Chapter 7 First Recon Squad Meeting

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A\N Sorry for it being a while since I updated. I got some projects to do for school and that really throws off my writing schedule, also I've been thinking about another character I like (shame on me lol).  I might not update til later next week, if I can get my creative writing paper done early. Sad to say I couldn't use this story for it. It has to be set in the real world, even though its fiction. Its going to be about 8 to 10 pages, bit it shouldn't be hard with my imagination. Other than that, I will try my best to get the next chapter out.

After getting everything settled after riding the waves, the three of you went to meet up with Lillie at HeaHea city. You waited at the docks for her boat to arrive. You honestly though she was going to get her before the three of you did. But Mantines were a lot faster than a boat. It didn't take much long til she arrived. Lillie got off the boat, "I hope you weren't waiting long" she said. You shook your head, "Not at all Lillie" you told her. She smiled, "Good. So how was the Mantine surfing?" she asked. "It was a bit scary at first but it was fun" you said. Before you could say anything else, trail Captain Lana, happened to be in town. She came up to the four of you, "Hello again" she greeted. You all exchanged hellos. "Say you haven't seen Kahuna Oliva have you? She's not in KoniKoni City" Lana asked. Well so much for going to see her. At least you didn't make the trip there to find out she was gone. "We're actually looking for her too and we just got here" you explained. "Oh well we can look for her together then", Lana suggested. You nodded. "I'm sorry but I overheard you were looking for the Kahuna", an older man asked. The whole group turned to face him, "We are. Do you know where she is?" Lana asked. The older man nodded, "I saw her heading towards Paniola Town. It did look urgent" he told you. At least you had a lead. "Do you know how long ago?" you asked him. The old man took a second to think, "I'd say maybe 10 minutes ago" he said. "We could still catch up to her if we hurry", Gladion suggested. You and Lana nodded in agreement. "Thank you sir", you thanked the man and the whole group took off towards the ranch.

Finally making it to the ranch, there was no sight of the Kahuna anywhere. "She could be anywhere on the island by now", you said. "I'll go ask the some of the ranch workers. I'm sure they saw something", Lana said then ran off to find someone. The four of you waited for her to return. "They said they saw the Kahuna heading towards Royale avenue", Lana informed you when she got back from her trip. Looks like you were going to be playing find the Kahuna. Heading down the route towards Royale Ave, you noticed the same weirdly dressed people like you saw back on Melemele. This time there was four of them. They looked to be chatting. Before the group could get to them, two of them left down the road. The two left behind turned to face you. The two of them made a weird greeting gesture, "I remember you three. We saw you back on the other island" the younger female. You didn't exactly know what to say. Gladion stepped forward to take ahold of the encounter, "Just who are you people?" he demanded. The two looked at each other, "I'm Zossie" the girl introduced herself happily. The taller one had a more serious demeanor, "This is where you're supposed to say 'Alola' is it not? I am Dulse. We are part of the Ultra Recon Squad" he said. Weird names. "I'm Hau and this is Lillie, Gladion and the champion (Y\N)" Hau introduced you all. Did he really need to say champion? Zossie was impressed, "So you're the champion we've been hearing about" she squealed. You nodded unsure of how to respond. Dulse took control again, "Perhaps you could help us then. We are investigating Z crystals and as a champion you must know a lot about them" he explained. You weren't an expert but you did know how to use them. But should you be sharing this information with these odd people? Could it be possible that they aren't from here? They are dressed fairly odd and they question the Alolan greeting. "Maybe some other time. We're sort of busy at the moment" you told them. Neither of them were offended, "Of course. You must be busy as a champion" Zossie said. Dulse nodded, "Very well. We must be on our way too. It was nice to meet you" Dulse said before walking away with Zossie. "They seem like very interesting people", Hau smiled. Not sure if 'interesting' was the word. "There's something about them them...though I'm not sure if it's a bad or a good feeling", Gladion commented. You did feel the same way.

Arriving in Royale Avenue, the 5 of you split up to look for the Kahuna. Who was, again, nowhere to be seen. You scratched your head. Where could she be? Taking a break at the malasada shop, you all sat down to rest. "Maybe we should just wait for her back in KoniKoni City", you suggested kind of tired of running around. "But she could be gone for hours or even a few days", Lillie said. That was also a possibility. After resting and having a malasada snack, the group was ready to move on out. Before you could leave, the lady at the counter stopped you. "I heard you were looking for Kahuna Olivia. She was here earlier and I know where she went" she said. Does she really know? "I knew malasadas were good luck", Hau grinned. The lady came from behind the counter, "She said she was heading up to Wela Volcano to see Kiawe. I'm not sure the exact reason. But it was urgent" the lady explained. Lillie glanced at the clock on the wall, "Isn't it getting a bit late for a trek up the volcano?", Lillie asked. The lady nodded in agreement, "That's I told her, but you know that Olivia is as stubborn as her rock type team. I did convince her to stay the night at the campsite at the base. So you'll still have a chance to see here just as nightfall comes around" she said. The sooner you get there the better. You thanked the lady and made haste to the bottom of Wela Volcano. 

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