Chapter 5 Home Sweet Alola

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A\N If I start lagging on updates, its because school just started for me. But I will get out a chapter a week. Things should start to get interesting from now on, now that we've seen the Ultra Recon Squad. Though which pair do you guys prefer from the Ultra Recon Squad? I know the pair from Ultra Moon is different from Ultra Sun. So if you prefer one pair above the other,let me know.

At the airport, Hau had a field day telling the professor all about his battle with Brock. "I'm actually impressed Hau was able to battle like that with his Squirtle and they barely knew each other", Lillie told you. You were a bit surprised she brought that up, "That is true but it's also good for the both of them. As long as they can trust each other, they can grow", you said. Lillie smiled, "Right. I hope I can be a good trainer like you three are when this egg hatches" Lillie wished. Lillie won't be able to do it overnight but you were sure she'd get there in no time.

You wished you didn't have to leave Kanto, but maybe you'd be back someday. Before you knew it, you arrived back in Alola. Now that the trip was done with, what should you do now? "How about we take our new Pokemon on a tour of Melemele Island?" Hau suggested. That's right. This would be their first time in a different region. Hopefully Bulbasaur would like it here. "That's sounds like a good idea. They'll need to adjust" you agreed. You, Gladion and Hau summoned out your starters, "Welcome to Alola you guys" Hau greeted them. The three starters looked at their surroundings. They knew that this wasn't home. "It's alright. I promise you'll love it here and that's why we're going to give you a tour", you explained. All three of them loved the idea. "If you don't mind, I'm going to go shopping for something to put my egg in. I'll meet you guys at the shopping center", Lillie said before leaving. You did feel bad that she had to carry the egg everywhere, so getting something that would help her, wasn't a bad idea. You looked at Gladion, who had his eyes on his sister. Worried? "She'll be fine. She's just going shopping", you assured him. He looked at you for a moment before averting his gaze, "I know that. But what if she trips? Lillie isn't exactly the most balanced person" he said. Lillie did tend to stumble every here and there. It wasn't that bad. You were probably clumsier than Lillie, Pokemon tricks aside. "I'll go catch up with her if you want Gladion ;)", Hau offered. "NO!", Gladion shut Hau down. That was the quickest reaction you ever heard from Gladion. He was just being a big brother though. "Lillie will be ok, so let's start our tour for our Pokemon. How about Iki Town?" you said. Hau liked the idea, "Yea! We can show them when our journeys first began. Well yours and mine, (Y\N). I'm not so sure about Gladion" Hau told you. Gladion shot Hau a glare, "Let's just go" he said.

The three of you walked side by side with your Kanto starters to Iki Town and made casual conversation about places you could revisit. "We can go see Wela Volcano and Hano beach, and..." Hau trailed off, listing too many places for you to keep up with. You definitely wanted to go to the beach again. That was fun times. As the three of you approached the entrance, you caught a glimpse of these two oddly dressed people. They were saying something about darkness and the 'blinding one'. What were they talking about? The man and woman walked passed the three of you, still mumbling about light and darkness. Weird. You weren't the only one who noticed them either. "They're not from here. Just who are they?", Gladion questioned. You wish you knew the answer too. Maybe you'd see them again, who knew.

Hau took his Squirtle to the stage, "This is where I got my first Pokemon" he explained to it. You weren't going to make to big of a deal but you shared your experience with Bulbasaur. Speaking of that, you should be familiarizing Bulbasaur with your team. You invited out your starter, Torracat. "I'm sure Bulbasaur would love to hear how we meet Torracat. You think you could do that?" you asked. Torracat nodded and started a conversation with Bulbasaur. Gladion was a few feet away with his Charmander, talking to it. Probably about when he became a trainer because he didn't look so happy. Though he doesn't exactly have a happy face all the time does he?

After visiting Tapu Koko's shrine, you all went to go meet up with Lillie at the shopping mart. When you saw her, she had a pouch looking purse that held the egg for her. How she managed to find that purse for that specific purpose, you'd never know. "I see you found something to carry the egg Lillie", you commented. She smiled, "It was a bit hard to find, but this kind lady helped me out" she explained. At least she found something. It suddenly became a little warm to you. It must be the peak of the afternoon already. In that case, "I don't know about your guys, but I want some food. How about we go back to my place and make something. I need to check in with my mom anyways" you suggested. Someone's' stomach began to growl. Lillie laughed nervously, "That sounds great. I was going to get something to nibble on before you three showed up" she agreed. Carrying that egg must make you hungry. Lol

Making the trip back yo your place, you mom was happy to see you back home. "How was Kanto?" she asked. You told her of your experience. "I'm glad you all enjoyed the trip. Don't be in a hurry to rush off again ok" she said. Well it's not like you had the responsibility of Alola's champion...oh wait you do. "Mom I have things to do you know" you told her. Your mom laughed, "I know I know, you're the champion now. But don't be too shy to come visit your mother every once in a while" she recommended. "I promise", you said. Your mother suddenly noticed the three foreign Pokemon running around. "Did you get some Pokemon from Kanto?" she asked excited. You nodded, "Professor Oak gave them to us as a gift. Bulbasaur was my choice. Hau choose Squirtle and Gladion choose Charmander" you explained. "They are adorable" your mom complemented. You bet they were. When that conversation was over, you went to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

When everyone was well fed and satisfied, you all kind of just hung out for a while. Not sure what to do. There was a lot more of Melemele to show your new Pokemon, but what will you do after that. What exactly are your responsibilities as a champion? You stood up to voice your question, "Hey, I was just thinking. I do have responsibilities as a champion right? But what are they, exactly?" you asked. Everyone looked at you, "That's a good question (Y\N). Maybe it's similar to a kahuna's job" Hau guessed. Could be. But since you were the first champion, there weren't really any official rules to go with your title. "How about you go speak with one of the Kahunas. They should have a good idea", Gladion suggested. That's it. "Sure. But I think I we should get all of the kahunas opinions" you said. It was true, you might not get the same exact answer from all of them and the Kahunas know more about serving the islands then you do. "Sounds like we're going to revisit the islands again" Lillie said. Pretty much.

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