Chapter 16 Mission Complete...or So you Thought

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A\N Sorry for the delay. Alot of stuff happening. But I ended up adding a new little twist to this chapter. So you can thank my delay.

"I wasn't expecting this many punks running around. Sigilygh get them. Use Air Cutter!" the man shouted. Sigilygh whipped up its attack. "Raichu use Thunderbolt" Hau commanded. Raichu fired its thunderbolt disrupting Air Cutter and hitting Sigilygh for super effective damage. The old man took out a pokeball, "Come on out Krookodile!" he said. The huge Intimidation Pokemon made its appearance. The hallway could barely fit the Pokemon. We need to get out of here now. Hau returned his Raichu and summoned out Tauros. "I'll show you not to get in our way" Hau threatened. His Tauros sorted in response. Whenever Hau got serious, that's when things were going to go down. When he wanted too, he can be scary and strong like his Tauros. Gladion pulled the group back to give Hau his space. "Ready Tauros! I activate my Normalium Z! Tauros use Breakneck Blitz!" Hau ordered almost out of nowhere. The Z crystal activated Hau's Pokemon became shrouded in a powerful aura. The strength of the aura cracked the walls in such a confined space. You were scared the walls were going to come crashing down. Tarous took in all the energy and used the power of its Z move. With the power of the Z crystal at Tauros disposal, the Pokemon charged straight at Krookodile. In a fraction of a second, the strength of the collision sent the man and his Pokemon straight through the wall at the end of the hallway. Well Damn. Not to self: Don's piss of Hau. "Good Job Tauros!" Hau praised his Pokemon, his demeanor switch back to his happy to go lucky self. Gladion was equally as surprised as you were. "Let's get out while we can" Gladion said. With Tauros leading the way, we all got out safely. But we weren't safe yet. That lady from before stopped us. "I was wondering what all that racket was. So you came back for your friend, well none of you are going to get away this time!" she and her Ninetales snarled. The woman called out another Pokemon, Tsareena. You stepped up for battle. You wanted to personally show her what you were capable of. "Let me handle this Gladion" you said determined. He understood what you were trying to do. "Alright" he agreed. "I choose you! Mudsdale! Luxray!" you called them out. "This ought to be interesting" the woman said. Time to battle for your freedom.

"Ninetales use Quick Attack on her\his Luxray! Tsareena use Razor Leaf!" the woman started the battle. Tsareena started with a flurry of leaves followed by Ninetales attack. "Mudsdale protect Luxray with Iron Defense!" you countered. The huge Clydesdale stood in front of Luxray and covered its body in an iron texture. The Razor Leafs bounced right off and Ninetale's Quick Attack did nothing to the big defensive Pokemon. "Now Luxray Discharge! Jump on Mudsdale's back" You commanded. Luxray did as you said. Using its strong limbs to jump onto Mudsdale's back and launched itself into the air to release its attack. Mudsdale wasn't affected due to its ground typing. The opposing Pokemon took the hit hard. "Shake it off! That attack was nothing. Ninetales get that Luxray! Flamethrower! Tsareena follow it up with Trop Kick" the woman told her Pokemon. Mudsdale couldn't defend as well this time. You'd have to go on full offensive. "Luxray dodge the attacks and use Wild Charge on Tsareena. Mudsdale use High Horsepower on Ninetales!" you ordered. Ninetales fired off a powerful Flamethrower. Luxray jumped into the air to avoid the attack but was met with Tsareena's Trop Kick. The kick sent Luxray rolling onto the ground, but it got back up. Coming from behind the opponents Pokemon, Mudsdale attacked with its High Horsepower. The Pokemon took massive damage. You saw a chance to hit the opponents hard. "Quickly! Luxray use Discharge. Mudsdale follow it up with Heavy Slam!" you urged your partners. Before Ninetales had the chance to recover, Luxray shocked both Pokemon with its electrified Discharge. Both Pokemon became paralyzed. Running up from the side lines, Mudsdale put its whole weight on Ninetales in a full slam. That attack was enough to knock out any Pokemon. Ninetales was unable to battle. "Ninetales return. Tsareena use Trop Kick on Mudsdale while its down!" the woman commanded. You had to do something fast. Mudsdale had great defenses but not while it was recovering from its Heavy Slam. "Luxray intercept the attack with Wild Charge! Hurry!" you urged it. Coming to the rescue, Luxray tackled Tsareena's attack midair. The woman's Pokemon was barely holding on. "Magical Leaf!" yelled the woman. Tsareena released a flurry of rainbow like leaves. The attack pelted Luxray head on. By then Mudsdale had gotten back up. "Let's go Mudsdale use Stomp!" you told your Pokemon. Luxray moved out of the way to give the horse some space. "You can't out Stomp my Tsareena! Get 'em Tsareena! Use Stomp" the woman commanded. You knew Tsareena's Kicks were deadly but a Stomp, you weren't so sure. It would come down to speed versus power. The opponent's Pokemon leapt into the air and brought down one of its powerful legs. "Mudsdale stand on your hind legs now and retaliate" you told it. Mudsdale stood on its hind legs, causing Tsareena to barely miss and hit the ground with full force. The impact left the Pokemon slightly shocked, giving Mudsdale enough time to use a close range two hoofed Stomp. Tsareena was unable to battle any longer.

"You brats will pay for screwing up our plan!" the woman raged. She ran inside the warehouse. You thanked both of your Pokemon and returned them to their Pokeballs. "That felt good" you smiled. "No time to rest. Lillie I want you to take Jess the secret route out. I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of the kidnappers. We'll meet you back in Malie" Gladion told her. Lillie nodded "I understand" she replied and took off back the way she came with the little Jess  When Lillie and little Jess were out of the way, Hau, Gladion and I followed the path which the truck had come from. You hoped it was the last of them you would see of the kidnappers. But it wasn't.

You heard the sound of a truck coming your way. They were literally going to hunt you all down. At this point you felt like they were going to run you all over. "I was afraid they were going to give chase" Gladion said squeezing your hand tighter. The three of you could only move so fast and this road is blocked off on all sides but forwards and backwards. How much longer are we trapped here? The rumbling of the truck got louder. Once glance back and it was getting closer and fast. "Gladion we have to do something", you told him worried. None of us have a good flying Pokemon to fly us out of this situation. Gladion took out a pokeball and summoned Silvally. He helped you on its back, which was a hard task in itself. Once you were on safely, you reached out to lend him a hand, but you ended up linking hands with Hau. Gladion pushed Hau your way instead. "Sigilygh don't let them escape!" the old man told his Pokemon as the truck got within closing distance. Sigilygh typing allowed it to fly over us. The danger level just sky rocketed. If Silvally trips, it could all end badly. "Silvally get them back to Malie!" Gladion commanded his partner. No you weren't going to leave him. He was coming. We were going to fit. Hau reached out for Gladion. "Use Air Cutter!" you heard. Sigilygh whipped up its attack and the slices of winds came cutting down. Silvally managed to nimbly dodge the attack. But as you turned your head to check on Gladion, he had tripped due to the impact of an Air Cutter. You would've jumped off of Silvally if it weren't for Hau holding you down. Within a second, Gladion had disappeared and all you saw was the truck react to something underneath. 

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