Chapter 4 Hau Vs Brock

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A\N I've decided to give Hau the spotlight this chapter. So enjoy the battle between him and Brock. Let me tell you, its amazing. Next Chapter we get our first glimpse of the Ultra Recon Squad.

Don't forget to leave your suggestion for what Lillie's egg will hatch into, in the comments. Some have voted for Eevee, Vulpix and Clefairy.

Also if you have any ideas to be in the story (Dates, activities) please let me know. Cuz this sequel prob won't be as long as the first story. Thanks.

"It would be a good thing to start off introducing your new friend to the other members on your team", Kukui suggested. The three of you summoned out the rest of your Pokemon and introduced them to one another. With huge Mudsdale to stare down at it, your Bulbasaur was a little intimidate. Sylveon skipped on over to talk with Bulbasaur, making it feel more welcomed. With a little chat between Mudsdale and Bulbasaur, the two soon got along. The introduction went well and your team welcomed the new member with opened arms. (If you're saying ' You already have 6 Pokemon on your team", don't worry let's just say Yungoos is spending some time with your Mother and Meowth. Cuz I know a lot of you have a dislike for that Pokemon cuz of reasons. I still think Yungoos is cute, but that's just me) Hau and Gladion's introduction seemed to going good also. Now you had a new Pokemon to train and evolve. You couldn't wait to see what it would evolve into.

"Remember we leave tomorrow early in the morning, so make sure you four are back in Viridian City by tonight", Kukui reminded. It wasn't a long trip, but it still was cool to come to Kanto. Speaking of leaving, "Didn't Brock want a battle before we left? We should do that today since we won't have time tomorrow" you remembered. "So the Gym leader asked for a battle? I think it would be a good experience before you left", Oak commented. Though there was three of you and only one gym leader. Who would battle? You personally wouldn't mind the challenge, but you sure Gladion or Hau would want to try also. You'd be ok with them battling instead of you. "I'm ok with you two battling Brock. I want to watch this time", you told them. Hau and Gladion looked at you. "Are you sure (Y\N)? You are champion of Alola. You should be the one to battle him", Hau blurted out. True, but that doesn't mean you're champion in Kanto. "Are you Torchicken Hau?", Gladion asked him. Hau did seem a bit uneasy. Maybe his excitement turned into anxiousness this time around. You saw Lillie and Hau make eye contact for a split second. "Me Torchicken! No way. I'll take Brock on. You'll see", Hau perked up. Gladion chuckled, "Looks like we've decided. Let's see if Brock is at the gym", Gladion said. What a sneaky little Weavile. You were sure Gladion would like the chance to battle Brock too. But he's not as enthusiastic for a battle like you and Hau were.

Lillie was enjoying holding her egg, while you guys went back to the gym. "It's so warm. I wonder when it will hatch" she said. You couldn't wait either. "Just think the Pokemon will be from Kanto", you told her. She nodded, "I can't wait to show Mother when we get back to Alola" she said. It was refreshing to see Lillie happy.

Finally arriving at the Gym, Brock invited the four of you in. "So you came back for a battle?" he asked. Hau stepped forward, "That's right and I will be your opponent" he said. This will certainly be interesting. You, Lillie and Gladion made way to the sidelines to watch the battle. "This battle will be a one on one match. Choose your Pokemon", Brock announced. Hau grinned, "What better Pokemon to choose then my new partner. Squirtle I choose you!" Hau shouted summoning his Pokemon. His Squirtle appeared on the battlefield. "You ready for our first battle Squirtle?" Hau asked. Squirtle looked ready as could be, "Squirtle!" it responded confidently. You were surprised Hau choose his new Pokemon. Not that it was a bad thing, you just think a tough battle would be easier with a Pokemon you have a stronger bond with. As long as Hau and Squirtle were confident, guess you couldn't say anything. Gym Leader Brock summoned out his choice of Pokemon, "I hope your Squirtle can stand up to my Onix. Let's go Onix!", he said. The huge Pokemon appeared out of its ball. It roared triumphantly. How was Hau going to defeat that thing? The only advantage he had was that Squirtle was a water type. "As Gym Leader I'll go first. Onix use Tackle!" Brock ordered. Onix obeyed and charged as fast as it could. That must be a scary sight. "Squirtle dodge it!", Hau said. As soon as Onix dove down at Squirtle, Squirtle jumped backwards to avoid it. The whole gym shook as Onix collided with the ground. "Squirtle use Water Gun, aim for Onix's face while it's getting up", Hau commanded. Hau was using Onix's slow speed and heavy body as his advantage. Squirtle shot a blast of water at Onix, getting water into its eyes. The huge Pokemon roared as it rose up and was temporarily blinded. "Don't let the water get to you Onix! Use Rock Throw in front of you!" Brock told his Pokemon. Onix trusted its trainer and summoned a falling pile of rock chunks. "Squirtle use Withdraw to protect yourself!" Hau suggested. His Squirtle retreated into its shell, raising its defense. Squirtle was protected from the attack. "Not bad, but not good enough. Onix use Bind!", Brock said. Bind was an attack where the Pokemon using it squeezes its opponent and Onix is really strong. If Onix gets ahold of Squirtle the battle might be over.

Hau had to think fast. "Squirtle I've got an idea but wait for my signal", Hau said. The Onix went on its way to attack. "Now Squirtle use Water Gun on the ground!", Hau shouted. Squirtle soaked the ground causing Onix to slip and lose balance as it came in contact with the wet ground. The huge Pokemon landed with a thud. "Squirtle use Bubble and make them as big as you can!" Hau cheered as he had the upper hand. Squirtle made multiple bubbles as big as it could muster. The Bubbles floated towards the fallen Onix and exploded on impact. To a rock Pokemon, the attack was super effective. Hau cheered in success. "Don't think you've won yet. Onix can still fight. Show them your strength Onix, use Slam!", Brock commanded. Onix got back up. It used the weight of its body to make the attack strong. It swung itself around ready to strike with its tail. "Squirtle use Withdraw! Quickly!" Hau urged. Squirtle retreated into its shell again. "Your Withdraw won't protect you from Onix", Brock taunted. Onix slammed its heavy tail straight down aiming for Squirtle, But missed by a few inched. The impact, however, sent Squirtle flying. Luckily it was in its shell. The still soaked ground on Squirtle's side of the field caused its shell to slip and slide in every direction. "Hang in there Squirtle", Hau cheered on his partner. Onix kept its gaze on the sliding Pokemon and eventually got dizzy by the quick and confusing movement. "Onix stay focused, use Tackle!", Brock said. The dizzy Onix aimed for Squirtle as best it could, but ended up crashing into one of the huge boulders on the battle field instead, thus knocking itself out. The impact flung Squirtle into the air, allowing for Squirtle to pop out of its shell and land perfectly. "Squirtle you did it!", Hau cheered. Squirtle ran back to its trainer and jumped into Hau's arm. That was certainly one heck of a battle. They do say not to underestimate the small ones. Brock returned his Onix, "That was a good battle. I enjoyed it. Your Squirtle certainly is smart" he told Hau.

After the battle, Brock awarded Hau with the Boulder Badge. "I know you guys have to go back to Alola but I would like you to have this. Just in case you ever want to come back to Kanto and participate in the Gym Challenge" Brock said giving Hau his badge. "I'd love to come back and challenge the gyms someday", Hau said as he took his badge.

On the way back to Viridian City, Hau couldn't stop talking about the battle. He was so happy. You had to admit it was epic.

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