Chapter 2: Viridian Forest\ Brock

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A\N I'm having a blast writing this. 

Who do you think should battle Brock? You?Hau? or Gladion?

Also this will be the last chance for you to choose Gladion's Starter choice. Whoever he doesn't get will go to you or Hau. My plan for the starters are Charmander for Gladion, Squirtle for Hau and Bulbasaur for You. 

After arriving in Viridian City, you got directions to Viridian Forest. This forest was said to be filled with all sorts of bug Pokemon and could be sort of confusing to get through if you lose your way. Though with the four of you together, hopefully getting lost would be out of the question. As the four of you entered the forest, everything got quiet. People usually traveled in pairs or small groups for safety. "It says here that it's possible for your Pokemon to be poisoned and to carry some antidotes just in case", Lillie said reading a sign. At least they're nice enough to warn people. Though being poisoned is no joke. "Let's get moving. We're wasting daylight", Gladion said walking away. The three of you followed him. Slowly, bug Pokemon started to appear all around you. Caterpie, Metapod, Weedle, and Kakunas. Hau spotted a crawling Caterpie and decided to pick it up, "Aw it's sooo cute" he said. The Caterpie didn't mind being held and complimented, it liked it a lot. It was a cute little bug. Hau put the Caterpie on a tree stump and watched it crawl away. "Maybe will get to see a Butterfree before we leave the forest", Lillie said. Butterfree were beautiful Pokemon, they fluttered their wings gracefully as they flew around. "I'd like to see one too", you agreed.

The temperature got a little humid, the deeper you went into the forest. It was nothing compared to Alolan humidity, but it was a little bothersome. "Why don't we rest for a bit?", Lillie suggested. Hau liked the idea, "Yea I could use a snack break" he said. As you were eating, a Weedle crawled in between the group. It looked like it wanted some food. Hau didn't hesitate to give it some. The Weedle took the food happily and began to crawl back into the bushes. "I wonder where it's going. I'm going to follow it" he said getting up. "Hau get back here, you're going to get lost", Gladion told him. But of course Hau didn't listen. The three of you got up to follow him. When you finally caught up to Hau, he had followed the Weedle to what it looked like a nest. In the small area, there were an abundance of Kakuna and Weedles. They were all sleeping. "Hau we have to get out of here before we wake them up", you whispered urgently. Hau turned around to follow the three of you back. He was careful not to make any noise. You held your breath.


What was that? It sounded like it was getting closer. The Weedles and Kahunas suddenly woke up. In returned the area was swarmed with a bunch of adult Beedrill. Hau certainly picked the wrong time to explore. The Beedrill quickly took notice of the four of you. ( Classic being chased by Beedrills)They didn't look happy. "RUN!", you cried. The four of you bolted back to the path with the Breedrills right behind you. "I'M SORRY!", Hau tried to apologize, but it wasn't working. As soon as you got back to the path, you had enough room to call out a Pokemon. You had to defend yourself. "Torracat let's go", you called it. Torracat came out of its ball, "Flamethrower!", you ordered. Torracat unleased a Flamethrower at the Beedrill, who dodge the attack. These things were defiantly smarter than they looked. Hau joined in the battle with his Raichu. "Raichu show them your Thunderbolt!", Hau told it. Raichu managed to shock the Beedrill with its attack. "Torracat use Flame Charge on the leader" you said. Torracat charged at the largest Beedrill. The Beedrill hit the ground and flew away in defeat, the others followed. You were relieved. "Those things are terrifying", Hau commented. You think. How can people train them? Well I guess raising it from a Weedle would make it easier. "I never want to go through that again", you said. Could you imagine getting attacked by a Twinneedle attack? "Maybe it would be safer to use a few repels", Lillie suggested. You weren't gonna complain. After using a repel or two, the group was able to move along.

Eventually, the four of you made it out of Viridian forest in one piece. Though it was getting late. You wouldn't be able to go back to Pallet Town until tomorrow. "We still have enough time to go to the Pokemon Gym", Gladion said. Lillie looked at her guide book, "The Gym should be just around the corner" she chimed in. You looked around and could see a huge building that had the word 'Gym' on it. Hau seemed to spot it at the same time, "Last one to the gym is a rotten Exeggcute!" he shouted why taking off running. This boy. You ran after him without saying a word.

You and Hau waited at the Gym's entrance for Gladion and Lillie to catch up. "You two are no fun", Hau told them. Gladion just shot him a glare, "Not everything can be fun and games" he told him. Gladion has been a grump all day, he needs a kiss. So you gave him one, "Stop being a grump" you told him with a smile. The kiss took him by surprise, making him blush and totally change his attitude. "Let's not waste any more time and go deliver the package" you said taking Gladion's hand.

The four of you entered the gym. It was bigger than you thought it would be. Before you lied a huge open space for a Pokemon battle. The terrain was covered in dirt and rocks. It didn't take long until the four of you were noticed. "Welcome to my Gym. My name is Brock and I'm the Gym leader here" the man said. (Sorry if I'm rusty with Brock) "We came here to deliver a package to you. It's from the Professor", Lillie told him. Brock approached the four of you and Lillie handed him the package. Brock was happy to receive it. He opened the package to reveal some sort of bottle, "Just what I need for my Onix. It hasn't been feeling well lately, so I asked the Professor to send me some medicine" Brock explained. "What's an Onix? Can I see it?", Hau asked. Brock looked astonished, "You don't know what an Onix looks like. Are you four from around here?" he asked. "We're visiting Kanto all the way from the Alola region", you explained. "Well that certainly is something. I'd be happy to show you my Pokemon", Brock said. Brock took out two Pokeballs and called out his Pokemon, "Come on out, Onix! Geodude!" he said. Geodude was the first to appear. This was the Kanto version, unlike Alola. Next appeared Onix. Its size filled up most of the room. It didn't look to be well. Hau was excited to see them, "Whoa a Kanto Geodude" he said. Brock went up to his Onix and showed it the medicine, "This will make you feel better" he told it. Onix kneeled down to come face to face with its trainer and took the medicine. The four of you watched Brock give Onix the medicine. Onix immediately looked to be better. It looked happier. "So tell me, what are the four of you visiting Kanto for?", Brock asked petting his Pokemon. Hau was occupied with Geodude, so you explained. "Our Professor brought us here with him to see Kanto" you said. Brock nodded, "I've heard Alola is totally different from here. Don't you guys complete trials instead of Gym battles?" he asked. (I'ma cut the explaining parts short, cuz that's a lot of talking).

The two of you had a conversation of explain your regions differences. "Perhaps you guys could come back for a battle before you leave. I'd like to see some Alolan Pokemon", Brock offered. "Really!? That would be so cool. But who would you battle?" Hau asked. It would be interesting to see any of you battle a gym leader. "You guys can decide. I don't mind", Brock said. Well that's certainly gonna be an interesting debate. After some more talking, you decided it was time to leave. 

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