Chapter 33: Confronting Ultra Necrozma

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Everything was all new to you. You never thought another city existed outside of your world. Yet, these people were people and not aliens. "Where do you think Necrozma is?" you asked Gladion. He shook his head, "Maybe wherever the brightest part of the city is" he replied. Where could that be? The only thing that stood out, was the tall tower in the middle of the city. It stretched higher than any of the buildings. There did seem to be a glow coming from the very top. "How about we get a higher view of the city. Something is bound to stick out" you suggested. "We'll have to find our own way since Lunala is elsewhere. There has to be an entrance at the base. Let's go look" said Gladion. The two of you ran to the center of the city, towards the tall pillar of light. Now that you were closer, the tower almost seem to endlessly stretch upwards. You didn't want to think about what the drop would look like from the very top. Nope. Nope.

Gladion found the building still operating. The doors still slide open to let you two in. "There has to be an elevator to the top, because I'm not going to climb an endless flight of stairs" you hoped. "I don't think this city is that lacking of technology. I think they're just as modern as we are if you asked me. Maybe even farther along. Just keep looking for the elevator in the mean time" Gladion told you. The base of the building had plenty of rooms. It looked like some sort of place used for business or just to gather a large crowd for events. The lights were lit dimly which made it a bit harder to make out signs from afar. Finally at the end of one of the long halls, there was the elevator. Gladion was ,however, all the way down the other hall way. "GLADION! I FOUND IT!" you yelled. Your voice traveled down the empty halls. You waited for a reply. But got none. Gladion just came running over. "This place is...bigger than I expected" he said out of breathe. "Yea. I know. I wonder what the population of the city is" you replied. You pressed the button. The elevator came to the first floor within seconds and the doors opened. You and Gladion walked inside. Along the side of the door was a list of the floor levels. There was a total of 60. "Holy Arceus! 60 floors!" you said aloud. You reached for the button to the top floor. "This might take a few minutes" said Gladion leaning against one of the walls. The doors closed and the elevator began it's climb to the 60th floor. You waited patiently for the ascend to the top.

After the long ride, the doors finally opened. You could feel a strong aura not too far and there was a bright light coming for the top. "I don't like this feeling" you said. "It might be too late to wait for Lunala at this point. Let's go confront Necrozma" Gladion took the initiative. This certainly was a ballsy move without Lunala, but maybe you could stall Necrozma until she arrived. No telling how strong Necrozma was now combined with Solgaleo though. It's strength was probably beyond anything you've ever seen. A small set of stairs was right in front of the elevator. The two of you followed them around the center platform. Upon reaching the final step, there was the fused Necrozma. It was like it was waiting for us. "You humans are foolish for following me this far. Bare witness to my true power as a God. Not the Tapus can stand up to my power. I am now limitless and enduring light" said the Pokemon. Necrozma glowed brighter than ever before. It was like being blinded by the sun, maybe even worse. You became disoriented. You felt Gladion pull you towards him for protection. As the light finally settled to something that was manageable, before you was a totally new being. Necrozma's true form. Ultra Necrozma. The new radiate golden dragon illuminated bright light. The sight left you speechless. Could this truly have the power of a God tier Pokemon? "Fight me if you dare. I warn you. I will not hold back and you surely may die to my awesome power" said the dragon. You gulped. The fear hit you. Necrozma was truly out to kill if it had to. Do you truly want to toy with a threat like that?  "Gladion. What are we going to do?" you asked him. The stakes were defiantly high. You never thought to be threatened by a Pokemon before. Gladion had more guts than you did at the moment, although you know he had to be just as scared on the inside as you were. "We may have to go all out. It's our only chance" he said. Z power? It was the only thing that could produce so much power to rival a legends. But too z moves at the same time? Could it be done? "I guess we have no choice at the point" you gave in to the idea. Let's just hope you can pull this off. "I choose you Sylveon!" you summoned your partner. Gladion summoned Silvally. Necrozma laughed in our faces, "I would say I am insulted to be challenged by such weak Pokemon. But I must commemorate you for your bravery. I pity all of you. Go ahead. Make the first move" it taunted. Damn this thing was cocky but I'm sure it had the power to be so. "Let's take Necrozma on his offer Gladion" you told him. He nodded, "Necrozma change into fairy type" he told his Pokemon. Silvally changed from Normal to Fairy, its highlight becoming a pastel pink. "Let's perform the fairy z move together" Gladion said. You didn't think to go for the same move, but it probably had a better chance of hitting than two different z moves. Besides, almost no other types can stand up to Fairy. Besides you know, poison and steel. But Necrozma didn't look to be either type.

You and Gladion touched your Z crystals together. As soon as the z power was activated, you certainly felt something else different. The feeling was different. Perhaps the urgency of the situation added more to it or maybe was it because of the bond between the four of you, acting as one. The z power flowing through your body, gave you strength. In sync, you and Gladion made the movements. "Silvally!" said Gladion.  "Sylveon!" you followed. "Use Twinkle Tackle!" the two of you commanded in unison. The z power flowed into your Pokemon. Silvally and Sylvally resonated with power and grew in strength. The battlefield filled with a fairy like mist. Both Pokemon took off surrounded by a pink aura. The first split ways and aimed for Necrozma on bother sides. They were in total sync. "Impossible! You will not rival your light with mine! I won't allow it!" Necrozma seem to panic out of nowhere. Necrozma flapped it wings to dodge the attack. However due to Twinkle Tackle's nature, Silvally and Sylveon already predicted the dodge. They met up in the middle. Sylveon jumped on Silvally's back, wrapping its ribbons around it's friend. Together, their power spiked. Silvally made a power jump from below. The z power catapulted Silvally into the air like a rocket. It easily caught up with Necrozma and collided with it. Twinkle Tackle hit Necrozma like a supper effective Sky Uppercut. The God tier Pokemon suffered massive damage as even its big size was throw off balance. Silvally came down safely to join us. Both of them proud of their attack. You wanted to praise and celebrate, but Necrozma was still hanging on. "No.....I'm not suppose to take damage...I was suppose to be...God" growled Necrozma. Silvally and Sylveon stood their ground. "I will show you....true power" Necrozma stood. Something triggered. Ultra Necrozma was filled with something similar to z power. Did it generate its own z move? Oh Arceus. All the z power gathered at Necrozma's moth into a singular ball of light. Each second, the ball grew in power and mass. Necrozma arched it's head back as the ball grew in size. The power in that ball of light drastically changed the atmosphere around us. It gave you a sick feeling in your stomach. The ball began to turn yellowish green. It finally amounted to being bigger than Necrozma in size. Your legs told you to run. But you couldn't move. Necrozma let out a cry before swinging it's body towards us and sending the ball of energy in out direction.

These next few second moved in slow motion. "Run!" yelled Gladion. He grabbed your hand and ran towards the stairs.  Regardless, it was too late. We were never going to be quick enough to avoid the attack.  Silvally and Sylveon attempted to take the hit for us. However, the ball only exploded on impact and created a huge explosion. Sending all four of us off the edge and plummeting down 60 stories to the hard ground.

Pokemon Ultra Sun\ Moon: The Wrath of Ultra Necrozma, Stealer of LightWhere stories live. Discover now