirt. Was this really it for Torracat?


Your Pokemon raised its head, although it was in bad condition. One more hit and it's over. "Alright Torracat. Stay strong!" you cheered. "Interesting. This has to be a first for me. However I don't think it can last another attack. Alakazam finish it off with a Psybeam" Blue ordered. He's right. You didn't Torracat can move in time. "Torrcat please get up if you can. I know you can do it" you pleaded. Torracat didn't look like it was going to budge any. Mega Alakazam shot its Psybeam and it collided with Torracat and exploded in an array of color. When the color mist had started to clear you saw a red paw emerged to stop the attack. More of the dust begin to settle and before you in a dramatic pose was an Incineroar. It wore a triumphant smile. Torracat had evolved to negate the Psybeam! Your new Pokemon stood tall and roared with new vigor. "I gotta say this make this battle a whole new game" Blue commented "However you're now weak to fighting type I believe". That was also a true fact, but with a new Incineroar on your side there was no losing now. You equipped a z crystal Kukui gave you a long time ago. It was for an Incineroar. Might as well give it a shot now. "Incineroar let's go out with a bang! I activate your Z crystal!" You shouted. Locking the crystal in lace, you unleashed a new power inside your Pokemon. Incineroar was filled with Z power. "Incineroar use Malicious Moonsault!", you gave the signal and Incineroar charged forward. A wrestling ring arose around the battlefield and Incineroar jumped onto one of the bands around the structure. It launched itself high into the air. All Blue could do was watch in disbelief along with Mega Alakazam. Filled with power, Incineroar came rushing down on its opponent and collided in an explosion of power. The move was super effective and knock out Mega Alakazam in one hit.

"Champion (Y\N) is victorious!" claimed the announcer. The crowd went nuts for the win. You actually conquered a mega Pokemon. Who would've thought? Blue returned his Pokemon and came up to shake your hand. "Looks like that's two losses to the champion. Well fought" he said as you shook his hand. Blue left the stage, leaving you and Incineroar. You looked at your new Pokemon, who now towered over you in height. "Did you evolve to protect my title or were you ready to evolve all along?" you asked it. Incineroar smirked not exactly giving you a straight answer. It was almost like a totally new Pokemon you had to get used to in strength and personality. You've heard Incineroars are very courageous and need a trainer that they respect to train them. But if Torracat had the will to evolve, then you must be ready to tackle this new member to your team.

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